For example we have a React comonent: -- A toggle button, we want to test. When it si toggle on, the color is a little bit darken than it's not.react
// see this live: import React, {Component} from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import glamorous from 'glamorous' import {darken} from 'polished' // imagine this is in a "components" file const primaryColor = '#337ab7' const toggledOnStyles = { backgroundColor: darken(0.15, primaryColor), borderColor: darken(0.25, primaryColor), '&:hover,&:active,&:focus': { backgroundColor: darken(0.2, primaryColor), borderColor: darken(0.3, primaryColor), }, } const toggledOffStyles = { backgroundColor: primaryColor, borderColor: darken(0.1, primaryColor), '&:hover,&:active,&:focus': { backgroundColor: darken(0.1, primaryColor), borderColor: darken(0.2, primaryColor), }, } const ToggleButton = glamorous.button( { display: 'inline-block', padding: '6px 12px', marginBottom: '0', fontSize: '14px', fontWeight: '400', lineHeight: '1.4', textAlign: 'center', cursor: 'pointer', borderRadius: '4px', color: '#fff', }, props => (props.on ? toggledOnStyles : toggledOffStyles), ) class Toggle extends Component { constructor(props, { super(props, this.state = { toggledOn: props.initialToggledOn || false, } } handleToggleClick = () => { const toggledOn = !this.state.toggledOn this.props.onToggle(toggledOn) this.setState({toggledOn}) } render() { const {children} = this.props const {toggledOn} = this.state return ( <ToggleButton on={toggledOn} onClick={this.handleToggleClick} data-test="button" > {children} </ToggleButton> ) } } Toggle.propTypes = { initialToggledOn: PropTypes.bool, onToggle: PropTypes.func.isRequired, children: PropTypes.any.isRequired, } export default Toggle
import React from 'react' import {render} from 'enzyme' import Toggle from '../toggle' test('component render with default state', () => { const wrapper = render(<Toggle onToggle={() => {}}>I am child</Toggle>) expect(wrapper).toMatchSnapshotWithGlamor(); })
If anything changes in the component, such as style changes, snapshot will catch the changes and ask whether should update current snapshot to match the change or it might be the bug, you need to update the code. It save our time which previously we did as a manual thing, now its automaticlly.github
To make things work together, need to change some settings:json
{ "setupFiles": [ "<rootDir>/config/jest/setup-tests.js" ], "setupTestFrameworkScriptFile": "<rootDir>/config/jest/setup-framework.js", "testEnvironment": "jest-environment-jsdom", "roots": [ "demo/unit" ], "testPathIgnorePatterns": [ "/helpers/" ], "snapshotSerializers": [ "enzyme-to-json/serializer" ] }
// here we set up a fake localStorage because jsdom doesn't support it // const inMemoryLocalStorage = {} window.localStorage = { setItem(key, val) { inMemoryLocalStorage[key] = val }, getItem(key) { return inMemoryLocalStorage[key] }, removeItem(key) { delete inMemoryLocalStorage[key] }, }
import {matcher, serializer} from 'jest-glamor-react'