<?php function xrange($start, $end, $step = 1) { for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i += $step) { yield $i; } } foreach (xrange(1, 1000000) as $num) { echo $num, "\n"; }
要從生成器認識協同程序,理解它們內部是如何工做的很是重要:生成器是可中斷的函數,在它裏面,yield構成了中斷點。 大數據
緊接着上面的例子,若是你調用xrange(1,1000000)的話,xrange()函數裏代碼沒有真正地運行。相反,PHP只是返回了一個實現了迭代器接口的 生成器類實例: this
<?php $range = xrange(1, 1000000); var_dump($range); // object(Generator)#1 var_dump($range instanceof Iterator); // bool(true)
<?php function logger($fileName) { $fileHandle = fopen($fileName, 'a'); while (true) { fwrite($fileHandle, yield . "\n"); } } $logger = logger(__DIR__ . '/log'); $logger->send('Foo'); $logger->send('Bar')
正如你能看到,這兒yield沒有做爲一個語句來使用,而是用做一個表達式。即它有一個返回值。yield的返回值是傳遞給send()方法的值。 在這個例子裏,yield將首先返回"Foo",而後返回"Bar"。
<?php function gen() { $ret = (yield 'yield1'); var_dump($ret); $ret = (yield 'yield2'); var_dump($ret); } $gen = gen(); var_dump($gen->current()); // string(6) "yield1" var_dump($gen->send('ret1')); // string(4) "ret1" (the first var_dump in gen) // string(6) "yield2" (the var_dump of the ->send() return value) var_dump($gen->send('ret2')); // string(4) "ret2" (again from within gen) // NULL (the return value of ->send())
若是閱讀了上面的logger()例子,那麼你認爲「爲了雙向通訊我爲何要使用協程呢? 爲何我不能只用常見的類呢?」,你這麼問徹底正確。上面的例子演示了基本用法,然而上下文中沒有真正的展現出使用協程的優勢。這就是列舉許多協程例子的理由。正如上面介紹裏提到的,協程是很是強大的概念,不過這樣的應用很稀少並且經常十分複雜。給出一些簡單而真實的例子很難。
多任務協做這個術語中的「協做」說明了如何進行這種切換的:它要求當前正在運行的任務自動把控制傳回給調度器,這樣它就能夠運行其餘任務了。這與「搶佔」多任務相反,搶佔多任務是這樣的:調度器能夠中斷運行了一段時間的任務,無論它喜歡仍是不喜歡。協做多任務在Windows的早期版本(windows95)和Mac OS中有使用,不過它們後來都切換到使用搶先多任務了。理由至關明確:若是你依靠程序自動傳回 控制的話,那麼壞行爲的軟件將很容易爲自身佔用整個CPU,不與其餘任務共享。
咱們的目的是 對 「任務」用更輕量級的包裝的協程函數:
<?php class Task { protected $taskId; protected $coroutine; protected $sendValue = null; protected $beforeFirstYield = true; public function __construct($taskId, Generator $coroutine) { $this->taskId = $taskId; $this->coroutine = $coroutine; } public function getTaskId() { return $this->taskId; } public function setSendValue($sendValue) { $this->sendValue = $sendValue; } public function run() { if ($this->beforeFirstYield) { $this->beforeFirstYield = false; return $this->coroutine->current(); } else { $retval = $this->coroutine->send($this->sendValue); $this->sendValue = null; return $retval; } } public function isFinished() { return !$this->coroutine->valid(); } }
<?php function gen() { yield 'foo'; yield 'bar'; } $gen = gen(); var_dump($gen->send('something')); // As the send() happens before the first yield there is an implicit rewind() call, // so what really happens is this: $gen->rewind(); var_dump($gen->send('something')); // The rewind() will advance to the first yield (and ignore its value), the send() will // advance to the second yield (and dump its value). Thus we loose the first yielded value!
<?php class Scheduler { protected $maxTaskId = 0; protected $taskMap = []; // taskId => task protected $taskQueue; public function __construct() { $this->taskQueue = new SplQueue(); } public function newTask(Generator $coroutine) { $tid = ++$this->maxTaskId; $task = new Task($tid, $coroutine); $this->taskMap[$tid] = $task; $this->schedule($task); return $tid; } public function schedule(Task $task) { $this->taskQueue->enqueue($task); } public function run() { while (!$this->taskQueue->isEmpty()) { $task = $this->taskQueue->dequeue(); $task->run(); if ($task->isFinished()) { unset($this->taskMap[$task->getTaskId()]); } else { $this->schedule($task); } } } }
<?php function task1() { for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; ++$i) { echo "This is task 1 iteration $i.\n"; yield; } } function task2() { for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; ++$i) { echo "This is task 2 iteration $i.\n"; yield; } } $scheduler = new Scheduler; $scheduler->newTask(task1()); $scheduler->newTask(task2()); $scheduler->run();
This is task 1 iteration 1. This is task 2 iteration 1. This is task 1 iteration 2. This is task 2 iteration 2. This is task 1 iteration 3. This is task 2 iteration 3. This is task 1 iteration 4. This is task 2 iteration 4. This is task 1 iteration 5. This is task 2 iteration 5. This is task 1 iteration 6. This is task 1 iteration 7. This is task 1 iteration 8. This is task 1 iteration 9. This is task 1 iteration 10.
<?php class SystemCall { protected $callback; public function __construct(callable $callback) { $this->callback = $callback; } public function __invoke(Task $task, Scheduler $scheduler) { $callback = $this->callback; // Can't call it directly in PHP :/ return $callback($task, $scheduler); } }
<?php public function run() { while (!$this->taskQueue->isEmpty()) { $task = $this->taskQueue->dequeue(); $retval = $task->run(); if ($retval instanceof SystemCall) { $retval($task, $this); continue; } if ($task->isFinished()) { unset($this->taskMap[$task->getTaskId()]); } else { $this->schedule($task); } } }
<?php function getTaskId() { return new SystemCall(function(Task $task, Scheduler $scheduler) { $task->setSendValue($task->getTaskId()); $scheduler->schedule($task); }); }
<?php function task($max) { $tid = (yield getTaskId()); // <-- here's the syscall! for ($i = 1; $i <= $max; ++$i) { echo "This is task $tid iteration $i.\n"; yield; } } $scheduler = new Scheduler; $scheduler->newTask(task(10)); $scheduler->newTask(task(5)); $scheduler->run();
<?php function newTask(Generator $coroutine) { return new SystemCall( function(Task $task, Scheduler $scheduler) use ($coroutine) { $task->setSendValue($scheduler->newTask($coroutine)); $scheduler->schedule($task); } ); } function killTask($tid) { return new SystemCall( function(Task $task, Scheduler $scheduler) use ($tid) { $task->setSendValue($scheduler->killTask($tid)); $scheduler->schedule($task); } ); }
<?php public function killTask($tid) { if (!isset($this->taskMap[$tid])) { return false; } unset($this->taskMap[$tid]); // This is a bit ugly and could be optimized so it does not have to walk the queue, // but assuming that killing tasks is rather rare I won't bother with it now foreach ($this->taskQueue as $i => $task) { if ($task->getTaskId() === $tid) { unset($this->taskQueue[$i]); break; } } return true; }
<?php function childTask() { $tid = (yield getTaskId()); while (true) { echo "Child task $tid still alive!\n"; yield; } } function task() { $tid = (yield getTaskId()); $childTid = (yield newTask(childTask())); for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; ++$i) { echo "Parent task $tid iteration $i.\n"; yield; if ($i == 3) yield killTask($childTid); } } $scheduler = new Scheduler; $scheduler->newTask(task()); $scheduler->run();
Parent task 1 iteration 1. Child task 2 still alive! Parent task 1 iteration 2. Child task 2 still alive! Parent task 1 iteration 3. Child task 2 still alive! Parent task 1 iteration 4. Parent task 1 iteration 5. Parent task 1 iteration 6.