注意foreign key不是用來加速查詢用的,不在咱們研究範圍以內,上面三種key前兩種除了有加速查詢的效果以外還有額外的約束條件(primary key:非空且惟一,unique key:惟一),而index key沒有任何約束功能只會幫你加速查詢數據結構
思考咱們應該給咱們一張表裏面的什麼字段字段創建索引可以下降樹的層級高度>>> 主鍵id字段get
select name from user where name='jason';
select age from user where name='jason';
#1. 準備表 create table s1( id int, name varchar(20), gender char(6), email varchar(50) ); #2. 建立存儲過程,實現批量插入記錄 delimiter $$ #聲明存儲過程的結束符號爲$$ create procedure auto_insert1() BEGIN declare i int default 1; while(i<3000000)do insert into s1 values(i,'jason','male',concat('jason',i,'@oldboy')); set i=i+1; end while; END$$ #$$結束 delimiter ; #從新聲明 分號爲結束符號 #3. 查看存儲過程 show create procedure auto_insert1\G #4. 調用存儲過程 call auto_insert1();
# 表沒有任何索引的狀況下 select * from s1 where id=30000; # 避免打印帶來的時間損耗 select count(id) from s1 where id = 30000; select count(id) from s1 where id = 1; # 給id作一個主鍵 alter table s1 add primary key(id); # 速度很慢 select count(id) from s1 where id = 1; # 速度相較於未建索引以前二者差着數量級 select count(id) from s1 where name = 'jason' # 速度仍然很慢 """ 範圍問題 """ # 並非加了索引,之後查詢的時候按照這個字段速度就必定快 select count(id) from s1 where id > 1; # 速度相較於id = 1慢了不少 select count(id) from s1 where id >1 and id < 3; select count(id) from s1 where id > 1 and id < 10000; select count(id) from s1 where id != 3; alter table s1 drop primary key; # 刪除主鍵 單獨再來研究name字段 select count(id) from s1 where name = 'jason'; # 又慢了 create index idx_name on s1(name); # 給s1表的name字段建立索引 select count(id) from s1 where name = 'jason' # 仍然很慢!!! """ 再來看b+樹的原理,數據須要區分度比較高,而咱們這張表全是jason,根本沒法區分 那這個樹其實就建成了「一根棍子」 """ select count(id) from s1 where name = 'xxx'; # 這個會很快,我就是一根棍,第一個不匹配直接不須要再往下走了 select count(id) from s1 where name like 'xxx'; select count(id) from s1 where name like 'xxx%'; select count(id) from s1 where name like '%xxx'; # 慢 最左匹配特性 # 區分度低的字段不能建索引 drop index idx_name on s1; # 給id字段建普通的索引 create index idx_id on s1(id); select count(id) from s1 where id = 3; # 快了 select count(id) from s1 where id*12 = 3; # 慢了 索引的字段必定不要參與計算 drop index idx_id on s1; select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id = 3 and email = 'xxx'; # 針對上面這種連續多個and的操做,mysql會從左到右先找區分度比較高的索引字段,先將總體範圍降下來再去比較其餘條件 create index idx_name on s1(name); select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id = 3 and email = 'xxx'; # 並無加速 drop index idx_name on s1; # 給name,gender這種區分度不高的字段加上索引並不難加快查詢速度 create index idx_id on s1(id); select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id = 3 and email = 'xxx'; # 快了 先經過id已經講數據快速鎖定成了一條了 select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id > 3 and email = 'xxx'; # 慢了 基於id查出來的數據仍然不少,而後還要去比較其餘字段 drop index idx_id on s1 create index idx_email on s1(email); select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id > 3 and email = 'xxx'; # 快 經過email字段一劍封喉
select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id > 3 and email = 'xxx'; # 若是上述四個字段區分度都很高,那給誰建都能加速查詢 # 給email加然而不用email字段 select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id > 3; # 給name加然而不用name字段 select count(id) from s1 where gender = 'male' and id > 3; # 給gender加然而不用gender字段 select count(id) from s1 where id > 3; # 帶來的問題是全部的字段都建了索引然而都沒有用到,還須要花費四次創建的時間 create index idx_all on s1(email,name,gender,id); # 最左匹配原則,區分度高的往左放 select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id > 3 and email = 'xxx'; # 速度變快