從別的編輯器裏粘貼到vim裏的代碼常常因爲不正常的縮進變得格式混亂。在vim的官方FAQ (http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/vimfaq2html3.pl)找到的: html
格式化全文: gg=G vim
自動縮進當前行: == app
這個是原文節選: 編輯器
14.6. How do I format/indent an entire file?
You can format/indent an entire file using the gg=G command, where
gg - Goto the beginning of the file
= - apply indentation
G - till end of file
For more information, read
:help gg
:help =
:help G
:help 'formatprg'
:help C-indenting spa