實現函數double Power( double base, int exponent ),求base的exponent。不使用哭函數,同時node
/* 實現函數double Power( double base, int exponent ),求base的exponent。不使用哭函數, 同時不須要考慮大數問題。 */ #include <iostream> #include <exception> int exception_num = 1; double PowerWithUnsignedExponent( double base, unsigned int exponent ) { double result = 1.0; for( int i = 1; i <= exponent; i++ ) result *= base; return result; } bool equal( double num1, double num2 ) { if( ( num1 - num2 > -0.000000001 ) && ( num1 - num2 < 0.000000001 ) ) return true; else return false; } double Power( double base, int exponent ) { if( equal( base, 0.0 ) && exponent < 0 ) throw exception_num; unsigned int absExponent = ( unsigned int )( exponent ); if( exponent < 0 ) absExponent = ( unsigned int )( -exponent ); double result = PowerWithUnsignedExponent( base, absExponent ); if( exponent < 0 ) result = 1.0 / result; return result; } // 正常測試 void Test1() { std::cout << " Test1 begins: " << std::endl; double base = 3.2; int exponent = 7; std::cout << " Power( base, exponent ) = " << Power( base, exponent ) << std::endl; } // 指數爲負數測試 void Test2() { std::cout << " Test2 begins: " << std::endl; double base = 3.2; int exponent = -7; std::cout << " Power( base, exponent ) = " << Power( base, exponent ) << std::endl; } // 指數爲零且基數不爲0測試 void Test3() { std::cout << " Test3 begins: " << std::endl; double base = 3.2; int exponent = 0; std::cout << " Power( base, exponent ) = " << Power( base, exponent ) << std::endl; } // 指數爲負且基數爲0測試 void Test4() { std::cout << " Test4 begins: " << std::endl; double base = 0; int exponent = -7; std::cout << " Power( base, exponent ) = " << Power( base, exponent ) << std::endl; } int main() { try { Test1(); Test2(); Test3(); Test4(); } catch( int exception_num ) { std::cout << " error! base is 0." << std::endl; } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> void PrintNumber( char* number ) { bool isBeginning0 = true; int nLength = strlen( number ); for( int i = 0; i < nLength; ++i ) { if( isBeginning0 && number[ i ] != '0' ) isBeginning0 = false; if( !isBeginning0 ) { printf( "%c", number[ i ] ); } } printf( "\t" ); } bool Increment( char* number ) { bool isOverflow = false; int nTakeOver = 0; int nLength = strlen( number ); for( int i = nLength - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { int nSum = number[ i ] - '0' + nTakeOver; if( i == nLength - 1 ) nSum++; if( nSum >= 10 ) { if( i == 0 ) isOverflow = true; else { nSum -= 10; nTakeOver = 1; number[ i ] = '0' + nSum; } } else { number[ i ] = '0' + nSum; break; } } return isOverflow; } void PrintToMaxOfNDigits( int n ) { if( n <= 0 ) return; char* number = new char[ n + 1 ]; memset( number, '0', n ); number[ n ] = '\0'; while( !Increment( number ) ) { PrintNumber( number ); } delete [] number; } void Test( int n ) { printf("Test for %d begins:\n\n", n); PrintToMaxOfNDigits( n ); printf( "\n\n" ); printf("Test for %d ends.\n\n", n); } int main() { Test(1); Test(2); Test(3); Test(0); Test(-1); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct ListNode { int m_nValue; ListNode* m_pNext; }; ListNode* CreateListNode( int value ) { ListNode* pNode = new ListNode(); pNode->m_nValue = value; pNode->m_pNext = NULL; return pNode; } void ConnectListNodes( ListNode* pCurrent, ListNode* pNext ) { if( pCurrent == NULL ) { printf( "Error to connect two nodes.\n" ); exit( 1 ); } pCurrent->m_pNext = pNext; } void PrintListNode( ListNode* pNode ) { if( pNode == NULL ) { printf( "\nThe node is NULL\n" ); } else { printf( "\nThe key in node is %d.\n", pNode->m_nValue ); } } void PrintList( ListNode* pHead ) { printf( "\nPrintList start: \n" ); ListNode* pNode = pHead; while( pNode != NULL ) { printf( "%d\t", pNode->m_nValue ); pNode = pNode->m_pNext; } } void DestroyList( ListNode* pHead ) { ListNode* pNode = pHead; while( pNode != NULL ) { pHead = pHead->m_pNext; delete pNode; pNode = pHead; } } void DeleteNode( ListNode** pListHead, ListNode* pToBeDeleted ) { if( !pListHead || !pToBeDeleted ) return; if( pToBeDeleted->m_pNext != NULL ) { ListNode* pNext = pToBeDeleted->m_pNext; pToBeDeleted->m_nValue = pNext->m_nValue; pToBeDeleted->m_pNext = pNext->m_pNext; delete pNext; pNext = NULL; } else if( *pListHead == pToBeDeleted ) { delete pToBeDeleted; pToBeDeleted = NULL; *pListHead = NULL; } else { ListNode* pNode = *pListHead; while( pNode->m_pNext != pToBeDeleted ) { pNode = pNode->m_pNext; } pNode->m_pNext = NULL; delete pToBeDeleted; pToBeDeleted = NULL; } } void Test( ListNode* pListHead, ListNode* pNode ) { printf( "\nThe original list is: \n" ); PrintList( pListHead ); printf( "\nThe node to be deleted is: \n" ); PrintListNode( pNode ); DeleteNode( &pListHead, pNode ); printf( "\nThe result list is: \n" ); PrintList( pListHead ); } // 鏈表中有多個結點,刪除中間的結點 void Test1() { ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode( 1 ); ListNode* pNode2 = CreateListNode( 2 ); ListNode* pNode3 = CreateListNode( 3 ); ListNode* pNode4 = CreateListNode( 4 ); ListNode* pNode5 = CreateListNode( 5 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode1, pNode2 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode2, pNode3 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode3, pNode4 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode4, pNode5 ); Test( pNode1, pNode3 ); DestroyList(pNode1); } // 鏈表中有多個結點,刪除尾結點 void Test2() { ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode( 1 ); ListNode* pNode2 = CreateListNode( 2 ); ListNode* pNode3 = CreateListNode( 3 ); ListNode* pNode4 = CreateListNode( 4 ); ListNode* pNode5 = CreateListNode( 5 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode1, pNode2 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode2, pNode3 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode3, pNode4 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode4, pNode5 ); Test( pNode1, pNode5 ); DestroyList( pNode1 ); } // 鏈表中有多個結點,刪除頭結點 void Test3() { ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode( 1 ); ListNode* pNode2 = CreateListNode( 2 ); ListNode* pNode3 = CreateListNode( 3 ); ListNode* pNode4 = CreateListNode( 4 ); ListNode* pNode5 = CreateListNode( 5 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode1, pNode2 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode2, pNode3 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode3, pNode4 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode4, pNode5 ); Test( pNode1, pNode1 ); DestroyList( pNode1 ); } // 鏈表中有多個結點,刪除頭結點 void Test4() { ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode( 1 ); Test( pNode1, pNode1 ); } // 鏈表爲空 void Test5() { Test( NULL, NULL ); } int main() { Test1(); Test2(); Test3(); Test4(); Test5(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <exception> int exception_num = 1; void ReorerOddEven( int* pData, unsigned int length ) { if( pData == NULL || length <= 0 ) throw exception_num; int *pBegin = pData; int *pEnd = pData + length - 1; while( pBegin < pEnd ) { while( pBegin < pEnd && ( *pBegin & 0x1 ) != 0 ) pBegin++; while( pBegin < pEnd && ( *pEnd & 0x1 ) == 0 ) pEnd--; if( pBegin < pEnd ) { int temp = *pBegin; *pBegin = *pEnd; *pEnd = temp; } } } void Test1() { int data[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }; unsigned int length = sizeof( data ) / sizeof( int ); printf("The original array is: \n"); for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) printf( "%d\t", data[ i ] ); printf( "\n" ); ReorerOddEven( data, length ); printf("The reordered array is: \n"); for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) printf( "%d\t", data[ i ] ); printf( "\n" ); } int main() { try { Test1(); } catch( ... ) { printf( "invaild input.\n" ); } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stack> struct ListNode { int m_nValue; ListNode* m_pNext; }; ListNode* CreateListNode( int value ) { ListNode* pNode = new ListNode(); pNode->m_nValue = value; pNode->m_pNext = NULL; return pNode; } void ConnectListNodes( ListNode* pCurrent, ListNode* pNext ) { if( pCurrent == NULL ) { printf( "Error to connect two nodes.\n" ); exit( 1 ); } pCurrent->m_pNext = pNext; } void PrintListNode( ListNode* pNode ) { if( pNode == NULL ) { printf( "\nThe node is NULL\n" ); } else { printf( "\nThe key in node is %d.\n", pNode->m_nValue ); } } void PrintList( ListNode* pHead ) { printf( "PrintList start: \n" ); ListNode* pNode = pHead; while( pNode != NULL ) { printf( "%d\t", pNode->m_nValue ); pNode = pNode->m_pNext; } } void DestroyList( ListNode* pHead ) { ListNode* pNode = pHead; while( pNode != NULL ) { pHead = pHead->m_pNext; delete pNode; pNode = pHead; } } ListNode* FindKthToTail( ListNode* pListHead, unsigned int k ) { if( pListHead == NULL || k == 0 ) { return NULL; } ListNode *pAhead = pListHead; ListNode *pBehind = NULL; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < k - 1; ++i ) { if( pAhead->m_pNext != NULL ) pAhead = pAhead->m_pNext; else { return NULL; } } pBehind = pListHead; while( pAhead->m_pNext != NULL ) { pAhead = pAhead->m_pNext; pBehind = pBehind->m_pNext; } return pBehind; } // 測試要找的結點在鏈表中間 void Test1() { printf( "=====Test1 starts:=====\n" ); ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode( 1 ); ListNode* pNode2 = CreateListNode( 2 ); ListNode* pNode3 = CreateListNode( 3 ); ListNode* pNode4 = CreateListNode( 4 ); ListNode* pNode5 = CreateListNode( 5 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode1, pNode2 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode2, pNode3 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode3, pNode4 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode4, pNode5 ); ListNode* pNode = FindKthToTail( pNode1, 2 ); PrintListNode( pNode ); DestroyList( pNode1 ); } // 測試要找的結點是鏈表的尾結點 void Test2() { printf( "=====Test2 starts:=====\n" ); ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode( 1 ); ListNode* pNode2 = CreateListNode( 2 ); ListNode* pNode3 = CreateListNode( 3 ); ListNode* pNode4 = CreateListNode( 4 ); ListNode* pNode5 = CreateListNode( 5 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode1, pNode2 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode2, pNode3 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode3, pNode4 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode4, pNode5 ); ListNode* pNode = FindKthToTail( pNode1, 1 ); PrintListNode( pNode ); DestroyList( pNode1 ); } // 測試要找的結點是鏈表的頭結點 void Test3() { printf( "=====Test3 starts:=====\n" ); ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode( 1 ); ListNode* pNode2 = CreateListNode( 2 ); ListNode* pNode3 = CreateListNode( 3 ); ListNode* pNode4 = CreateListNode( 4 ); ListNode* pNode5 = CreateListNode( 5 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode1, pNode2 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode2, pNode3 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode3, pNode4 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode4, pNode5 ); ListNode* pNode = FindKthToTail( pNode1, 5 ); PrintListNode( pNode ); DestroyList( pNode1 ); } // 測試輸入的第二個參數大於鏈表的結點總數 void Test4() { printf( "=====Test4 starts:=====\n" ); ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode( 1 ); ListNode* pNode2 = CreateListNode( 2 ); ListNode* pNode3 = CreateListNode( 3 ); ListNode* pNode4 = CreateListNode( 4 ); ListNode* pNode5 = CreateListNode( 5 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode1, pNode2 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode2, pNode3 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode3, pNode4 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode4, pNode5 ); ListNode* pNode = FindKthToTail( pNode1, 6 ); PrintListNode( pNode ); DestroyList( pNode1 ); } // 測試輸入的第二個參數爲0 void Test5() { printf( "=====Test5 starts:=====\n" ); ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode( 1 ); ListNode* pNode2 = CreateListNode( 2 ); ListNode* pNode3 = CreateListNode( 3 ); ListNode* pNode4 = CreateListNode( 4 ); ListNode* pNode5 = CreateListNode( 5 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode1, pNode2 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode2, pNode3 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode3, pNode4 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode4, pNode5 ); ListNode* pNode = FindKthToTail( pNode1, 0 ); PrintListNode( pNode ); DestroyList( pNode1 ); } int main() { Test1(); Test2(); Test3(); Test4(); Test5(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct ListNode { int m_nValue; ListNode* m_pNext; }; ListNode* CreateListNode( int value ) { ListNode* pNode = new ListNode(); pNode->m_nValue = value; pNode->m_pNext = NULL; return pNode; } void ConnectListNodes( ListNode* pCurrent, ListNode* pNext ) { if( pCurrent == NULL ) { printf( "Error to connect two nodes.\n" ); exit( 1 ); } pCurrent->m_pNext = pNext; } void PrintListNode( ListNode* pNode ) { if( pNode == NULL ) { printf( "The node is NULL\n" ); } else { printf( "The key in node is %d.\n", pNode->m_nValue ); } } void PrintList( ListNode* pHead ) { printf( "PrintList start: \n" ); ListNode* pNode = pHead; while( pNode != NULL ) { printf( "%d\t", pNode->m_nValue ); pNode = pNode->m_pNext; } } void DestroyList( ListNode* pHead ) { ListNode* pNode = pHead; while( pNode != NULL ) { pHead = pHead->m_pNext; delete pNode; pNode = pHead; } } ListNode* ReverseList( ListNode* pHead ) { ListNode* pReversedHead = NULL; ListNode* pNode = pHead; ListNode* pPrev = NULL; while( pNode != NULL ) { ListNode* pNext = pNode->m_pNext; if( pNext == NULL ) pReversedHead = pNode; pNode->m_pNext = pPrev; pPrev = pNode; pNode = pNext; } return pReversedHead; } ListNode* Test( ListNode* pHead ) { printf("\nThe original list is: \n"); PrintList( pHead ); ListNode* pReversedHead = ReverseList( pHead ); printf("\nThe reversed list is: \n"); PrintList( pReversedHead ); return pReversedHead; } // 輸入的鏈表有多個結點 void Test1() { ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode( 1 ); ListNode* pNode2 = CreateListNode( 2 ); ListNode* pNode3 = CreateListNode( 3 ); ListNode* pNode4 = CreateListNode( 4 ); ListNode* pNode5 = CreateListNode( 5 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode1, pNode2 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode2, pNode3 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode3, pNode4 ); ConnectListNodes( pNode4, pNode5 ); ListNode* pReversedHead = Test( pNode1 ); DestroyList( pReversedHead ); } // 輸入的鏈表只有一個結點 void Test2() { ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode( 1 ); ListNode* pReversedHead = Test( pNode1 ); DestroyList( pReversedHead ); } // 輸入空鏈表 void Test3() { Test( NULL ); } int main() { Test1(); Test2(); Test3(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct ListNode { int m_nValue; ListNode* m_pNext; }; ListNode* CreateListNode( int value ) { ListNode* pNode = new ListNode(); pNode->m_nValue = value; pNode->m_pNext = NULL; return pNode; } void ConnectListNodes( ListNode* pCurrent, ListNode* pNext ) { if( pCurrent == NULL ) { printf( "Error to connect two nodes.\n" ); exit( 1 ); } pCurrent->m_pNext = pNext; } void PrintListNode( ListNode* pNode ) { if( pNode == NULL ) { printf( "The node is NULL\n" ); } else { printf( "The key in node is %d.\n", pNode->m_nValue ); } } void PrintList( ListNode* pHead ) { printf( "PrintList start: \n" ); ListNode* pNode = pHead; while( pNode != NULL ) { printf( "%d\t", pNode->m_nValue ); pNode = pNode->m_pNext; } } void DestroyList( ListNode* pHead ) { ListNode* pNode = pHead; while( pNode != NULL ) { pHead = pHead->m_pNext; delete pNode; pNode = pHead; } } ListNode* Merge( ListNode* pHead1, ListNode* pHead2 ) { if( pHead1 == NULL ) return pHead2; else if( pHead2 == NULL ) return pHead1; ListNode* pMergedHead = NULL; if( pHead1->m_nValue < pHead2->m_nValue ) { pMergedHead = pHead1; pMergedHead->m_pNext = Merge( pHead1->m_pNext, pHead2 ); } else { pMergedHead = pHead2; pMergedHead->m_pNext = Merge( pHead1, pHead2->m_pNext ); } return pMergedHead; } ListNode* Test( const char* testName, ListNode* pHead1, ListNode* pHead2 ) { if( testName != NULL ) printf( "%s begins:\n", testName ); printf( "\nThe first list is:\n" ); PrintList( pHead1 ); printf( "\nThe second list is:\n" ); PrintList( pHead2 ); printf( "\nThe merged list is:\n" ); ListNode* pMergedHead = Merge( pHead1, pHead2 ); PrintList( pMergedHead ); printf("\n\n"); return pMergedHead; } // list1: 1->3->5 // list2: 2->4->6 void Test1() { ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode(1); ListNode* pNode3 = CreateListNode(3); ListNode* pNode5 = CreateListNode(5); ConnectListNodes(pNode1, pNode3); ConnectListNodes(pNode3, pNode5); ListNode* pNode2 = CreateListNode(2); ListNode* pNode4 = CreateListNode(4); ListNode* pNode6 = CreateListNode(6); ConnectListNodes(pNode2, pNode4); ConnectListNodes(pNode4, pNode6); ListNode* pMergedHead = Test("Test1", pNode1, pNode2); DestroyList( pMergedHead ); } // 鏈表裏有重複數字 // list1: 1->3->5 // list2: 2->3->6 void Test2() { ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode(1); ListNode* pNode3 = CreateListNode(3); ListNode* pNode5 = CreateListNode(5); ConnectListNodes(pNode1, pNode3); ConnectListNodes(pNode3, pNode5); ListNode* pNode2 = CreateListNode(2); ListNode* pNode4 = CreateListNode(3); ListNode* pNode6 = CreateListNode(6); ConnectListNodes(pNode2, pNode4); ConnectListNodes(pNode4, pNode6); ListNode* pMergedHead = Test("Test2", pNode1, pNode2); DestroyList( pMergedHead ); } // 兩個鏈表都爲空鏈表 // list1: 空鏈表 // list2: 空鏈表 void Test3() { ListNode* pMergedHead = Test( "Test3", NULL, NULL ); } int main() { Test1(); Test2(); Test3(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> struct BinaryTreeNode { int m_nValue; BinaryTreeNode* m_pLeft; BinaryTreeNode* m_pRight; }; BinaryTreeNode* CreateBinaryTreeNode( int value ) { BinaryTreeNode* pNode = new BinaryTreeNode(); pNode->m_nValue = value; pNode->m_pLeft = NULL; pNode->m_pRight = NULL; return pNode; } void ConnectTreeNodes( BinaryTreeNode* pParent, BinaryTreeNode* pLeft, BinaryTreeNode* pRight ) { if( pParent != NULL ) { pParent->m_pLeft = pLeft; pParent->m_pRight = pRight; } } void DestroyTree( BinaryTreeNode* pRoot ) { if(pRoot != NULL) { BinaryTreeNode* pLeft = pRoot->m_pLeft; BinaryTreeNode* pRight = pRoot->m_pRight; delete pRoot; pRoot = NULL; DestroyTree( pLeft ); DestroyTree( pRight ); } } bool DoesTree1HaveTree2( BinaryTreeNode* pRoot1, BinaryTreeNode* pRoot2 ) { if( pRoot2 == NULL ) return true; if( pRoot1 == NULL ) return false; if( pRoot1->m_nValue != pRoot2->m_nValue ) return false; return DoesTree1HaveTree2( pRoot1->m_pLeft, pRoot2->m_pLeft ) && DoesTree1HaveTree2(pRoot1->m_pRight, pRoot2->m_pRight); } bool HasSubtree( BinaryTreeNode* pRoot1, BinaryTreeNode* pRoot2 ) { bool result = false; if( pRoot1 != NULL && pRoot2 != NULL ) { if( pRoot1->m_nValue == pRoot2->m_nValue ) result = DoesTree1HaveTree2( pRoot1, pRoot2 ); if( !result ) result = HasSubtree( pRoot1->m_pLeft, pRoot2 ); if( !result ) result = HasSubtree( pRoot1->m_pRight, pRoot2 ); } return result; } void Test( const char* testName, BinaryTreeNode* pRoot1, BinaryTreeNode* pRoot2, bool expected ) { if( HasSubtree( pRoot1, pRoot2 ) == expected ) printf( "%s passed.\n", testName ); else printf( "%s failed.\n", testName ); } // 樹中結點含有分叉,樹B是樹A的子結構 // 8 8 // / \ / \ // 8 7 9 2 // / \ // 9 2 // / \ // 4 7 void Test1() { BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 8 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 8 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 7 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 9 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA5 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 2 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA6 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 4 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA7 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 7 ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNodeA1, pNodeA2, pNodeA3 ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNodeA2, pNodeA4, pNodeA5 ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNodeA5, pNodeA6, pNodeA7 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 8 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 9 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 2 ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNodeB1, pNodeB2, pNodeB3 ); Test("Test1", pNodeA1, pNodeB1, true); DestroyTree( pNodeA1 ); DestroyTree( pNodeB1 ); } // 樹中結點含有分叉,樹B不是樹A的子結構 // 8 8 // / \ / \ // 8 7 9 2 // / \ // 9 3 // / \ // 4 7 void Test2() { BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 8 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 8 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 7 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 9 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA5 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 3 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA6 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 4 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA7 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 7 ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNodeA1, pNodeA2, pNodeA3 ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNodeA2, pNodeA4, pNodeA5 ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNodeA5, pNodeA6, pNodeA7 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 8 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 9 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 2 ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNodeB1, pNodeB2, pNodeB3 ); Test( "Test2", pNodeA1, pNodeB1, false ); DestroyTree( pNodeA1 ); DestroyTree( pNodeB1 ); } // 樹A和樹B都爲空 void Test3() { Test( "Test3", NULL, NULL, false ); } int main() { Test1(); Test2(); Test3(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> struct BinaryTreeNode { int m_nValue; BinaryTreeNode* m_pLeft; BinaryTreeNode* m_pRight; }; BinaryTreeNode* CreateBinaryTreeNode( int value ) { BinaryTreeNode* pNode = new BinaryTreeNode(); pNode->m_nValue = value; pNode->m_pLeft = NULL; pNode->m_pRight = NULL; return pNode; } void ConnectTreeNodes( BinaryTreeNode* pParent, BinaryTreeNode* pLeft, BinaryTreeNode* pRight ) { if( pParent != NULL ) { pParent->m_pLeft = pLeft; pParent->m_pRight = pRight; } } void PrintTreeNode( BinaryTreeNode* pNode ) { if( pNode != NULL ) { printf( "value of this node is: %d\n", pNode->m_nValue ); if( pNode->m_pLeft != NULL ) printf( "value of its left child is: %d.\n", pNode->m_pLeft->m_nValue ); else printf( "left child is null.\n" ); if( pNode->m_pRight != NULL ) printf( "value of its right child is: %d.\n", pNode->m_pRight->m_nValue ); else printf( "right child is null.\n" ); } else { printf( "this node is null.\n" ); } printf( "\n" ); } void PrintTree( BinaryTreeNode* pRoot ) { PrintTreeNode( pRoot ); if( pRoot != NULL ) { if( pRoot->m_pLeft != NULL ) PrintTree( pRoot->m_pLeft ); if( pRoot->m_pRight != NULL ) PrintTree( pRoot->m_pRight ); } } void DestroyTree( BinaryTreeNode* pRoot ) { if( pRoot != NULL ) { BinaryTreeNode* pLeft = pRoot->m_pLeft; BinaryTreeNode* pRight = pRoot->m_pRight; delete pRoot; pRoot = NULL; DestroyTree( pLeft ); DestroyTree( pRight ); } } void MirrorRecursively( BinaryTreeNode* pNode ) { if( pNode == NULL ) return; if( pNode->m_pLeft == NULL && pNode->m_pRight == NULL ) return; BinaryTreeNode *pTemp = pNode->m_pLeft; pNode->m_pLeft = pNode->m_pRight; pNode->m_pRight = pTemp; if( pNode->m_pLeft ) MirrorRecursively( pNode->m_pLeft ); if( pNode->m_pRight ) MirrorRecursively( pNode->m_pRight ); } // 測試徹底二叉樹:除了葉子節點,其餘節點都有兩個子節點 // 8 // 6 10 // 5 7 9 11 void Test1() { printf( "\n=====Test1 starts:=====\n" ); BinaryTreeNode* pNode8 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 8 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNode6 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 6 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNode10 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 10 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNode5 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 5 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNode7 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 7 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNode9 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 9 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNode11 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 11 ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNode8, pNode6, pNode10 ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNode6, pNode5, pNode7 ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNode10, pNode9, pNode11 ); PrintTree( pNode8 ); printf( "\n=====Test1: MirrorRecursively=====\n" ); MirrorRecursively( pNode8 ); PrintTree( pNode8 ); DestroyTree( pNode8 ); } // 測試二叉樹:出葉子結點以外,左右的結點都有且只有一個左子結點 // 8 // 7 // 6 // 5 // 4 void Test2() { printf( "\n=====Test2 starts:=====\n" ); BinaryTreeNode* pNode8 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 8 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNode7 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 7 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNode6 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 6 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNode5 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 5 ); BinaryTreeNode* pNode4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode( 4 ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNode8, pNode7, NULL ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNode7, pNode6, NULL ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNode6, pNode5, NULL ); ConnectTreeNodes( pNode5, pNode4, NULL ); PrintTree( pNode8 ); printf( "\n=====Test2: MirrorRecursively=====\n" ); MirrorRecursively( pNode8 ); PrintTree( pNode8 ); DestroyTree( pNode8 ); } int main() { Test1(); Test2(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> void printNumber( int number ) { printf( "%d\t", number ); } void PrintMatrixInCircle( int** data, int columns, int rows, int start ) { int endX = columns - 1 - start; int endY = rows - 1 - start; // 從左到右打印一行 for( int i = start; i <= endX; ++i ) { int number = data[ start ][ i ]; printNumber( number ); } // 從上到下打印一列 if( start < endY ) { for( int i = start + 1; i <= endY; ++i ) { int number = data[ i ][ endX ]; printNumber( number ); } } // 從右到左打印一行 if( start < endX && start < endY ) { for( int i = endX - 1; i >= start; --i ) { int number = data[ endY ][ i ]; printNumber( number ); } } // 從下到上打印一列 if( start < endX && start < endY - 1 ) { for( int i = endY - 1; i >= start + 1; --i ) { int number = data[ i ][ start ]; printNumber( number ); } } } void PrintMatrixClockwisely( int** data, int columns, int rows ) { if( data == NULL || columns <= 0 || rows <= 0 ) return; int start = 0; while( columns > start * 2 && rows > start * 2 ) { PrintMatrixInCircle( data, columns, rows, start ); ++start; } } void Test( int columns, int rows ) { printf( "Test Begin: %d columns, %d rows.\n", columns, rows ); if( columns < 1 || rows < 1 ) return; int** numbers = new int*[ rows ]; for( int i = 0; i < rows; ++i ) { numbers[ i ] = new int[ columns ]; for( int j = 0; j < columns; ++j ) { numbers[ i ][ j ] = i * columns + j + 1; } } PrintMatrixClockwisely( numbers, columns, rows ); printf( "\n" ); for( int i = 0; i < rows; ++i ) delete[ ] ( int* )numbers[ i ]; delete[ ] numbers; } int main() { Test(2, 2); Test(4, 4); return 0; }