ASP.NET 5 is no longer based on System.Web.dll, but is instead based on a set of granular and well factored NuGet packages allowing you to optimize your app to have just what you need. You can reduce the surface area of your application to improve security, reduce your servicing burden and also to improve performance in a true pay-for-what-you-use model.前端
As part of this release we are making ASP.NET leaner(精簡), more modular(模塊化), cross-platform(跨平臺), and cloud optimized(雲優化)。node
1> Auto Compile the system,No longer need to compile your system every time you want to see the changes.(1) Edit the codes and (2)save changes and (3)refresh the url and (4) see the changes are reflected to the pages.web
2>Integration with Popular Web Development Tools (Bower, Grunt and Gulp)json
Another exciting feature in Visual Studio 2015 is built-in support for Bower, Grunt, and Gulp - popular open source tools that we think should be in every Web developer’s toolkit.gulp
Bower: To add a JavaScript library to your ASP.NET project add it directly in the bower.json config file:app
Q1: when wirte code in Bower.jason dependencies node: the version will not populate, but with a * instead, what's wrong with my vs,I can't find a answer.ide
Q2: When write code in Bower.jason dependencies node:... and save the file, the js file will automatic uploaded to wwwroot lib foler though I don't run the gruntfile.js or gulpfile.js.From the guide, it said when you run the gruntfile.js task, the file will uploaded to wwwroot lib folder.What' wrong? Also I can't find the bower_components directory even I enabled the "Show All file" in Solution Explorer toolbar. What' wrong?模塊化
Q3: I write the code followed the technical passage from microsoft, but I got error when right click gruntfile.js and run Task Manager, in the Task Manager Window, it said the task can't be loaded.grunt
I am not familiar with the web develop technology, NodeJs, Grunt, Gulp,Bower,Hope I will be familiar with them soon.優化
VS 2015 makes a great changes. Microsoft finally catch up with the web technologies.
Microsoft 終於沒有閉門造車,推出了更強大的VS 和.net 5. 應該是借鑑了Windows Phone的失敗經驗吧 ,更或者是借鑑了Nokia 不適應時代潮流的教訓,把前端技術都用上了,不在專一於本身的Razor。