Apache HTTP Server 2.2.26 發佈

Apache遺留產品線2.2.26發佈。2013-11-13 以前的版本是2013-07-02的2.2.25 一樣先在開發目錄下放出下載,而後放到正式目錄下。修正了大量的Bug.目前的穩定版2.4系列未更新仍是2.4.6 2.0系列仍是2010-10-18的2.已中止開發和支持。apache



Changes with Apache 2.2.26

  *) mod_dav: dav_resource->uri treated as unencoded. This was an
     unnecessary ABI changed introduced in 2.2.25  PR 55397.  [Ben Reser]

  *) mod_dav: Do not validate locks against parent collection of COPY
     source URI.  PR 55304.  [Ben Reser]

  *) mod_ssl: Check SNI hostname against Host header case-insensitively.
     PR 49491.  [Mayank Agrawal <magrawal.08 gmail.com>]

  *) mod_ssl: enable support for ECC keys and ECDH ciphers.  Tested against
     OpenSSL 1.0.0b3.  [Vipul Gupta vipul.gupta sun.com, Sander Temme,
     Stefan Fritsch]

  *) mod_ssl: Change default for SSLCompression to off, as compression
     causes security issues in most setups. (The so called "CRIME" attack).
     [Stefan Fritsch]

  *) mod_ssl: Fix compilation error when OpenSSL does not contain
     support for SSLv2. Problem was introduced in 2.2.25. PR 55194.
     [Rainer Jung, Kaspar Brand]

  *) mod_dav: Fix double encoding of URIs in XML and Location header (caused
     by unintential ABI change in 2.2.25).  PR 55397.  [Ben Reser] 

