
在php中咱們若是要導入excel文件咱們會直接使用php輸出csv文件或者使用phpexcel直接生成excel文件,下面我再來介紹Codeigniter利用PHPExcel導出Excel文件具體實現方法,有須要學習的朋友可參考參考。 php

1. 準備工做
下載PHPExcel: app

這是個強大的Excel庫,這裏只演示導出Excel文件的功能,其中的大部分功能可能都用不着。 函數

2. 安裝PHPExcel到Codeigniter
1) 解壓壓縮包裏的Classes文件夾中的內容到applicationlibraries目錄下,目錄結構以下: 學習

  -- applicationlibrariesPHPExcel.php this

  -- applicationlibrariesPHPExcel (文件夾) spa

2)修改applicationlibrariesPHPExcelIOFactory.php 文件 excel

  -- 將其類名從PHPExcel_IOFactory改成IOFactory,聽從CI類命名規則。 code

  -- 將其構造函數改成public ip

3. 安裝完畢,寫一個導出excel的控制器(Controller) get

class Table_export extends CI_Controller
    function __construct()
        parent :: __construct(); 
        // Here you should add some sort of user validation
        // to prevent strangers from pulling your table data

    function index($table_name)
        $query = $this -> db -> get($table_name);

        if (!$query)
            return false; 
        // Starting the PHPExcel library
        $this -> load -> library('PHPExcel');
        $this -> load -> library('PHPExcel/IOFactory');

        $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
        $objPHPExcel -> getProperties() -> setTitle("export") -> setDescription("none");

        $objPHPExcel -> setActiveSheetIndex(0); 
        // Field names in the first row
        $fields = $query -> list_fields();
        $col = 0;
        foreach ($fields as $field)
            $objPHPExcel -> getActiveSheet() -> setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col, 1, $field);
        // Fetching the table data
        $row = 2;
        foreach($query -> result() as $data)
            $col = 0;
            foreach ($fields as $field)
                $objPHPExcel -> getActiveSheet() -> setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col, $row, $data -> $field);


        $objPHPExcel -> setActiveSheetIndex(0);

        $objWriter = IOFactory :: createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5'); 
        // Sending headers to force the user to download the file
        header('Content-Type: application/');
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="Products_' . date('dMy') . '.xls"');
        header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');

        $objWriter -> save('php://output');

Excel Plugin 
The following plugin will generate a tab-delimited file, and feed it to the client as an Excel file.

$this->db->select('field1', 'field2');
// run joins, order by, where, or anything else here
$query = $this->db->get();
to_excel($query, ['filename']); // filename is optional, without it, the plugin will default to 'exceloutput'

So you could run:

to_excel($query, 'myfile'); // outputs myfile.xls
to_excel($query); // outputs exceloutput.xls
// you could also use a model here

<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
 * Excel library for Code Igniter applications
 * Author: Derek Allard, Dark Horse Consulting,, April 2006
function to_excel($query, $filename = 'exceloutput')
    $headers = ''; // just creating the var for field headers to append to below
    $data = ''; // just creating the var for field data to append to below
    $obj = &get_instance();

    $fields = $query -> field_data();
    if ($query -> num_rows() == 0)
        echo '<p>The table appears to have no data.</p>';
        foreach ($fields as $field)
            $headers .= $field -> name . "t";
        foreach ($query -> result() as $row)
            $line = '';
            foreach($row as $value)
                if ((!isset($value)) OR ($value == ""))
                    $value = "t";
                    $value = str_replace('"', '""', $value);
                    $value = '"' . $value . '"' . "t";
                $line .= $value;
            $data .= trim($line) . "n";

        $data = str_replace("r", "", $data);

        header("Content-type: application/x-msdownload");
        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename.xls");
        echo "$headersn$data";