CFile VS CStdioFile

博文來自 ide

MSDN: 函數

Difference between text mode file and binary mode file
File I/O operations take place in one of two translation modes, text or binary, depending on the mode in which the file is opened. Data files are usually processed in text mode. To control the file translation mode, you can:
 a. Retain the current default setting and specify the alternative mode only when you open selected files.
 b. Change the default translation mode directly by setting the global variable _fmode in your program. The initial default setting of _fmode is _O_TEXT, for text mode. this

Text mode provides special processing for carriage return–linefeed pairs. When you write a newline character (0x0A) to a text-mode CStdioFile object, the byte pair (0x0D, 0x0A) is sent to the file. When you read, the byte pair (0x0A, 0x0D) is translated to a single 0x0A byte. .net

Note: code

The CString version of this function removes the '/n' if present; the LPTSTR version does not. blog

說明: ci

而在Text模式下'/r'的工做是自動完成的,當咱們寫一個'/n'的時候,系統會自動幫咱們在其前面加上一個'/r',而後保存到文件裏。 rem

另外,CFile::typeText只能在CFile的子類中使用,CFile自身的Read函數不能使用CFile::typeText和CFile::typeBinary it

如下為讀取文本的用法: io

CStdioFile m_pStream("d:\\1.txt", CFile::modeRead|CFile::shareDenyWrite);
CString strLine;
m_pStream.ReadString(strLine);////first line;
 ///do some thing;