typedef struct TreeNode *PtrToNode; struct TreeNode { ElementType Element; PtrToNode FirstChild; PtrToNode NextSibling; }
static void ListDir(DirectoryOrFile D, int Depth) { if (D is a legitimate entry) { PrintName(D, Depth); if (D is a directory) { for each child, C, of D ListDir(C, Depth+1); } } } void ListDirectory(DirectoryOrFile D) { ListDir(D, 0); }
static void SizeDirectory (DirectoryOrFile D) { int TotalSize; TotalSize = 0; if (D is a legitimate entry) { TotalSize = FileSize(D); if (D is a directory) for each child, C, of D TotalSize += SizeDirectory(C) } return TotalSize; }
typedef struct TreeNode *PtrToNode; typedef PtrToNode Tree; struct TreeNode { ElementType Element; Tree Left; Tree Right; }
void suffixExpression(char *inputStr) { int cnt, cnt2; Stack s = CreateStack(); for (cnt = 0; inputStr[cnt] != '\0'; cnt++) { if ((inputStr[cnt] >= '0') && (inputStr[cnt] <= '9')) { PtrToTreeHead numTree = CreateTreeNode(); numTree->Element = inputStr[cnt]; printf("Push %c\n", numTree->Element); Push(numTree, s); } for (cnt2 = 0; cnt2 < OPERATOR_TYPE; cnt2++) { if (inputStr[cnt] == Operator[cnt2]) { PtrToTreeHead operatorTree = CreateTreeNode(); operatorTree->Element = inputStr[cnt]; PtrToTreeHead num2Tree = Top(s); Pop(s); PtrToTreeHead num1Tree = Top(s);; Pop(s); operatorTree->LeftChild = num1Tree; operatorTree->RightChild = num2Tree; Push(operatorTree, s); printf("operator=%c, num1=%c, num2=%c\n", operatorTree->Element, num1Tree->Element, num2Tree->Element); } } } PtrToTreeHead printTree = Top(s); PrintTree(printTree); DrstroyTree(printTree); DistroyStack(s); }
struct TreeNode; typedef struct TreeNode *Position; typedef Position SearchTree; struct TreeNode { ElementType Element; Search Left; Srarch Right }
SearchTree MakeEmpty(SearchTree treeHead) { if (treeHead == NULL) { return NULL; } if (treeHead->Left != NULL) { MakeEmpty(treeHead->Left); } if (treeHead->Right != NULL) { MakeEmpty(treeHead->Right); } if (treeHead != NULL) { free(treeHead); } }
SearchTree Find(SearchTree treeHead, ElementType Element) { if (treeHead == NULL) { return NULL; } if (Element < treeHead->Element) { return Find(treeHead->Left, Element); } else if (Element > treeHead->Element) { return Find(treeHead->Right, Element); } else { return treeHead; } }
SearchTree FindMin(SearchTree treeHead) { if (treeHead == NULL) { return NULL; } if (treeHead->Left != NULL) { return FindMin(treeHead->Left); } else { return treeHead; } }
SearchTree FindMin(SearchTree treeHead) { if (treeHead == NULL) { return NULL; } SearchTree tmp = treeHead; while (tmp->Left != NULL) { tmp = tmp->Left; } return tmp; }
SearchTree FindMax(SearchTree treeHead) { if (treeHead == NULL) { return NULL; } if (treeHead->Right != NULL) { return FindMin(treeHead->Right); } else { return treeHead; } }
SearchTree FindMax(SearchTree treeHead) { if (treeHead == NULL) { return NULL; } SearchTree tmp = treeHead; while (tmp->Right != NULL) { tmp = tmp->Right; } return tmp; }
SearchTree Insert(SearchTree treeHead, ElementType element) { if (treeHead == NULL) { treeHead = (SearchTree)malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode)); if (treeHead == NULL) { return NULL; } memset(treeHead, 0, sizeof(struct TreeNode)); treeHead->Element = element; treeHead->Left = treeHead->Right = NULL; } else if (element < treeHead->Element) { treeHead->Left = Insert(treeHead->Left, element); } else if (element > treeHead->Element) { treeHead->Right = Insert(treeHead->Right, element); } return treeHead; }
SearchTree Delete(SearchTree T, ElementType element) { SearchTree tmp; if (T == NULL) { printf("Couldn't find element\n"); return NULL; } else if (element < T->element) { T->Left = Delete(T->Left, element); } else if (element > T->element) { T->Right = Delete(T->Right, element); } else if (T->Left && T->Right) { tmp = T; T->Element = tmp->Element; T->Right = Delete(T->Right, element); } else { tmp = T; if (T->Left) { T = T->Left; } else if (T->Right) { T = T->Right; } free(tmp); } }
struct AvlNode { ElementType Element; AvlTree Left; AvlTree Right; int Height; } typedef struct AvlNode *Position; typedef struct AvlNode *AvlTree;
static int Height(Position P) { if (P == NULL) { return -1; } else { return P->Height; } }
AvlTree Insert(AvlTree T, ElementType X) { if (T == NULL) { T = (struct AvlNode)malloc(sizeof(struct AvlNode)); if (T == NULL) { return NULL; } memset(T, 0, sizeof(struct AvlNode)); T->Element = X; T->Height = 0; T->Left = T->Right = NULL; } else if (X < T->Element) { T->Left = Insert(T->Left, X); if (Height(T->Left) - Height(T->Right) == 2) { if (X < T->Left->Element) { T = SingleRotateWithLeft(T); } else { T = DoubleRotateWithLeft(T); } } } else if (X > T->Element) { T->Right = Insert(T->Right, X); if (Height(T->Right) - Height(T->Left) == 2) { if (X > T->Right->Element) { T = SingleRotateRight(T); } else { T = DoubleRotateRight(T); } } } T->Height = MAX(Height(T->Left), Height(T->Right)) + 1; return T; }
AvlTree SingleRotateWithLeft(Position P) { Position P1 = NULL; P1 = P->Left; P->Left = P1->Right; P1->Right = P; P->Height = Max(Height(P->Left), Height(P->Right)) + 1; P1->Height = Max(Height(P1->Left), Height(P1->Right)) + 1; return P1; }
AvlTree SingleRotateWithRight(Position P) { Position P1 = NULL; P1 = P->Right; P->Right = P1->Left; P1->Left = P; P->Height = Max(Height(P->Left) + Height(P->Right)) + 1; P1->Height = Max(Height(P1->Left) + Height(P1->Right)) + 1; return P1; }
AvlTree DoubleRotateWithLeft(Position P) { P->Left = SingleRotateWithRight(P->Left); return SingleRotateWithLeft(P); }
AvlTree DoubleRotateWithRight(Position P) { P->Right = SingleRotateWithLeft(P->Right); return SingleRotateWithRight(P); }
本文做者: CrazyCatJack函數
本文連接: https://www.cnblogs.com/CrazyCatJack/p/13339994.htmlpost
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