QNX Momentics IDE 沒法進入源碼調試/沒法定位源代碼文件


一、找到項目屬性設置,編譯器選項設置,添加 -g -O0 選擇項:node






Thanks! Following your suggestion, I solved both problems. It works 
like a charm! 

Michael Chen 

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 3:13 AM, Subs <[hidden email]> wrote:ui

> 1. Unable to debug: You probably haven't built for debug. Use the -g -O0 
> options to the compiler for debug build 
> 2. Highlight moving randomly: This is probably becuase you have built for 
> debug, but with a high level of optimisation. When optimised, the compiler 
> will move code around to make it optimal, but this pretty much break the 
> association with the source - hence what you are seeing. 

> Michael Chen wrote: 
>> hey, there, 
>> I imported an existing C project with working Makefiles. And in the 
>> project property, I ticked off "Use default build" and "Generate 
>> Makefile Automatically", and I supplied the Bulding command 
>> "/usr/bin/make". The project build smoothly and run without problem. 
>> And in the editor windows, CTRL+click on variable names, types or 
>> macros,  leads me to all right places. 
>> However I can not debug it. The error is No source available for 
>> "main() " . I setup the Source  in the Run/Debug Dialog in all 
>> possible ways I can imagine, and get the same error. There is another 
>> executable generated in a deep subdirectory, and I can at least see 
>> the debug window for it, click on Step Over, however, I see the 
>> highlights jumps around in its source file randomly. It seems that I 
>> missed something. Please help me out, thanks! 
>> Best Regards, 
>> Michael Chen 
