class IndexHanlder(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): print(self.cookies) #獲取http請求中攜帶的瀏覽器中的全部cookie print(self.get_cookie("k1")) # 獲取瀏覽器中的cooki self.set_cookie("k1","v1") #爲瀏覽器設置cookie
document.cookie #獲取瀏覽器中全部的cookie document.cookie.split(";") #獲取瀏覽器中具體某一個cookie,須要先分割,再操做 document.cookie = "k1=999" #設置cookie
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> </head> <body> <h1>123</h1> </body> <script> /*設置cookie,指定秒數過時*/ function setCookieBySeconds(name,value,expires){ var current_date = new Date(); //獲取當前時間 current_date.setSeconds(current_date.getSeconds() + expires); document.cookie = name + "= "+ value +";expires=" + current_date.toUTCString(); } /*設置cookie,指定天數過時*/ function setCookieByDays(name,value,expires){ var current_date = new Date(); //獲取當前時間 current_date.setDate(current_date.getDate() + expires); document.cookie = name + "= "+ value +";expires=" + current_date.toUTCString(); } </script> </html>
Cookie 很容易被惡意的客戶端僞造。加入你想在 cookie 中保存當前登錄用戶的 id 之類的信息,你須要對 cookie 做簽名以防止僞造。Tornado 經過 set_secure_cookie 和 get_secure_cookie 方法直接支持了這種功能。 要使用這些方法,你須要在建立應用時提供一個密鑰,名字爲 cookie_secret。 你能夠把它做爲一個關鍵詞參數傳入應用的設置中: 安全
def _create_signature_v1(secret, *parts): hash = hmac.new(utf8(secret), digestmod=hashlib.sha1) for part in parts: hash.update(utf8(part)) return utf8(hash.hexdigest()) # 加密 def _create_signature_v2(secret, s): hash = hmac.new(utf8(secret), digestmod=hashlib.sha256) hash.update(utf8(s)) return utf8(hash.hexdigest()) def create_signed_value(secret, name, value, version=None, clock=None, key_version=None): if version is None: version = DEFAULT_SIGNED_VALUE_VERSION if clock is None: clock = time.time timestamp = utf8(str(int(clock()))) value = base64.b64encode(utf8(value)) if version == 1: signature = _create_signature_v1(secret, name, value, timestamp) value = b"|".join([value, timestamp, signature]) return value elif version == 2: # The v2 format consists of a version number and a series of # length-prefixed fields "%d:%s", the last of which is a # signature, all separated by pipes. All numbers are in # decimal format with no leading zeros. The signature is an # HMAC-SHA256 of the whole string up to that point, including # the final pipe. # # The fields are: # - format version (i.e. 2; no length prefix) # - key version (integer, default is 0) # - timestamp (integer seconds since epoch) # - name (not encoded; assumed to be ~alphanumeric) # - value (base64-encoded) # - signature (hex-encoded; no length prefix) def format_field(s): return utf8("%d:" % len(s)) + utf8(s) to_sign = b"|".join([ b"2", format_field(str(key_version or 0)), format_field(timestamp), format_field(name), format_field(value), b'']) if isinstance(secret, dict): assert key_version is not None, 'Key version must be set when sign key dict is used' assert version >= 2, 'Version must be at least 2 for key version support' secret = secret[key_version] signature = _create_signature_v2(secret, to_sign) return to_sign + signature else: raise ValueError("Unsupported version %d" % version) # 解密 def _decode_signed_value_v1(secret, name, value, max_age_days, clock): parts = utf8(value).split(b"|") if len(parts) != 3: return None signature = _create_signature_v1(secret, name, parts[0], parts[1]) if not _time_independent_equals(parts[2], signature): gen_log.warning("Invalid cookie signature %r", value) return None timestamp = int(parts[1]) if timestamp < clock() - max_age_days * 86400: gen_log.warning("Expired cookie %r", value) return None if timestamp > clock() + 31 * 86400: # _cookie_signature does not hash a delimiter between the # parts of the cookie, so an attacker could transfer trailing # digits from the payload to the timestamp without altering the # signature. For backwards compatibility, sanity-check timestamp # here instead of modifying _cookie_signature. gen_log.warning("Cookie timestamp in future; possible tampering %r", value) return None if parts[1].startswith(b"0"): gen_log.warning("Tampered cookie %r", value) return None try: return base64.b64decode(parts[0]) except Exception: return None def _decode_fields_v2(value): def _consume_field(s): length, _, rest = s.partition(b':') n = int(length) field_value = rest[:n] # In python 3, indexing bytes returns small integers; we must # use a slice to get a byte string as in python 2. if rest[n:n + 1] != b'|': raise ValueError("malformed v2 signed value field") rest = rest[n + 1:] return field_value, rest rest = value[2:] # remove version number key_version, rest = _consume_field(rest) timestamp, rest = _consume_field(rest) name_field, rest = _consume_field(rest) value_field, passed_sig = _consume_field(rest) return int(key_version), timestamp, name_field, value_field, passed_sig def _decode_signed_value_v2(secret, name, value, max_age_days, clock): try: key_version, timestamp, name_field, value_field, passed_sig = _decode_fields_v2(value) except ValueError: return None signed_string = value[:-len(passed_sig)] if isinstance(secret, dict): try: secret = secret[key_version] except KeyError: return None expected_sig = _create_signature_v2(secret, signed_string) if not _time_independent_equals(passed_sig, expected_sig): return None if name_field != utf8(name): return None timestamp = int(timestamp) if timestamp < clock() - max_age_days * 86400: # The signature has expired. return None try: return base64.b64decode(value_field) except Exception: return None def get_signature_key_version(value): value = utf8(value) version = _get_version(value) if version < 2: return None try: key_version, _, _, _, _ = _decode_fields_v2(value) except ValueError: return None return key_version
cookie 和session 的區別:session
二、cookie不是很安全,別人能夠分析存放在本地的COOKIE並進行COOKIE欺騙 考慮到安全應當使用session。
三、session會在必定時間內保存在服務器上。當訪問增多,會比較佔用你服務器的性能 考慮到減輕服務器性能方面,應當使用COOKIE。
五、因此我的建議: 將登錄信息等重要信息存放爲SESSION 其餘信息若是須要保留,能夠放在COOKIE中
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import tornado.web import tornado.ioloop import hashlib import time li = {} class IndexHanlder(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): obj = hashlib.md5() obj.update(bytes(str(time.time()),encoding="utf-8")) random_str = obj.hexdigest() li[random_str]={} li[random_str]["k1"]=123 li[random_str]["k2"]=456 li[random_str]["is_login"]=True self.set_cookie("qqqqqq",random_str) self.write("成功設置cookie") def post(self, *args, **kwargs): pass class ManagerHanlder(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): random_str = self.get_cookie("qqqqqq",None) current_user_info = li.get(random_str,None) if not current_user_info: self.redirect("/index") else: if li[random_str]["is_login"]: self.write("歡迎") else: self.redirect("/index") def post(self, *args, **kwargs): pass settings={ "template_path":"tpl", "static_path":"st", "cookie_secret":"123" } class IndeHanlder(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.render("1.html") application = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/index", IndexHanlder), (r"/manager", ManagerHanlder), ],**settings) if __name__ == "__main__": application.listen(8888) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
#!/usr/bin/env/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import tornado.web container = {} # container = { # # "第一我的的隨機字符串":{}, # # "第一我的的隨機字符串":{'k1': 111, 'parents': '你'}, # } class Session: def __init__(self, handler): self.handler = handler self.random_str = None def __genarate_random_str(self): import hashlib import time obj = hashlib.md5() obj.update(bytes(str(time.time()), encoding='utf-8')) random_str = obj.hexdigest() return random_str def __setitem__(self, key, value): # 在container中加入隨機字符串 # 定義專屬於本身的數據 # 在客戶端中寫入隨機字符串 # 判斷,請求的用戶是否已有隨機字符串 if not self.random_str: random_str = self.handler.get_cookie('__kakaka__') if not random_str: random_str = self.__genarate_random_str() container[random_str] = {} else: # 客戶端有隨機字符串 if random_str in container.keys(): pass else: random_str = self.__genarate_random_str() container[random_str] = {} self.random_str = random_str container[self.random_str][key] = value self.handler.set_cookie("__kakaka__", self.random_str) def __getitem__(self, key): # 獲取客戶端的隨機字符串 # 從container中獲取專屬於個人數據 # 專屬信息【key】 random_str = self.handler.get_cookie("__kakaka__") if not random_str: return None # 客戶端有隨機字符串 user_info_dict = container.get(random_str,None) if not user_info_dict: return None value = user_info_dict.get(key, None) return value class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def initialize(self): self.session = Session(self) class IndexHandler(BaseHandler): def get(self): if self.get_argument('u',None) in ['alex','eric']: self.session['is_login'] = True self.session['name'] =self.get_argument('u',None) print(container) else: self.write('請你先登陸') class MangerHandler(BaseHandler): def get(self): val = self.session['is_login'] if val: self.write(self.session['name']) else: self.write('登陸失敗') class LoginHandler(BaseHandler): def get(self,*args,**kwargs): self.render('login.html',status="") def post(self, *args, **kwargs): user = self.get_argument('user',None) pwd = self.get_argument('pwd',None) code = self.get_argument('code',None) check_code = self.session['CheckCode'] if code.upper() == check_code.upper(): self.write('驗證碼正確') else: self.render('login.html',status ='驗證碼錯誤') class CheckCodeHandler(BaseHandler): def get(self,*args,**kwargs): import io import check_code mstream = io.BytesIO() img, code = check_code.create_validate_code() img.save(mstream,'GIF') self.session['CheckCode']=code self.write(mstream.getvalue()) class CsrfHandler(BaseHandler): def get(self,*args,**kwargs): self.render("csrf.html") def post(self, *args, **kwargs): self.write("hahahahaah") settings = { 'template_path':'views', 'static_path':'static', "xsrf_cookies":True } application = tornado.web.Application([ (r'/index',IndexHandler), (r'/manger',MangerHandler), (r'/login',LoginHandler), (r'/check_code',CheckCodeHandler), (r'/csrf',CsrfHandler), ],**settings) if __name__ == "__main__": application.listen(8888) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()