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animate() 動畫函數
$("div").animate({left:"300px", height:"300px"}, 3000, function(){ alert("動畫執行完畢"); })
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;(function($){ //一個插件的寫法 $.fn.color = function(option){ var options = $.extend({ col: "blue", fz : "20px" }, option); this.css("color", options.col); this.css("fontSize", options.fz); return this; } })(Zepto); //多組插件寫法 /* ;(function($){ $.extend($.fn, { color: function(option){ var options = $.extend({ col: "blue", fz : "20px" }, option); this.css("color", options.col); this.css("fontSize", options.fz); return this; }, background: function(option){ var options = $.extend({ bg: "blue" }, option); this.css("background", options.bg); return this; } }) })(Zepto); */
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