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本教程中使用的數據集取自美國內政部a zs美國國家地圖集(如今由data.gov託管)。數據集被裁剪到上五大湖地區(明尼蘇達州、密歇根州和威斯康星州),以減小存儲空間。額外的光柵圖像是由明尼蘇達大學的Terrasip項目提供的。使用本教程時,鼓勵您使用本身的數據集。
•對於Unix用戶,請閱讀MapServer Unix編譯和安裝指南。
•Windows用戶應閱讀MapServer Win32編譯和安裝指南
Windows, UNIX/Linux Issues Windows、Unix/Linux問題安全
當咱們討論路徑的主題時,請記住,map文件中的路徑一般與系統的根目錄相關:UNIX中的斜槓(_aij/_ a i)或Windows中的某些驅動器號(_aijc:_ a i)。這是正確的,除非特別要求輸入URL或引用URL。使用HTML模板文件時,路徑是相對於Web服務器的根目錄。也就是說,「/tutorial/「是相對於「https://demo.mapserver.org/「的。請閱讀http://www.alistaparate.com/articles/slashforward/瞭解有關URL的一些細節。
另外一個問題是,Unix可執行文件不須要.exe或.com擴展名,但在Windows中須要。若是您使用的是Windows,請將.exe附加到全部實例中的」/cgi bin/mapserv「或」/cgi-bin/mapserv「改成"cgi-bin/mapserv.exe"或"/cgi-bin/mapserv50.exe "。
Other Resources 其餘資源
Section 1: Static Maps and the MapFile
• 拿個shapefile,任何人咱們能夠用鼠標在一個瀏覽器上顯示該shapefile形狀文件。看:
– Example 1.1 - A map with a single layer:http://localhost/tutorial/example1-1.html
mapserver能夠建立一個地圖並將其轉儲到本地目錄,或者直接發送到請求的Web瀏覽器,如本例所示。您能夠在不須要HTML頁面的狀況下查看它,只需輸入如下URL:http://<insert hostname or ip address here>/cgi bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/tutorial/htdocs/example1-1.map&layer=states&mode=map(記住將「<insert hostname or ip address here>」替換爲Web服務器的名稱,例如「localhost」,或其IP地址,例如「」)。
這個URL能夠分爲三部分:第一部分,http://<insert hostname or ip address here>/cgi bin/mapserv.exe?,調用mapserver cgi程序。若是您按原樣調用它,您將獲得這個熟悉的消息:
No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but empty.
接下來的三個部分是組成查詢字符串的部分。查詢字符串包含CGI參數(變量及其值),每一個參數由一個與(&)分隔。所以,查看查詢字符串,第一個參數「map」有一個值「/ms4w/apps/tutorial/htdocs/example1-1.map」--這告訴mapserver cgi程序(mapserv或mapserv.exe)要處理/解析什麼mapfile。下一個參數「layer=states」告訴mapserv.exe「打開」狀態層——回想一下,咱們將層對象命名爲「states」。最後一個參數「mode=map」告訴mapserv.exe如何處理來自mapfile的輸出。在本例中,它告訴mapserv.exe直接將映像轉儲到Web瀏覽器(客戶端),而不首先在服務器上建立臨時映像。mapserver「模式」cgi變量能夠採用「map」之外的值。例如,若是使用「mode=browse」,mapserver將把映像轉儲到服務器上的臨時目錄。瀏覽模式如今不起做用,但稍後咱們將再次使用。
# The annotated map file (sort of) # Created by Pericles S. Nacionales for the MapServer tutorial # 20050408 # # MapServer map file uses the pound sign (#) to denote the start of a line # comment--each line that needs to be commented has to be prepended with a "#". # # Map files begin with MAP keyword to signify the start of the map object. # Well, the entire map file is THE map object. Enclosed between MAP and END # at the very bottom of this map file, are keyword/value pairs and other # objects. MAP IMAGETYPE PNG EXTENT -97.238976 41.619778 -82.122902 49.385620 SIZE 400 300 SHAPEPATH "../data" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 # Layer objects are defined beneath the map object. You need at least one # layer defined in your map file before you can display a map... You can # define as many layers as you'd like although a limit is typically hard-coded # in map.h in the MapServer source. The default limit is set at 100. You'd # have to have a very specialized application to need more than 100 layers in # your application. # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # States polygon layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON # The class object is defined within the layer object. You can define as # many classes as you need (well, there are limits as with layers, but it's # senseless to define more than ten on a "normal" layer. There are # situations, however, where you might have to do it.) CLASS NAME "The Upper Great Lakes States" # There are styles in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. You can define multiple styles in # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and multiple # layers in a map. STYLE COLOR 232 232 232 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END # States polygon layer ends here # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS ------------------------------- END # All map files must come to an end just as all other things must come to...
關鍵字imagetype用於定義mapserver cgi程序應用於輸出的圖像格式。在本例中,咱們使用索引顏色png(相似於gif)。若是咱們使用gif支持、wbmp或jpeg編譯gd庫,這多是gif。咱們還能夠指定其餘輸出選項(pdf、swf、geotiff),前提是咱們編譯了對它們的支持並使用outputformat對象指定它們。輸出格式超出了本教程的範圍,但您能夠經過閱讀MapServer網站中的文檔瞭解更多信息。
此參數指定地圖的輸出範圍——初始地圖的邊界框。範圍值按如下格式給出:<lower left x><lower left y><upper right x><upper right y>,每一個值之間用空格分隔。這須要與數據使用相同的單位,或者,若是指定了不一樣的輸出投影,則須要與輸出投影使用相同的單位。
ogrinfo -al -so states_ugl.shp
INFO: Open of `states_ugl.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful. Layer name: states_ugl Geometry: Polygon Feature Count: 204 Extent: (-97.238976, 41.619778) - (-82.122902, 49.385620) Layer SRS WKT: (unknown) AREA: Real (12.3) PERIMETER: Real (12.3) STATESP020: Real (11.0) STATE: String (20.0) STATE_FIPS: String (2.0) CLASS: String (5.0)
您還可使用ArcView或其餘開源的GIS包——Quantum GIS、Thuban等。
Example 1.2: Static Map with Two Layers
• 咱們能夠重複顯示相同的shapefile數據集。咱們能夠在一個圖層中顯示多邊形屬性,在另外一個圖層中顯示線條屬性。˘
– Example 1.2 - A map with two layers
這是映射文件的外觀(example 1-2.map):
# The annotated map file (sort of) # Created by Pericles S. Nacionales for the MapServer tutorial # 20050408 # # MapServer map file uses the pound sign (#) to denote the start of a line # comment--each line that needs to be commented has to be prepended with a "#". # # Map files begin with MAP keyword to signify the start of the map object. # Well, the entire map file is THE map object. Enclosed between MAP and END # at the very bottom of this map file, are keyword/value pairs and other # objects. MAP IMAGETYPE PNG EXTENT -97.238976 41.619778 -82.122902 49.385620 SIZE 400 300 SHAPEPATH "../data" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 # Layer objects are defined beneath the map object. You need at least one # layer defined in your map file before you can display a map... You can # define as many layers as you'd like although a limit is typically hard-coded # in map.h in the MapServer source. The default limit is set at 100. You'd # have to have a very specialized application to need more than 100 layers in # your application. # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # States polygon layer begins here NAME states_poly DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON # The class object is defined within the layer object. You can define as # many classes as you need (well, there are limits as with layers, but it's # senseless to define more than ten on a "normal" layer. There are # situations, however, where you might have to do it.) CLASS NAME "States" # There are styles in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. You can define multiple styles in # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and multiple # layers in a map. STYLE COLOR 232 232 232 END END END # States polygon layer ends here LAYER # States line layer begins here NAME states_line DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE LINE CLASS NAME "State Boundary" STYLE COLOR 32 32 32 END END END # States line layer ends here # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS ------------------------------- END # All map files must come to an end just as all other things must come to...
Example 1.3: Displaying Classes in a Layer
• 咱們能夠選擇要顯示的形狀文件的哪些部分。咱們使用類對象來完成這項工做…
– 示例1.3-使用類製做「有用」地圖
這是map地圖文件的外觀(Example 1-3.map):
# The annotated map file (sort of) # Created by Pericles S. Nacionales for the MapServer tutorial # 20050408 # # MapServer map file uses the pound sign (#) to denote the start of a line # comment--each line that needs to be commented has to be prepended with a "#". # # Map files begin with MAP keyword to signify the start of the map object. # Well, the entire map file is THE map object. Enclosed between MAP and END # at the very bottom of this map file, are keyword/value pairs and other # objects. MAP IMAGETYPE PNG EXTENT -97.238976 41.619778 -82.122902 49.385620 SIZE 400 300 SHAPEPATH "../data" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 # Layer objects are defined beneath the map object. You need at least one # layer defined in your map file before you can display a map... You can # define as many layers as you'd like although a limit is typically hard-coded # in map.h in the MapServer source. The default limit is set at 100. You'd # have to have a very specialized application to need more than 100 layers in # your application. # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # States polygon layer begins here NAME states_poly DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON # CLASSITEM defines the non-spatial attribute that you will be using to # separate a layer into classes. This attribute will be in the DBF file # of your shapefile (it will be different for each data format). In this # example the shapefile states_ugl has an associated database # (states_ugl.dbf) that contains an attribute called "CLASS". You will be # using two values in the CLASS attribute to separate the classes (also # called themes) used in this layer--land and water. CLASSITEM is used in # association with the EXPRESSION parameter in the CLASS object. See below. CLASSITEM "CLASS" # The class object is defined within the layer object. You can define as # many classes as you need (well, there are limits as with layers, but it's # senseless to define more than ten on a "normal" layer. There are # situations, however, where you might have to do it.) CLASS NAME 'States' EXPRESSION 'land' # Only polygons where "CLASS" = 'land' will be drawn. # There are styles in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. You can define multiple styles in # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and multiple # layers in a map. STYLE COLOR 232 232 232 END END CLASS NAME 'Water' EXPRESSION 'water' # Only polygons where "CLASS" = 'water' will be drawn. STYLE COLOR 198 198 255 END END END # States polygon layer ends here LAYER # States line layer begins here NAME states_line DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE LINE CLASSITEM "CLASS" CLASS NAME 'State Boundary' EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE COLOR 32 32 32 END END END # States line layer ends here # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS ------------------------------- END # All map files must come to an end just as all other things must come to...
咱們如何知道要使用哪一個屬性?好吧,shapefiles中的數據庫記錄存儲在dbf文件中。您能夠在電子表格程序(如openoffice.org的calc)或桌面地理信息系統軟件(如qgis、thuban或arcview)中打開它。若是您的數據帶有元數據(應該是!),您能夠瀏覽該元數據文件以獲取屬性信息。您還可使用「ogrinfo」在shapefiles中顯示基本屬性信息——回顧示例1.1(在「layer srs wkt:」後面的最後幾行顯示屬性名稱和類型)。
Example 1.4: Labeling the Map
# The annotated map file (sort of) # Created by Pericles S. Nacionales for the MapServer tutorial # 20050408 # # MapServer map file uses the pound sign (#) to denote the start of a line # comment--each line that needs to be commented has to be prepended with a "#". # # Map files begin with MAP keyword to signify the start of the map object. # Well, the entire map file is THE map object. Enclosed between MAP and END # at the very bottom of this map file, are keyword/value pairs and other # objects. MAP IMAGETYPE PNG EXTENT -97.238976 41.619778 -82.122902 49.385620 SIZE 400 300 SHAPEPATH "../data" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 FONTSET "../fonts/fonts.list" # Layer objects are defined beneath the map object. You need at least one # layer defined in your map file before you can display a map... You can # define as many layers as you'd like although a limit is typically hard-coded # in map.h in the MapServer source. The default limit is set at 100. You'd # have to have a very specialized application to need more than 100 layers in # your application. # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # States polygon layer begins here NAME states_poly DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON # CLASSITEM defines the non-spatial attribute that you will be using to # separate a layer into classes. This attribute will be in the DBF file # of your shapefile (it will be different for each data format). In this # example the shapefile states_ugl has an associated database # (states_ugl.dbf) that contains an attribute called "CLASS". You will be # using two values in the CLASS attribute to separate the classes (also # called themes) used in this layer--land and water. CLASSITEM is used in # association with the EXPRESSION parameter in the CLASS object. See below. CLASSITEM "CLASS" # Just like CLASSITEM, LABELITEM defines the database attribute that you # will be using to draw labels. In this case, the values of the attribute # "STATE" will be used to label the states polygons. LABELITEM "STATE" # The class object is defined within the layer object. You can define as # many classes as you need (well, there are limits as with layers, but it's # senseless to define more than ten on a "normal" layer. There are # situations, however, where you might have to do it.) CLASS NAME 'States' EXPRESSION 'land' # There are styles in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. You can define multiple styles in # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and multiple # layers in a map. STYLE COLOR 232 232 232 END # There can be labels in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. You can define multiple labels in # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and multiple # layers in a map. # MapServer has a very flexible labeling system. With that flexibility # comes complexity, specially when using truetype fonts. Please read # through the LABEL section of the MapServer map file documentation at # http://www.mapserver.org/mapfile for more information. LABEL COLOR 132 31 31 SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218 SHADOWSIZE 2 2 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial-bold SIZE 12 ANTIALIAS TRUE POSITION CL PARTIALS FALSE MINDISTANCE 300 BUFFER 4 END # end of label END CLASS NAME 'Water' EXPRESSION 'water' STYLE COLOR 198 198 255 END END END # States polygon layer ends here LAYER # States line layer begins here NAME states_line DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE LINE CLASSITEM "CLASS" CLASS NAME 'State Boundary' EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE COLOR 64 64 64 END END END # States line layer ends here # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS ------------------------------- END # All map files must come to an end just as all other things must come to...
指定陰影大小。該值對應於x和y以像素爲單位移動。因此,「2 2」是指兩個像素寬兩個像素高。
Example 1.5: Adding a Raster Layer
# The annotated map file (sort of) # Created by Pericles S. Nacionales for the MapServer tutorial # 20050408 # # MapServer map file uses the pound sign (#) to denote the start of a line # comment--each line that needs to be commented has to be prepended with a "#". # # Map files begin with MAP keyword to signify the start of the map object. # Well, the entire map file is THE map object. Enclosed between MAP and END # at the very bottom of this map file, are keyword/value pairs and other # objects. MAP IMAGETYPE PNG24 EXTENT -97.238976 41.619778 -82.122902 49.385620 SIZE 400 300 SHAPEPATH "../data" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 FONTSET "../fonts/fonts.list" SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym" # Layer objects are defined beneath the map object. You need at least one # layer defined in your map file before you can display a map... You can # define as many layers as you'd like although a limit is typically hard-coded # in map.h in the MapServer source. The default limit is set at 100. You'd # have to have a very specialized application to need more than 100 layers in # your application. # # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # States polygon layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON # CLASSITEM defines the non-spatial attribute that you will be using to # separate a layer into classes. This attribute will be in the DBF file # of your shapefile (it will be different for each data format). In this # example the shapefile states_ugl has an associated database # (states_ugl.dbf) that contains an attribute called "CLASS". You will be # using two values in the CLASS attribute to separate the classes (also # called themes) used in this layer--land and water. CLASSITEM is used in # association with the EXPRESSION parameter in the CLASS object. See below. CLASSITEM "CLASS" # The class object is defined within the layer object. You can define as # many classes as you need (well, there are limits as with layers, but it's # senseless to define more than ten on a "normal" layer. There are # situations, however, where you might have to do it.) CLASS NAME 'States' EXPRESSION 'land' # There are styles in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. You can define multiple styles in # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and multiple # layers in a map. STYLE COLOR 232 232 232 END END END # States polygon layer ends here # In addition to vector data (shapefiles are vector data), MapServer supports # a host of raster formats. In GIS world, one of the most common raster # formats is GeoTIFF, a TIFF image with geospatial headers. MapServer also # supports JPEG, PNG, GIF, and other common formats. Other raster formats # supported by MapServer include ESRI Arc/Info grid, HDF and HDF-EOS, NetCDF, # Generic raster binaries, OGC Web Map Service (WMS) layers, etc. Pretty much # any raster format you can think of is probably supported, thanks to the # impressive Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL, pronounced "GOODALL" # or GOODLE?). More information on GDAL is available at http://www.gdal.org. # # MapServer 4.x can read and display bitmapped (like GIFs), RGB/A (true # color), and multispectral (images with more than 3 bands, like raw LandSat # images) rasters. LAYER # MODIS raster layer begins here NAME modis DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_8bit.tif" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3" OFFSITE 71 74 65 END # MODIS raster layer ends here LAYER # States line layer begins here NAME states_line DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE LINE CLASSITEM "CLASS" CLASS NAME 'State Boundary' EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE SYMBOL 'line5' COLOR 64 64 64 SIZE 1 END END END # States line layer ends here # Labels can be defined in its own layer. This is useful if, say, you want # to label a polygon layer that's covered by another layer. By keeping the # label separate from the polygon and placing it near the bottom of the map # file (so its drawn on, or near the, top), you can still see the label even # though you might not be able to see the polygon. It is also a good # alternate to point symbols. # # A label layer is actually defined with ANNOTATION type (This is derived from # points, Node IDs for lines, or polygon IDs). LAYER # States label layer begins here NAME states_label DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE ANNOTATION CLASSITEM "CLASS" # Just like CLASSITEM, LABELITEM defines the database attribute that you # will be using to draw labels. In this case, the values of the attribute # "STATE" will be used to label the states polygons. LABELITEM "STATE" CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE COLOR -1 -1 -1 END # There can be labels in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. You can define multiple labels in # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and multiple # layers in a map. # MapServer has a very flexible labeling system. With that flexibility # comes complexity, specially when using truetype fonts. Please read # through the LABEL section of the MapServer map file documentation at # http://www.mapserver.org/mapfile for more information. LABEL COLOR 132 31 31 SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218 SHADOWSIZE 2 2 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial-bold SIZE 12 ANTIALIAS TRUE POSITION CL PARTIALS FALSE MINDISTANCE 300 BUFFER 4 END # end of label END # end of class END # States label layer ends here # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS ------------------------------- END # All map files must come to an end just as all other things must come to...
PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3"處理「波段=1,2,3」
在MapServer 4.x中,這個層對象參數是新的。處理關鍵字有不少值,但在本例中,咱們使用它來選擇要顯示多光譜圖像中的波段。這裏的值是將傳遞到gdal庫的字符串。有關這一點的文檔目前是最少的,但有關使用processing關鍵字的更多示例,請參閱mapfile參考。
DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_8bit.tif" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE RASTER PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3" OFFSITE 71 74 65
DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_idxa.tif" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE RASTER OFFSITE 70 74 66
Example 1.6: Defining Projections and Extents
# The annotated map file (sort of) # Created by Pericles S. Nacionales for the MapServer tutorial # 20050408 # # MapServer map file uses the pound sign (#) to denote the start of a line # comment--each line that needs to be commented has to be prepended with a "#". # # Map files begin with MAP keyword to signify the start of the map object. # Well, the entire map file is THE map object. Enclosed between MAP and END # at the very bottom of this map file, are keyword/value pairs and other # objects. MAP IMAGETYPE PNG24 # EXTENT 199949.651166 -371954.772084 1472121.6862 632767.19157 EXTENT 201621.496941 -294488.285333 1425518.020722 498254.511514 # LAEA #EXTENT -97.5 41.619778 -82.122902 49.38562 # Geographic SIZE 400 300 SHAPEPATH "../data" SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym" FONTSET "../fonts/fonts.list" # The projection object is typically used within the map and the layer # objects. You only define it once within the map object and this definition # becomes your output projection--MapServer will render your maps in this # projection. You also use the projection object within the layer object to # define your input projection. Your layers can be in different # projections--MapServer will reproject them into your output projection. # If no projection is defined within the layer object, MapServer assumes # your input projection is the same as your output projection. This is not # a required object unless you're creating a map file that supports one of # the OGC interoperability web services specifications (WMS/WFS/WCS). # # This is the output PROJECTION definition ------ PROJECTION # Projection parameters can be defined in two ways... # This is the traditional Proj.4 definition of Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the Continental U.S. "proj=laea" "ellps=clrk66" "lat_0=45" "lon_0=-100" # Alternatively, you can specify an EPSG code. # This is the EPSG code for Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the U.S. # # "init=epsg:2163" END # End of the output Projection definition --- # Layer objects are defined beneath the map object. You need at least one # layer defined in your map file before you can display a map... You can # define as many layers as you'd like although a limit is typically hard-coded # in map.h in the MapServer source. The default limit is set at 100. You'd # have to have a very specialized application to need more than 100 layers in # your application. # # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # States polygon layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON # Here's an example of the input projection definition. # EPSG:4326 is code for geographic (latlong) projection # using the WGS84 datum. # # PROJECTION objects within the LAYER object define the input # projection--this is the native projection of your data. PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END # CLASSITEM defines the non-spatial attribute that you will be using to # separate a layer into classes. This attribute will be in the DBF file # of your shapefile (it will be different for each data format). In this # example the shapefile states_ugl has an associated database # (states_ugl.dbf) that contains an attribute called "CLASS". You will be # using two values in the CLASS attribute to separate the classes (also # called themes) used in this layer--land and water. CLASSITEM is used in # association with the EXPRESSION parameter in the CLASS object. See below. CLASSITEM "CLASS" # The class object is defined within the layer object. You can define as # many classes as you need (well, there are limits as with layers, but it's # senseless to define more than ten on a "normal" layer. There are # situations, however, where you might have to do it.) CLASS NAME 'States' EXPRESSION 'land' # There are styles in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. You can define multiple styles in # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and multiple # layers in a map. STYLE COLOR 232 232 232 END END END # States polygon layer ends here # In addition to vector data (shapefiles are vector data), MapServer supports # a host of raster formats. In GIS world, one of the most common raster # formats is GeoTIFF, a TIFF image with geospatial headers. MapServer also # supports JPEG, PNG, GIF, and other common formats. Other raster formats # supported by MapServer include ESRI Arc/Info grid, HDF and HDF-EOS, NetCDF, # Generic raster binaries, OGC Web Map Service (WMS) layers, etc. Pretty much # any raster format you can think of is probably supported, thanks to the # impressive Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL, pronounced "GOODALL" # or GOODLE?). More information on GDAL is available at http://www.gdal.org. # # MapServer 4.x can read and display bitmapped (like GIFs), RGB/A (true # color), and multispectral (images with more than 3 bands, like raw LandSat # images) rasters. LAYER # MODIS raster layer begins here NAME modis DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_8bit.tif" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3" OFFSITE 71 74 65 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # MODIS raster layer ends here LAYER # States line layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE LINE PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" CLASS NAME 'State Boundary' EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE SYMBOL 'line5' COLOR 64 64 64 SIZE 1 END END END # States line layer ends here LAYER # States label layer begins here NAME states_label DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE ANNOTATION PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" # Just like CLASSITEM, LABELITEM defines the database attribute that you # will be using to draw labels. In this case, the values of the attribute # "STATE" will be used to label the states polygons. LABELITEM "STATE" CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE COLOR -1 -1 -1 END # There can be labels in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. You can define multiple labels in # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and multiple # layers in a map. # MapServer has a very flexible labeling system. With that flexibility # comes complexity, specially when using truetype fonts. Please read # through the LABEL section of the MapServer map file documentation at # http://www.mapserver.org/mapfile for more information. LABEL COLOR 132 31 31 SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218 SHADOWSIZE 2 2 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial-bold SIZE 12 ANTIALIAS TRUE POSITION CL PARTIALS FALSE MINDISTANCE 300 BUFFER 4 END # end of label END # end of class END # States label layer ends here # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS ------------------------------- END # All map files must come to an end just as all other things must come to...
EXTENT 201621.496941 -294488.285333 1425518.020722 498254.511514
cs2cs +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +to +proj=laea +ellps=clrk66 +lat_0=45 +lon_0=-100
鍵入命令後,輸入西南座標對(左下角座標),用空格分隔:-97.5 41.619778
208398.01 -372335.44 0.000
而後鍵入東北座標對(右上角座標),再次用空格分隔:-82.122902 49.38562,並返回如下值:
1285308.08 632638.93 0.000
EXTENT 208398.01 -372335.44 1285308.08 632638.93
Example 1.7: Adding OGC WMS Layers
wms表明web map服務,wfs表明web feature服務。簡單來講,這兩種規範的區別在於,WMS使用Web光柵格式(PNG、GIF、JPEG)共享層,而WFS使用地理標記語言GML。第三個OGC互操做性規範是Web Coverage Services規範或WCS——MapServer僅在服務器級別支持此規範。要查找有關WMS、WFS和WCS的更多信息,請訪問OGC的網站,並查找OGC實現規範或OGC抽象規範。MapServer網站還提供了這些規範的文檔。
# The annotated map file (sort of) # Created by Pericles S. Nacionales for the MapServer tutorial # 20050408 # # MapServer map file uses the pound sign (#) to denote the start of a line # comment--each line that needs to be commented has to be prepended with a "#". # # Map files begin with MAP keyword to signify the start of the map object. # Well, the entire map file is THE map object. Enclosed between MAP and END # at the very bottom of this map file, are keyword/value pairs and other # objects. MAP IMAGETYPE PNG24 EXTENT 201621.496941 -294488.285333 1425518.020722 498254.511514 # LAEA #EXTENT -97.5 41.619778 -82.122902 49.38562 # Geographic SIZE 400 300 SHAPEPATH "../data" SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym" FONTSET "../fonts/fonts.list" # The projection object is typically used within the map and the layer # objects. You only define it once within the map object and this definition # becomes your output projection--MapServer will render your maps in this # projection. You also use the projection object within the layer object to # define your input projection. Your layers can be in different # projections--MapServer will reproject them into your output projection. # If no projection is defined within the layer object, MapServer assumes # your input projection is the same as your output projection. This is not # a required object unless you're creating a map file that supports one of # the OGC interoperability web services specifications (WMS/WFS/WCS). # # This is the output PROJECTION definition ------ PROJECTION # Projection parameters can be defined in two ways... # This is the traditional Proj.4 definition of Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the Continental U.S. # "proj=laea" # "ellps=clrk66" # "lat_0=45" # "lon_0=-100" # # Alternatively, you can specify an EPSG code. # This is the EPSG code for Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the U.S. "init=epsg:2163" END # The web object is defined at the level below the map object. All # web-related parameters (I interchange "parameters" and "keyword/value # pairs" quite frequently, sorry about that) are defined in this object. WEB IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/tmp/" IMAGEURL "/tmp/" END # Layer objects are defined beneath the map object. You need at least one # layer defined in your map file before you can display a map... You can # define as many layers as you'd like although a limit is typically hard-coded # in map.h in the MapServer source. The default limit is set at 100. You'd # have to have a very specialized application to need more than 100 layers in # your application. # # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # States polygon layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON # Here's an example of the input projection definition. # EPSG:4326 is code for geographic (latlong) projection # using the WGS84 datum. # # PROJECTION objects within the LAYER object define the input # projection--this is the native projection of your data. PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END # CLASSITEM defines the non-spatial attribute that you will be using to # separate a layer into classes. This attribute will be in the DBF file # of your shapefile (it will be different for each data format). In this # example the shapefile states_ugl has an associated database # (states_ugl.dbf) that contains an attribute called "CLASS". You will be # using two values in the CLASS attribute to separate the classes (also # called themes) used in this layer--land and water. CLASSITEM is used in # association with the EXPRESSION parameter in the CLASS object. See below. CLASSITEM "CLASS" # The class object is defined within the layer object. You can define as # many classes as you need (well, there are limits as with layers, but it's # senseless to define more than ten on a "normal" layer. There are # situations, however, where you might have to do it.) CLASS NAME 'States' EXPRESSION 'land' # There are styles in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. You can define multiple styles in # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and multiple # layers in a map. STYLE COLOR 232 232 232 END END END # States polygon layer ends here # In addition to vector data (shapefiles are vector data), MapServer supports # a host of raster formats. In GIS world, one of the most common raster # formats is GeoTIFF, a TIFF image with geospatial headers. MapServer also # supports JPEG, PNG, GIF, and other common formats. Other raster formats # supported by MapServer include ESRI Arc/Info grid, HDF and HDF-EOS, NetCDF, # Generic raster binaries, OGC Web Map Service (WMS) layers, etc. Pretty much # any raster format you can think of is probably supported, thanks to the # impressive Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL, pronounced "GOODALL" # or GOODLE?). More information on GDAL is available at http://www.gdal.org. # # MapServer 4.x can read and display bitmapped (like GIFs), RGB/A (true # color), and multispectral (images with more than 3 bands, like raw LandSat # images) rasters. LAYER # MODIS raster layer begins here NAME modis DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_8bit.tif" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3" OFFSITE 71 74 65 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # MODIS raster layer ends here # MapServer can consume (in ESRI parlance) layers from other map servers as # long as those servers are Web Mapping Service (WMS) providers. WMS is a # web service specification from Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and is # intended to be an interoperability standard for web mapping applications. # This allows us to display layers we don't usually have (or can't store in # our computers due to space limitations). The downside is that we have to # depend on some other server to display our layer, and that server can be # down when you really need it. The cool thing is that JPL has a WMS server # that serves out MODIS and LandSat maps for the whole world--try storing # those datasets on your computer! LAYER # MODIS WMS map from JPL NAME modis_jpl TYPE RASTER OFFSITE 0 0 0 STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi?" METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" "wms_name" "modis" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_format" "image/jpeg" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # Modis WMS image ends here LAYER # States line layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE LINE PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" CLASS NAME 'State Boundary' EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE SYMBOL 'line5' COLOR 32 32 32 SIZE 1 END END END # States line layer ends here LAYER # States label layer begins here NAME states_label DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE ANNOTATION PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" # Just like CLASSITEM, LABELITEM defines the database attribute that you # will be using to draw labels. In this case, the values of the attribute # "STATE" will be used to label the states polygons. LABELITEM "STATE" CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE COLOR -1 -1 -1 END # There can be labels in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. You can define multiple labels in # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and multiple # layers in a map. # MapServer has a very flexible labeling system. With that flexibility # comes complexity, specially when using truetype fonts. Please read # through the LABEL section of the MapServer map file documentation at # http://www.mapserver.org/mapfile for more information. LABEL COLOR 132 31 31 SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218 SHADOWSIZE 1 1 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial-bold SIZE 12 ANTIALIAS TRUE POSITION CL PARTIALS FALSE MINDISTANCE 200 BUFFER 4 END # end of label END # end of class END # States label layer ends here # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS ------------------------------- END # end of map file
標記WMS Layer圖層對象的開始。
NAME modis_jpl
The LAYER 標識符.
Ignore the black background color忽略黑背景色
Turn this layer off by default.默認關掉圖層
要使用的層鏈接類型。默認值是本地的——若是咱們想顯式定義,咱們將向地圖文件中的全部其餘向量和光柵層添加CONNECTIONTYPE LOCAL 。相反,咱們只定義外部的鏈接類型。WMS是一個外部數據層,來自另外一個地圖服務器。
"wms_srs" "epsg:4326"
"wms_name" "modis"
"wms_server_version" "1.1.1"
"wms_format" "image/jpeg"
IMAGEURL '/tmp/'
Example 1.8: Changing the Map's Output Format
# The annotated map file (sort of) # Created by Pericles S. Nacionales for the MapServer tutorial # 20050408 # # MapServer map file uses the pound sign (#) to denote the start of a line # comment--each line that needs to be commented has to be prepended with a "#". # # Map files begin with MAP keyword to signify the start of the map object. # Well, the entire map file is THE map object. Enclosed between MAP and END # at the very bottom of this map file, are keyword/value pairs and other # objects. MAP NAME EX1.8_ EXTENT 201621.496941 -294488.285333 1425518.020722 498254.511514 # LAEA #EXTENT -97.5 41.619778 -82.122902 49.38562 # Geographic SIZE 400 300 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 SHAPEPATH "../data" SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym" FONTSET "../fonts/fonts.list" IMAGETYPE PNG24 OUTPUTFORMAT NAME png DRIVER "GD/PNG" MIMETYPE "image/png" IMAGEMODE PC256 EXTENSION "png" END OUTPUTFORMAT NAME png24 DRIVER "GD/PNG" MIMETYPE "image/png" IMAGEMODE RGBA EXTENSION "png" END OUTPUTFORMAT NAME jpeg DRIVER "GD/JPEG" FORMATOPTION "QUALITY=75" MIMETYPE "image/jpeg" IMAGEMODE RGB EXTENSION "jpg" END OUTPUTFORMAT NAME GTiff DRIVER "GDAL/GTiff" MIMETYPE "image/tiff" IMAGEMODE RGB EXTENSION "tif" END #OUTPUTFORMAT # NAME pdf # MIMETYPE "application/x-pdf" # DRIVER pdf # #FORMATOPTION "OUTPUT_TYPE=RASTER" # not mandatory but needed for WMS layer #END OUTPUTFORMAT NAME AGG DRIVER "AGG/PNG" IMAGEMODE RGB END OUTPUTFORMAT NAME AGGA DRIVER "AGG/PNG" IMAGEMODE RGBA END OUTPUTFORMAT NAME AGGJ DRIVER "AGG/JPEG" IMAGEMODE RGB END # The web object is defined at the level below the map object. All # web-related parameters (I interchange "parameters" and "keyword/value # pairs" quite frequently, sorry about that) are defined in this object. WEB IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END # The projection object is typically used within the map and the layer # objects. You only define it once within the map object and this definition # becomes your output projection--MapServer will render your maps in this # projection. You also use the projection object within the layer object to # define your input projection. Your layers can be in different # projections--MapServer will reproject them into your output projection. # If no projection is defined within the layer object, MapServer assumes # your input projection is the same as your output projection. This is not # a required object unless you're creating a map file that supports one of # the OGC interoperability web services specifications (WMS/WFS/WCS). # # This is the output PROJECTION definition ------ PROJECTION # Projection parameters can be defined in two ways... # This is the traditional Proj.4 definition of Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the Continental U.S. # "proj=laea" # "ellps=clrk66" # "lat_0=45" # "lon_0=-100" # # Alternatively, you can specify an EPSG code. # This is the EPSG code for Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the U.S. "init=epsg:2163" END # Layer objects are defined beneath the map object. You need at least one # layer defined in your map file before you can display a map... You can # define as many layers as you'd like although a limit is typically hard-coded # in map.h in the MapServer source. The default limit is set at 100. You'd # have to have a very specialized application to need more than 100 layers in # your application. # # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # States polygon layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON # Here's an example of the input projection definition. # EPSG:4326 is code for geographic (latlong) projection # using the WGS84 datum. # # PROJECTION objects within the LAYER object define the input # projection--this is the native projection of your data. PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END # CLASSITEM defines the non-spatial attribute that you will be using to # separate a layer into classes. This attribute will be in the DBF file # of your shapefile (it will be different for each data format). In this # example the shapefile states_ugl has an associated database # (states_ugl.dbf) that contains an attribute called "CLASS". You will be # using two values in the CLASS attribute to separate the classes (also # called themes) used in this layer--land and water. CLASSITEM is used in # association with the EXPRESSION parameter in the CLASS object. See below. CLASSITEM "CLASS" # The class object is defined within the layer object. You can define as # many classes as you need but it is good cartographic practice to limit # classes to 8 to 10 per layer. (There are also limits as with layers and # it's senseless to define more than ten on a "normal" layer. There are # situations, however, where you might have to do it.) CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE SYMBOL 0 COLOR 232 232 232 END END END # States polygon layer ends here # In addition to vector data (shapefiles are vector data), MapServer supports # a host of raster formats. In GIS world, one of the most common raster # formats is GeoTIFF, a TIFF image with geospatial headers. MapServer also # supports JPEG, PNG, GIF, and other common formats. Other raster formats # supported by MapServer include ESRI Arc/Info grid, HDF and HDF-EOS, NetCDF, # Generic raster binaries, OGC Web Map Service (WMS) layers, etc. Pretty much # any raster format you can think of is probably supported, thanks to the # impressive Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL, pronounced "GOODALL" # or GOODLE?). More information on GDAL is available at http://www.gdal.org. # # MapServer 4.x can read and display bitmapped (like GIFs), RGB/A (true # color), and multispectral (images with more than 3 bands, like raw LandSat # images) rasters. LAYER # MODIS raster layer begins here NAME modis DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_8bit.tif" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3" OFFSITE 71 74 65 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # MODIS raster layer ends here LAYER # MODIS WMS map from JPL NAME modis_jpl TYPE RASTER OFFSITE 0 0 0 STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi?" METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" "wms_name" "modis" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_format" "image/jpeg" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # Modis WMS image ends here LAYER # States line layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE LINE PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE #SYMBOL 'line1' COLOR 32 32 32 #SIZE 1 END END END # States line layer ends here LAYER # States label layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE ANNOTATION PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" LABELITEM "STATE" CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE COLOR -1 -1 -1 END LABEL COLOR 255 255 255 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial-bold SIZE 12 ANTIALIAS TRUE POSITION CL PARTIALS FALSE MINDISTANCE 300 BUFFER 4 END # end of label END # end of class END # States label layer ends here # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS ------------------------------- END # end of map file
咱們的mapfile如今包含一個新的對象outputformat。此對象在map對象內定義,並與imagetype關鍵字一塊兒使用。根據您使用MapServer編譯的庫,您能夠有幾個輸出格式選擇——gd庫提供PNG(8位和24位)、GIF、JPEG和WBMP;gdal庫是許多MapServer輸入格式的源,也能夠向PNG、JPEG、TIFF/GEOTIFF和其餘RASTE提供輸出。R格式;pdflib庫提供PDF輸出;ming庫提供閃存輸出。查看outputformat對象並經過更改mapfile上的imagetype關鍵字進行實驗。輸出格式的名稱應用做imagetype值(例如:imagetype png或imagetype png24)。
http://www.mapserver.org/mapfile/outputformat.html outputformat
Example 1.9: Interactive Maps and the Browse Mode
<!-- START OF MAPSERVER FORM --> <form name="mapserv" method="GET" action="/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe"> <!-- HIDDEN MAPSERVER CGI VARIABLES --> <input type="hidden" name="map" value="[map]"> <input type="hidden" name="imgext" value="[mapext]"> <input type="hidden" name="imgxy" value="199.5 149.5"> <input type="hidden" name="zoom" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="browse"> <div align="center"> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <!-- THE INTERACTIVE, DYNAMICALLY CREATED MAP -- <input type="image" name="img" src="[img]" width="400" height="300"> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </form>
每當用戶單擊地圖時,此塊執行mapserver cgi程序(「/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe」)。地圖其實是另外一種形式的「輸入」,在這裏用行表示:
<input type="image" name="img" src="[img]" width="400" height="300">
方括號([map]、[mapext]和[img])中的項稱爲mapserver標記——這些是mapserver cgi變量,在從新加載時會被mapserver cgi程序替換。標記[map]是mapfile路徑的一個佔位符,所以在運行mapserver時,它被替換爲「/ms4w/apps/tutorial/htdocs/example1-9.map」。標記[mapext]替換爲當前地圖範圍「91734.994981-533247.003346 1432483.085284 471473.996656」,而且[img]標記替換爲mapserver cgi程序建立的圖像路徑,「/ms_tmp/ex1.9_156222312833540.png」。繼續檢查映像路徑(/ms4w/tmp/)是否存在此映像。(這些參數是在.map文件裏獲取的嗎?:)
# The annotated map file (sort of) # Created by Pericles S. Nacionales for the MapServer tutorial # 20050408 # # MapServer map file uses the pound sign (#) to denote the start of a line # comment--each line that needs to be commented has to be prepended with a "#". # # Map files begin with MAP keyword to signify the start of the map object. # Well, the entire map file is THE map object. Enclosed between MAP and END # at the very bottom of this map file, are keyword/value pairs and other # objects. MAP NAME EX1.9_ IMAGETYPE PNG24 EXTENT 166221 -371954 1505849 632767 # LAEA #EXTENT -97.5 41.619778 -82.122902 49.38562 # Geographic SIZE 400 300 SHAPEPATH "../data" SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym" FONTSET "../fonts/fonts.list" # The web object is defined at the level below the map object. All # web-related parameters (I interchange "parameters" and "keyword/value # pairs" quite frequently, sorry about that) are defined in this object. WEB TEMPLATE 'example1-9.html' IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END # The projection object is typically used within the map and the layer # objects. You only define it once within the map object and this definition # becomes your output projection--MapServer will render your maps in this # projection. You also use the projection object within the layer object to # define your input projection. Your layers can be in different # projections--MapServer will reproject them into your output projection. # If no projection is defined within the layer object, MapServer assumes # your input projection is the same as your output projection. This is not # a required object unless you're creating a map file that supports one of # the OGC interoperability web services specifications (WMS/WFS/WCS). # # This is the output PROJECTION definition ------ PROJECTION # Projection parameters can be defined in two ways... # This is the traditional Proj.4 definition of Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the Continental U.S. # "proj=laea" # "ellps=clrk66" # "lat_0=45" # "lon_0=-100" # # Alternatively, you can specify an EPSG code. # This is the EPSG code for Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the U.S. "init=epsg:2163" END # Layer objects are defined beneath the map object. You need at least one # layer defined in your map file before you can display a map... You can # define as many layers as you'd like although a limit is typically hard-coded # in map.h in the MapServer source. The default limit is set at 100. You'd # have to have a very specialized application to need more than 100 layers in # your application. # # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # States polygon layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON # Here's an example of the input projection definition. # EPSG:4326 is code for geographic (latlong) projection # using the WGS84 datum. # # PROJECTION objects within the LAYER object define the input # projection--this is the native projection of your data. PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END # CLASSITEM defines the non-spatial attribute that you will be using to # separate a layer into classes. This attribute will be in the DBF file # of your shapefile (it will be different for each data format). In this # example the shapefile states_ugl has an associated database # (states_ugl.dbf) that contains an attribute called "CLASS". You will be # using two values in the CLASS attribute to separate the classes (also # called themes) used in this layer--land and water. CLASSITEM is used in # association with the EXPRESSION parameter in the CLASS object. See below. CLASSITEM "CLASS" CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE SYMBOL 0 COLOR 232 232 232 END END END # States polygon layer ends here # In addition to vector data (shapefiles are vector data), MapServer supports # a host of raster formats. In GIS world, one of the most common raster # formats is GeoTIFF, a TIFF image with geospatial headers. MapServer also # supports JPEG, PNG, GIF, and other common formats. Other raster formats # supported by MapServer include ESRI Arc/Info grid, HDF and HDF-EOS, NetCDF, # Generic raster binaries, OGC Web Map Service (WMS) layers, etc. Pretty much # any raster format you can think of is probably supported, thanks to the # impressive Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL, pronounced "GOODALL" # or GOODLE?). More information on GDAL is available at http://www.gdal.org. # # MapServer 4.x can read and display bitmapped (like GIFs), RGB/A (true # color), and multispectral (images with more than 3 bands, like raw LandSat # images) rasters. LAYER # MODIS raster layer begins here NAME modis DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_8bit.tif" STATUS OFF #DEFAULT TYPE RASTER PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3" OFFSITE 71 74 65 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # MODIS raster layer ends here LAYER # MODIS WMS map from JPL (or from USGS) NAME modis_jpl TYPE RASTER OFFSITE 0 0 0 STATUS OFF #OFF CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi?" METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" "wms_name" "daily_terra" #"global_mosaic" "daily_aqua" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_format" "image/jpeg" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # MODIS WMS image ends here LAYER # States line layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE LINE PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE SYMBOL 'line5' COLOR 32 32 32 SIZE 1 END END END # States line layer ends here LAYER # States label layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" LABELITEM "STATE" CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE COLOR -1 -1 -1 END LABEL COLOR 132 31 31 OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128 SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218 SHADOWSIZE 1 1 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial-bold SIZE 12 ANTIALIAS TRUE POSITION CL PARTIALS FALSE MINDISTANCE 200 BUFFER 4 END # end of label END # end of class END # States label layer ends here # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS ------------------------------- END # All map files must come to an end just as all other things must come to... # End of section 1, dude!
TEMPLATE 'example1-9.html'
Section 2: CGI variables and the User Interface
到目前爲止,咱們只在建立地圖時查看了地圖文件。在建立Web地圖應用程序時,咱們一般打算製做用戶(應用程序的用戶)能夠交互更改的映射。也就是說,用戶應該可以更改地圖的內容(或其中的信息)。爲了實現這種交互性,咱們使用mapserver HTML模板。
MapServer HTML模板本質上是一個HTML文件,帶有一些特定於MapServer的標記——這些標記是MapServer CGI變量帶括在方括號「[]」中。當mapserver cgi程序處理一個應用程序時,它首先解析查詢字符串和mapfile並生成必要的輸出。其中一些輸出將須要寫入HTML模板文件,您還必須使用web template關鍵字(或單獨的HTML初始化文件)在mapfile中指定該文件。CGI程序將用適當的值替換HTML模板中的全部變量,而後再將其發送回Web瀏覽器。若是要在Web瀏覽器上直接查看HTML模板,則不會呈現任何映射,而是會獲得空白圖像和其餘垃圾。
咱們還能夠定義本身的變量——mapserver將把它傳遞給咱們的應用程序。例如,咱們能夠建立一個名爲「root」的變量來表示本教程的根目錄——「root」的值將是「/tutorial」。當mapserver cgi程序處理咱們的html模板時,它將用「/tutorial」替換他「[根]」標記的每一個實例。您將在下面的每一個示例中看到這一點。
Example 2.1 - Pan and Zoom Controls
# The annotated map file (sort of) # Created by Pericles S. Nacionales for the MapServer tutorial # 20050623 # # Map files begin with map keyword to signify the start of the map object. # Well, the entire map file is THE map object. Enclose between MAP and END # at the very bottom of this map file, are keyword/value pairs and other # objects. MAP NAME EX2_ IMAGETYPE png24 EXTENT 166221 -371954 1505849 632767 # LAEA #EXTENT -97.5 41.619778 -82.122902 49.38562 # Geographic SIZE 400 300 SHAPEPATH "../data" SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym" FONTSET "../fonts/fonts.list" # When changing any of the mapfile parameters via the web interface, you # need to define a TEMPLATEPATTERN. This is required for security reasons. # Since the example filenames in section 2 begin with "example2" (as in # example2-1.html or example2-2.html), you can use it as the pattern. # The template pattern is a regular expression used by MapServer to match the # value of map_web_template variable against. TEMPLATEPATTERN 'example2*' # The web object is defined at the level below the map object. All # web-related parameters (I interchange "parameters" and "keyword/value # pairs" quite frequently, sorry about that) are defined in this object. WEB TEMPLATE 'to be replaced by map_web_template variable in section2.html' IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END # Every object in MapServer must have an END.;) # The projection object is typically used within the map and the layer # objects. You only define it once within the map object and this definition # becomes your output projection--MapServer will render your maps in this # projection. You also use the projection object within the layer object to # define your input projection. Your layers can be in different # projections--MapServer will reproject them into your output projection. # If no projection is defined within the layer object, MapServer assumes # your input projection is the same as your output projection. This is not # a required object unless you're creating a map file that supports one of # the OGC interoperability web services specifications (WMS/WFS/WCS). PROJECTION # Projection parameters can be defined in two ways... # This is the traditional Proj.4 definition of Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the Continental U.S. # "proj=laea" # "ellps=clrk66" # "lat_0=45" # "lon_0=-100" # # Alternatively, you can specify an EPSG code. # This is the EPSG code for Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the U.S. "init=epsg:2163" END # This is the ending of the output projection # # Start of legend # LEGEND KEYSIZE 12 12 LABEL TYPE BITMAP SIZE MEDIUM COLOR 0 0 89 END STATUS ON END # The reference object is used to define a reference map for your mapping # application. This typically involves defining a small image that covers # the entire area of the map and defining a box that represents the current # view on in relation to the entire area. REFERENCE IMAGE '../images/ugl_ref1.png' # The reference image SIZE 155 105 # The size of the reference image in pixels EXTENT 201621.496941 -294488.285333 1425518.020722 498254.511514 # The extent of the reference image in map units STATUS ON MINBOXSIZE 10 # How small can the reference box be before it gets drawn as a point, in pixels MAXBOXSIZE 150 # The maximum size of the reference box, in pixels COLOR -1 -1 -1 # The reference box fill color, negative numbers mean transparent OUTLINECOLOR 128 0 0 # The reference box outline color MARKERSIZE 8 # The size of the point marker MARKER 'star' # The marker symbol END # A scalebar object is defined one level below the map object. This object # controls how a scalebar is drawn by MapServer. Scalebars can be embedded # in the map itself or can be created as a separate image. It has an # associated MapServer CGI variable called "scalebar" (or [scalebar] when # used in the HTML template). SCALEBAR IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 LABEL COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE TINY END STYLE 1 SIZE 100 2 COLOR 0 0 0 UNITS MILES INTERVALS 2 TRANSPARENT FALSE STATUS ON END # Scalebar object ends # Layer objects, too, are defined beneath the map object. Be mindful of the # order of your layer objects. MapServer "stacks them" in reverse # order--that is, the last layer you define (at the bottom of the map file) # will be drawn on top and the first layer you define (right after this # comment), will be drawn at the bottom. Here's my rule: rasters and # polygons are defined first, followed by the line layers. The point and # annotation layers are defined last. You can play around with the ordering # of your layers until you're satisfied. # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # States polygon layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON REQUIRES "![modis] OR ![modis_jpl]" # Here's an example of the input projection definition. # EPSG:4326 is code for geographic (latlong) projection # using the WGS84 datum PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" # The class object is defined within the layer object. You can define as # many classes as you need (well, there are limits, but it's senseless to # define more than ten on a "normal" layer. There are situations, # however, where you might have to do it.) CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' # There are styles in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. STYLE SYMBOL 0 COLOR 232 232 232 END # And they all must come to an end. END # End of this class. END # States polygon layer ends here LAYER # MODIS raster layer begins here NAME modis DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_idxa.tif" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER OFFSITE 70 74 66 #167 151 152 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # MODIS raster layer ends here LAYER # MODIS WMS map from JPL (or from USGS) NAME modis_jpl TYPE RASTER OFFSITE 0 0 0 STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi?" METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" "wms_name" "daily_terra" #"global_mosaic" "daily_aqua" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_format" "image/jpeg" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # MODIS WMS image ends here LAYER # Hydrography layer begins here NAME hydro TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF DATA hydrop_ugl PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM 'FEATURE' CLASS NAME 'Lakes' EXPRESSION /(^B|^C|^L|^R)./ STYLE COLOR 72 64 254 END END # CLASS CLASS NAME 'Rivers' EXPRESSION 'Stream' STYLE COLOR 136 128 255 END END # CLASS CLASS NAME 'Wetlands' EXPRESSION 'Swamp or Marsh' STYLE COLOR 195 252 255 OUTLINECOLOR 195 252 255 SYMBOL 'circle' SIZE 0 END END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # ROADS LAYER NAME cty_roads GROUP roads TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl MAXSCALE 750000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM 'CLASS1' CLASS NAME 'Minor Arterial Roads' EXPRESSION '3' STYLE COLOR 165 165 165 END END # CLASS CLASS EXPRESSION '4' STYLE COLOR 210 210 210 END END # CLASS END # ROADS LAYER LAYER # state highways begin here NAME state_hwy GROUP roads MAXSCALE 1500000 STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl TYPE LINE FILTERITEM 'CLASS1' FILTER '2' CLASS NAME 'Principal Arterial Roads' STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 1 SYMBOL 'circle' END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # highways LAYER # interstate highways begin here NAME interstate GROUP roads # MAXSCALE 22500000 STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl TYPE LINE FILTERITEM 'CLASS1' FILTER '1' CLASS NAME "Interstate Hwy." STYLE COLOR 128 0 0 END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # highways LAYER # States line layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE LINE PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" CLASS NAME 'State Boundary' EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE SYMBOL 'line5' COLOR 32 32 32 SIZE 1 END END END # States line layer ends here LAYER NAME roads_anno GROUP roads MAXSCALE 750000 STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl TYPE POLYGON LABELITEM "SIGN" CLASSITEM "CLASS1" CLASS EXPRESSION "3" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color SYMBOL '../symbols/sthwy.png' END LABEL MINFEATURESIZE 50 MINDISTANCE 150 POSITION CC SIZE TINY COLOR 0 0 0 END END CLASS EXPRESSION "2" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color SYMBOL '../symbols/ushwy.png' END LABEL MINFEATURESIZE 50 MINDISTANCE 150 POSITION CC SIZE TINY COLOR 0 0 0 END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # highway annotation LAYER NAME roads_anno1 GROUP roads STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl TYPE POLYGON LABELITEM "SIGN" CLASSITEM "CLASS1" CLASS EXPRESSION "1" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color SYMBOL '../symbols/interstate.png' END LABEL MINFEATURESIZE 20 MINDISTANCE 150 POSITION CC SIZE TINY COLOR 255 255 255 END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END LAYER # States label layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" LABELITEM "STATE" CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE COLOR -1 -1 -1 END LABEL COLOR 132 31 31 OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128 SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218 SHADOWSIZE 1 1 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial-bold SIZE 12 ANTIALIAS TRUE POSITION CL PARTIALS FALSE MINDISTANCE 200 BUFFER 4 END # end of label END # end of class END # States label layer ends here # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS ------------------------------- END # end of map file
<a href="/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe? map=/ms4w/apps/tutorial/htdocs/example2-1.map &mode=browse&root=/tutorial&program=/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe &map_web=template+example2-1.html"> Proceed to Example 2.1</a>
縮放/平移控件使用內部mapserver cgi變量。此示例演示如何使用「zoom」變量。縮放值決定放大或縮小的距離。若是值爲「0」,則MapServer將根據用戶的鼠標單擊從新輸入圖像。若是該值大於「0」,則CGI程序放大(地圖的當前比例乘以縮放值)。若是是負數,那麼CGI程序會縮小(將當前比例除以縮放值)。其餘可用於控制縮放和平移的變量有「zoomdir」和「zoomsize」。這兩個變量的做用與「縮放」差很少——「zoomdir」控制縮放方向,「zoomsize」控制放大或縮小的距離。請查看osgeo庫或mapserver wiki上的其餘示例,以獲取其餘縮放/平移控制選項。
如今,看看HTML模板文件。您會注意到這其實是一個調用mapserver cgi程序的HTML表單。由於它是一個表單,因此您可使用單選按鈕和複選框以及下拉框來實現您的界面。不要以爲受這個例子的限制——有創造力是件好事。;)有關詳細信息,請查看HTML模板引用頁。
# The annotated map file (sort of) # Created by Pericles S. Nacionales for the MapServer tutorial # 20050623 # # Map files begin with map keyword to signify the start of the map object. # Well, the entire map file is THE map object. Enclose between MAP and END # at the very bottom of this map file, are keyword/value pairs and other # objects. MAP NAME EX2_ IMAGETYPE png24 EXTENT 166221 -371954 1505849 632767 # LAEA #EXTENT -97.5 41.619778 -82.122902 49.38562 # Geographic SIZE 400 300 SHAPEPATH "../data" SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym" FONTSET "../fonts/fonts.list" # When changing any of the mapfile parameters via the web interface, you # need to define a TEMPLATEPATTERN. This is required for security reasons. # Since the example filenames in section 2 begin with "example2" (as in # example2-1.html or example2-2.html), you can use it as the pattern. # The template pattern is a regular expression used by MapServer to match the # value of map_web_template variable against. TEMPLATEPATTERN 'example2*' # The web object is defined at the level below the map object. All # web-related parameters (I interchange "parameters" and "keyword/value # pairs" quite frequently, sorry about that) are defined in this object. WEB TEMPLATE 'to be replaced by map_web_template variable in section2.html' IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END # Every object in MapServer must have an END.;) # The projection object is typically used within the map and the layer # objects. You only define it once within the map object and this definition # becomes your output projection--MapServer will render your maps in this # projection. You also use the projection object within the layer object to # define your input projection. Your layers can be in different # projections--MapServer will reproject them into your output projection. # If no projection is defined within the layer object, MapServer assumes # your input projection is the same as your output projection. This is not # a required object unless you're creating a map file that supports one of # the OGC interoperability web services specifications (WMS/WFS/WCS). PROJECTION # Projection parameters can be defined in two ways... # This is the traditional Proj.4 definition of Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the Continental U.S. # "proj=laea" # "ellps=clrk66" # "lat_0=45" # "lon_0=-100" # # Alternatively, you can specify an EPSG code. # This is the EPSG code for Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the U.S. "init=epsg:2163" END # This is the ending of the output projection # # Start of legend # LEGEND KEYSIZE 12 12 LABEL TYPE BITMAP SIZE MEDIUM COLOR 0 0 89 END STATUS ON END # The reference object is used to define a reference map for your mapping # application. This typically involves defining a small image that covers # the entire area of the map and defining a box that represents the current # view on in relation to the entire area. REFERENCE IMAGE '../images/ugl_ref1.png' # The reference image SIZE 155 105 # The size of the reference image in pixels EXTENT 201621.496941 -294488.285333 1425518.020722 498254.511514 # The extent of the reference image in map units STATUS ON MINBOXSIZE 10 # How small can the reference box be before it gets drawn as a point, in pixels MAXBOXSIZE 150 # The maximum size of the reference box, in pixels COLOR -1 -1 -1 # The reference box fill color, negative numbers mean transparent OUTLINECOLOR 128 0 0 # The reference box outline color MARKERSIZE 8 # The size of the point marker MARKER 'star' # The marker symbol END # A scalebar object is defined one level below the map object. This object # controls how a scalebar is drawn by MapServer. Scalebars can be embedded # in the map itself or can be created as a separate image. It has an # associated MapServer CGI variable called "scalebar" (or [scalebar] when # used in the HTML template). SCALEBAR IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 LABEL COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE TINY END STYLE 1 SIZE 100 2 COLOR 0 0 0 UNITS MILES INTERVALS 2 TRANSPARENT FALSE STATUS ON END # Scalebar object ends # Layer objects, too, are defined beneath the map object. Be mindful of the # order of your layer objects. MapServer "stacks them" in reverse # order--that is, the last layer you define (at the bottom of the map file) # will be drawn on top and the first layer you define (right after this # comment), will be drawn at the bottom. Here's my rule: rasters and # polygons are defined first, followed by the line layers. The point and # annotation layers are defined last. You can play around with the ordering # of your layers until you're satisfied. # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # States polygon layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON REQUIRES "![modis] OR ![modis_jpl]" # Here's an example of the input projection definition. # EPSG:4326 is code for geographic (latlong) projection # using the WGS84 datum PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" # The class object is defined within the layer object. You can define as # many classes as you need (well, there are limits, but it's senseless to # define more than ten on a "normal" layer. There are situations, # however, where you might have to do it.) CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' # There are styles in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. STYLE SYMBOL 0 COLOR 232 232 232 END # And they all must come to an end. END # End of this class. END # States polygon layer ends here LAYER # MODIS raster layer begins here NAME modis DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_idxa.tif" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER OFFSITE 70 74 66 #167 151 152 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # MODIS raster layer ends here LAYER # MODIS WMS map from JPL (or from USGS) NAME modis_jpl TYPE RASTER OFFSITE 0 0 0 STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi?" METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" "wms_name" "daily_terra" #"global_mosaic" "daily_aqua" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_format" "image/jpeg" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # MODIS WMS image ends here LAYER # Hydrography layer begins here NAME hydro TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF DATA hydrop_ugl PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM 'FEATURE' CLASS NAME 'Lakes' EXPRESSION /(^B|^C|^L|^R)./ STYLE COLOR 72 64 254 END END # CLASS CLASS NAME 'Rivers' EXPRESSION 'Stream' STYLE COLOR 136 128 255 END END # CLASS CLASS NAME 'Wetlands' EXPRESSION 'Swamp or Marsh' STYLE COLOR 195 252 255 OUTLINECOLOR 195 252 255 SYMBOL 'circle' SIZE 0 END END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # ROADS LAYER NAME cty_roads GROUP roads TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl MAXSCALE 750000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM 'CLASS1' CLASS NAME 'Minor Arterial Roads' EXPRESSION '3' STYLE COLOR 165 165 165 END END # CLASS CLASS EXPRESSION '4' STYLE COLOR 210 210 210 END END # CLASS END # ROADS LAYER LAYER # state highways begin here NAME state_hwy GROUP roads MAXSCALE 1500000 STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl TYPE LINE FILTERITEM 'CLASS1' FILTER '2' CLASS NAME 'Principal Arterial Roads' STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 1 SYMBOL 'circle' END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # highways LAYER # interstate highways begin here NAME interstate GROUP roads # MAXSCALE 22500000 STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl TYPE LINE FILTERITEM 'CLASS1' FILTER '1' CLASS NAME "Interstate Hwy." STYLE COLOR 128 0 0 END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # highways LAYER # States line layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE LINE PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" CLASS NAME 'State Boundary' EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE SYMBOL 'line5' COLOR 32 32 32 SIZE 1 END END END # States line layer ends here LAYER NAME roads_anno GROUP roads MAXSCALE 750000 STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl TYPE POLYGON LABELITEM "SIGN" CLASSITEM "CLASS1" CLASS EXPRESSION "3" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color SYMBOL '../symbols/sthwy.png' END LABEL MINFEATURESIZE 50 MINDISTANCE 150 POSITION CC SIZE TINY COLOR 0 0 0 END END CLASS EXPRESSION "2" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color SYMBOL '../symbols/ushwy.png' END LABEL MINFEATURESIZE 50 MINDISTANCE 150 POSITION CC SIZE TINY COLOR 0 0 0 END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # highway annotation LAYER NAME roads_anno1 GROUP roads STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl TYPE POLYGON LABELITEM "SIGN" CLASSITEM "CLASS1" CLASS EXPRESSION "1" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color SYMBOL '../symbols/interstate.png' END LABEL MINFEATURESIZE 20 MINDISTANCE 150 POSITION CC SIZE TINY COLOR 255 255 255 END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END LAYER # States label layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" LABELITEM "STATE" CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE COLOR -1 -1 -1 END LABEL COLOR 132 31 31 OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128 SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218 SHADOWSIZE 1 1 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial-bold SIZE 12 ANTIALIAS TRUE POSITION CL PARTIALS FALSE MINDISTANCE 200 BUFFER 4 END # end of label END # end of class END # States label layer ends here # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS ------------------------------- END # end of map file
# The annotated map file (sort of) # Created by Pericles S. Nacionales for the MapServer tutorial # 20050623 # # Map files begin with map keyword to signify the start of the map object. # Well, the entire map file is THE map object. Enclose between MAP and END # at the very bottom of this map file, are keyword/value pairs and other # objects. MAP NAME EX2_ IMAGETYPE png24 EXTENT 166221 -371954 1505849 632767 # LAEA #EXTENT -97.5 41.619778 -82.122902 49.38562 # Geographic SIZE 400 300 SHAPEPATH "../data" SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym" FONTSET "../fonts/fonts.list" # When changing any of the mapfile parameters via the web interface, you # need to define a TEMPLATEPATTERN. This is required for security reasons. # Since the example filenames in section 2 begin with "example2" (as in # example2-1.html or example2-2.html), you can use it as the pattern. # The template pattern is a regular expression used by MapServer to match the # value of map_web_template variable against. TEMPLATEPATTERN 'example2*' # The web object is defined at the level below the map object. All # web-related parameters (I interchange "parameters" and "keyword/value # pairs" quite frequently, sorry about that) are defined in this object. WEB TEMPLATE 'to be replaced by map_web_template variable in section2.html' IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END # Every object in MapServer must have an END.;) # The projection object is typically used within the map and the layer # objects. You only define it once within the map object and this definition # becomes your output projection--MapServer will render your maps in this # projection. You also use the projection object within the layer object to # define your input projection. Your layers can be in different # projections--MapServer will reproject them into your output projection. # If no projection is defined within the layer object, MapServer assumes # your input projection is the same as your output projection. This is not # a required object unless you're creating a map file that supports one of # the OGC interoperability web services specifications (WMS/WFS/WCS). PROJECTION # Projection parameters can be defined in two ways... # This is the traditional Proj.4 definition of Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the Continental U.S. # "proj=laea" # "ellps=clrk66" # "lat_0=45" # "lon_0=-100" # # Alternatively, you can specify an EPSG code. # This is the EPSG code for Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the U.S. "init=epsg:2163" END # This is the ending of the output projection # # Start of legend # LEGEND KEYSIZE 12 12 LABEL TYPE BITMAP SIZE MEDIUM COLOR 0 0 89 END STATUS ON END # The reference object is used to define a reference map for your mapping # application. This typically involves defining a small image that covers # the entire area of the map and defining a box that represents the current # view on in relation to the entire area. REFERENCE IMAGE '../images/ugl_ref1.png' # The reference image SIZE 155 105 # The size of the reference image in pixels EXTENT 201621.496941 -294488.285333 1425518.020722 498254.511514 # The extent of the reference image in map units STATUS ON MINBOXSIZE 10 # How small can the reference box be before it gets drawn as a point, in pixels MAXBOXSIZE 150 # The maximum size of the reference box, in pixels COLOR -1 -1 -1 # The reference box fill color, negative numbers mean transparent OUTLINECOLOR 128 0 0 # The reference box outline color MARKERSIZE 8 # The size of the point marker MARKER 'star' # The marker symbol END # A scalebar object is defined one level below the map object. This object # controls how a scalebar is drawn by MapServer. Scalebars can be embedded # in the map itself or can be created as a separate image. It has an # associated MapServer CGI variable called "scalebar" (or [scalebar] when # used in the HTML template). SCALEBAR IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 LABEL COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE TINY END STYLE 1 SIZE 100 2 COLOR 0 0 0 UNITS MILES INTERVALS 2 TRANSPARENT FALSE STATUS ON END # Scalebar object ends # Layer objects, too, are defined beneath the map object. Be mindful of the # order of your layer objects. MapServer "stacks them" in reverse # order--that is, the last layer you define (at the bottom of the map file) # will be drawn on top and the first layer you define (right after this # comment), will be drawn at the bottom. Here's my rule: rasters and # polygons are defined first, followed by the line layers. The point and # annotation layers are defined last. You can play around with the ordering # of your layers until you're satisfied. # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # States polygon layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON REQUIRES "![modis] OR ![modis_jpl]" # Here's an example of the input projection definition. # EPSG:4326 is code for geographic (latlong) projection # using the WGS84 datum PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" # The class object is defined within the layer object. You can define as # many classes as you need (well, there are limits, but it's senseless to # define more than ten on a "normal" layer. There are situations, # however, where you might have to do it.) CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' # There are styles in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. STYLE SYMBOL 0 COLOR 232 232 232 END # And they all must come to an end. END # End of this class. END # States polygon layer ends here LAYER # MODIS raster layer begins here NAME modis DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_idxa.tif" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER OFFSITE 70 74 66 #167 151 152 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # MODIS raster layer ends here LAYER # MODIS WMS map from JPL (or from USGS) NAME modis_jpl TYPE RASTER OFFSITE 0 0 0 STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi?" METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" "wms_name" "daily_terra" #"global_mosaic" "daily_aqua" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_format" "image/jpeg" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # MODIS WMS image ends here LAYER # Hydrography layer begins here NAME hydro TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF DATA hydrop_ugl PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM 'FEATURE' CLASS NAME 'Lakes' EXPRESSION /(^B|^C|^L|^R)./ STYLE COLOR 72 64 254 END END # CLASS CLASS NAME 'Rivers' EXPRESSION 'Stream' STYLE COLOR 136 128 255 END END # CLASS CLASS NAME 'Wetlands' EXPRESSION 'Swamp or Marsh' STYLE COLOR 195 252 255 OUTLINECOLOR 195 252 255 SYMBOL 'circle' SIZE 0 END END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # ROADS LAYER NAME cty_roads GROUP roads TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl MAXSCALE 750000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM 'CLASS1' CLASS NAME 'Minor Arterial Roads' EXPRESSION '3' STYLE COLOR 165 165 165 END END # CLASS CLASS EXPRESSION '4' STYLE COLOR 210 210 210 END END # CLASS END # ROADS LAYER LAYER # state highways begin here NAME state_hwy GROUP roads MAXSCALE 1500000 STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl TYPE LINE FILTERITEM 'CLASS1' FILTER '2' CLASS NAME 'Principal Arterial Roads' STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 1 SYMBOL 'circle' END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # highways LAYER # interstate highways begin here NAME interstate GROUP roads # MAXSCALE 22500000 STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl TYPE LINE FILTERITEM 'CLASS1' FILTER '1' CLASS NAME "Interstate Hwy." STYLE COLOR 128 0 0 END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # highways LAYER # States line layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE LINE PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" CLASS NAME 'State Boundary' EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE SYMBOL 'line5' COLOR 32 32 32 SIZE 1 END END END # States line layer ends here LAYER NAME roads_anno GROUP roads MAXSCALE 750000 STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl TYPE POLYGON LABELITEM "SIGN" CLASSITEM "CLASS1" CLASS EXPRESSION "3" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color SYMBOL '../symbols/sthwy.png' END LABEL MINFEATURESIZE 50 MINDISTANCE 150 POSITION CC SIZE TINY COLOR 0 0 0 END END CLASS EXPRESSION "2" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color SYMBOL '../symbols/ushwy.png' END LABEL MINFEATURESIZE 50 MINDISTANCE 150 POSITION CC SIZE TINY COLOR 0 0 0 END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # highway annotation LAYER NAME roads_anno1 GROUP roads STATUS OFF DATA roads_ugl TYPE POLYGON LABELITEM "SIGN" CLASSITEM "CLASS1" CLASS EXPRESSION "1" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color SYMBOL '../symbols/interstate.png' END LABEL MINFEATURESIZE 20 MINDISTANCE 150 POSITION CC SIZE TINY COLOR 255 255 255 END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END LAYER # States label layer begins here NAME states DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" LABELITEM "STATE" CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE COLOR -1 -1 -1 END LABEL COLOR 132 31 31 OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128 SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218 SHADOWSIZE 1 1 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial-bold SIZE 12 ANTIALIAS TRUE POSITION CL PARTIALS FALSE MINDISTANCE 200 BUFFER 4 END # end of label END # end of class END # States label layer ends here # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS ------------------------------- END # end of map file
HTML Template:
<!-- MapServer Template --> <html> <head> <title>MapServer 5.x Tutorial</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/tutorial/ms35.css" /> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> <table align="center" border="0"><tr> <td> <h3 align="center">Example 2.4: Adding a Reference Map</h3> <!-- START OF MAPSERVER FORM --> <form name="mapserv" method="GET" action="/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe"> <!-- HIDDEN MAPSERVER CGI VARIABLES --> <input type="hidden" name="map" value="[map]"> <input type="hidden" name="imgext" value="[mapext]"> <input type="hidden" name="imgxy" value="199.5 149.5"> <table width="600" border="0" align="center"> <tr> <td> <table width="400" border="1" align="center"> <tr> <td colspan="4">Select Layers: <!-- SPECIFY VECTOR LAYERS --> <input type="checkbox" name="layer" value="states" [states_check] checked>State Boundaries <input type="checkbox" name="layer" value="hydro" [hydro_check]>Water Features <input type="checkbox" name="layer" value="roads" [roads_check]>Roads<br> <!-- SPECIFY RASTER LAYERS --> Select Background: <select name="layer"> <option value=" " [ _select]>No Background</option> <option value="modis_jpl" [modis_jpl_select]> Daily MODIS Image</option> <option value="modis" [modis_select]> MODIS Surface Reflectance</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <!-- SPECIFY MAP MODE --> <div align="center">Map Mode:<br> <select name="mode"> <option value="browse" [browse_select]>Browse</option> </select> </div> </td> <td> <!-- FORM SUBMIT BUTTON --> <div align="center"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Refresh"> </div> </td> <td> <!-- ZOOM/PAN CONTROLS --> <div align="center">Map Control: <br> <select name="zoom"> <option value="4" [zoom_4_select]>Zoom In 4x</option> <option value="3" [zoom_3_select]>Zoom In 3x</option> <option value="2" [zoom_2_select]>Zoom In 2x</option> <option value="1" [zoom_1_select]>Recenter</option> <option value="-2" [zoom_-2_select]>Zoom Out 2x</option> <option value="-3" [zoom_-3_select]>Zoom Out 3x</option> <option value="-4" [zoom_-4_select]>Zoom Out 4x</option> </select> </div> </td> <!-- REFERENCE COLUMN --> <td rowspan="2" valign="top"> <p>Reference:<br> <input type="image" name="ref" src="[ref]" border="0"></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- DISPLAY THE MAPSERVER-CREATED MAP IMAGE --> <td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top"> <input type="image" name="img" src="[img]" width="400" height="300" border="0"> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html>
<!-- MapServer Template --> <html> <head> <title>MapServer 5.x Tutorial</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/tutorial/ms35.css" /> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> <table align="center" border="0"><tr> <td> <h3 align="center">Example 2.5: Adding a Legend</h3> <!-- START OF MAPSERVER FORM --> <form name="mapserv" method="GET" action="/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe"> <!-- HIDDEN MAPSERVER CGI VARIABLES --> <input type="hidden" name="map" value="[map]"> <input type="hidden" name="imgext" value="[mapext]"> <input type="hidden" name="imgxy" value="199.5 149.5"> <table width="600" border="0" align="center"> <tr> <td> <table width="400" border="1" align="center"> <tr> <td colspan="4">Select Layers: <!-- SPECIFY VECTOR LAYERS --> <input type="checkbox" name="layer" value="states" [states_check] checked> State Boundaries <input type="checkbox" name="layer" value="hydro" [hydro_check]> Water Features <input type="checkbox" name="layer" value="roads" [roads_check]> Roads<br> <!-- SPECIFY RASTER LAYERS --> Select Background: <select name="layer"> <option value=" " [ _select]>No Background</option> <option value="modis_jpl" [modis_jpl_select]> Daily MODIS Image</option> <option value="modis" [modis_select]> MODIS Surface Reflectance</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <!-- SPECIFY MAP MODE --> <div align="center">Map Mode:<br> <select name="mode"> <option value="browse" [browse_select]>Browse</option> </select> </div> </td> <td> <!-- FORM SUBMIT BUTTON --> <div align="center"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Refresh"> </div> </td> <td> <!-- ZOOM/PAN CONTROLS --> <div align="center">Map Control: <br> <select name="zoom"> <option value="4" [zoom_4_select]>Zoom In 4x</option> <option value="3" [zoom_3_select]>Zoom In 3x</option> <option value="2" [zoom_2_select]>Zoom In 2x</option> <option value="1" [zoom_1_select]>Recenter</option> <option value="-2" [zoom_-2_select]>Zoom Out 2x</option> <option value="-3" [zoom_-3_select]>Zoom Out 3x</option> <option value="-4" [zoom_-4_select]>Zoom Out 4x</option> </select> </div> </td> <!-- REFERENCE AND LEGEND COLUMN --> <td rowspan="2" valign="top"> <p>Reference:<br> <img name="ref" src="[ref]"></p> <p>Legend:<br> <img name="legend" src="[legend]"></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- DISPLAY THE MAPSERVER-CREATED MAP IMAGE --> <td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top"> <input type="image" name="img" src="[img]" width="400" height="300" border="0"> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html>