Linux Binaries下載地址:
PS: 若是你的主機沒法鏈接公網,先找到能連公網的主機安裝上面的方法安裝pm2,而後拷貝到你要安裝的主機。拷貝以下目錄:html
Field | Type | Example | Description |
name | string | "myAPI" | name your app will have in PM2 |
script | string | "bin/app.js" | path of your app |
args | list | ["--enable-logs", "-n", "15"] | arguments given to your app when it is launched |
node_args | list | ["--harmony", "--max-stack-size=1024"] | arguments given to node when it is launched |
cwd | string | "/var/www/app/prod" | the directory from which your app will be launched |
exec_mode | string | "cluster" | "fork" mode is used by default, "cluster" mode can be configured with instances field |
instances | number | 4 | number of instances for your clustered app, 0 means as much instances as you have CPU cores. a negative value means CPU cores - value (e.g -1 on a 4 cores machine will spawn 3 instances) |
exec_interpreter | string | "node" | defaults to "node". can be "python", "ruby", "bash" or whatever interpreter you wish to use. "none" will execute your app as a binary executable |
log_date_format | string | "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" | format in which timestamps will be displayed in the logs |
error_file | string | "/var/log/node-app/node-app.stderr.log" | path to the specified error log file. PM2 generates one by default if not specified and you can find it by typing pm2 desc <app id> |
out_file | string | "/var/log/node-app/node-app.stdout.log" | path to the specified output log file. PM2 generates one by default if not specified and you can find it by typing pm2 desc <app id> |
pid_file | string | "pids/" | path to the specified pid file. PM2 generates one by default if not specified and you can find it by typing pm2 desc <app id> |
merge_logs | boolean | false | defaults to false. if true, it will merge logs from all instances of the same app into the same file |
cron_restart | string | "1 0 * * *" | a cron pattern to restart your app. only works in "cluster" mode for now. soon to be avaible in "fork" mode as well |
watch | boolean | true | enables the watch feature, defaults to "false". if true, it will restart your app everytime a file change is detected on the folder or subfolder of your app. |
ignore_watch | list | ["[\/\\]\./", "node_modules"] | list of regex to ignore some file or folder names by the watch feature |
min_uptime | number | 1000 | min uptime of the app to be considered started (i.e. if the app crashes in this time frame, the app will only be restarted the number set in max_restarts (default 15), after that it's errored) |
max_restarts | number | 10 | number of consecutive unstable restarts (less than 1sec interval or custom time via min_uptime) before your app is considered errored and stop being |
max_memory_restart | string | "150M" | your app will be restarted by PM2 if it exceeds the amount of memory specified. human-friendly format : it can be "10M", "100K", "2G" and so on... |
env | object | {"NODE_ENV": "production", "ID": "42"} | env variables which will appear in your app |
autorestart | boolean | false | true by default. if false, PM2 will not restart your app if it crashes or ends peacefully |
vizion | boolean | false | true by default. if false, PM2 will start without vizion features (versioning control metadatas) |
post_update | list | ["npm install", "echo launching the app"] | a list of commands which will be executed after you perform a Pull/Upgrade operation from Keymetrics dashboard |
force | boolean | true | defaults to false. if true, you can start the same script several times which is usually not allowed by PM2 |
next_gen_js | boolean | true | defaults to false. if true, PM2 will launch your app using embedded BabelJS features which means you can run ES6/ES7 javascript code |
restart_delay | number | 4000 | time to wait before restarting a crashed app (in milliseconds). defaults to 0. |