Mounting the NFS share on a Windows server

今天遇到一個至關奇怪的問題,在windows 上mount LINUX NFS, powershell 腳本能夠成功, 用圖形界面也能夠成功,但BATCH就是不行。提示53網絡錯誤.php



  1. Ensure that you are logged into the Windows server as an administrator.
  2. Start the command console as the administrator (Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Windows Powershell or Command Prompt)
  3. Right-click the Windows Powershell or Command Prompt, and select Run as administrator.
    Note: Ensure to select Windows Powershell, not Windows Powershell(x86).
  4. Run the following command to install FS-NFS-Services:

    servermanagercmd.exe -install FS-NFS-Serviceslinux

  5. Open a command prompt with administrative rights. Run the following command:
    • For IBM Docs: umount –f W:
    • For File Viewer: umount –f Y:
  6. Run:

    nfsadmin client stopshell

  7. Open Regedit and navigate to the following branch:


  8. In the main window, right-click and select New > DWORD 32-bit Value. Set the name as AnonymousGID.
  9. Right-click and select New > DWORD 32-bit Value again. Set the name as AnonymousUID.
  10. Double-click on AnonymousGID and AnonymousUID, set the value as 0 and the base as Decimal respectively.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Close Regedit.
  13. In the command prompt, run:

    nfsadmin client start網絡

  14. Close the Windows Powershell Console.
  15. Open a command prompt.
  16. Run the following command in a command prompt (not Powershell) to set the NFS configuration:

    nfsadmin client localhost config fileaccess=755 SecFlavors=+sys -krb5 -krb5iless

  17. Run the following commands to mount the share:
    • For IBM Docs: mount -o mtype=soft retry=10 timeout=6 casesensitive=yes anon W:
    • For File Viewer: mount -o mtype=soft retry=10 timeout=6 casesensitive=yes anon Y:
    Note: If you do not mount successfully, run umount –f W: or umount –f Y: and then repeat again.
  18. In order to mount the share automatically with windows restart:
    1. Create a batch file, for example, c:\IBMConversionNFS\nfsmount.bat, and type:
      mount -o mtype=soft retry=10 timeout=6 casesensitive=yes anon W: mount -o mtype=soft retry=10 timeout=6 casesensitive=yes anon Y:
    2. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler.
    3. Click Create Task in Task Scheduler (Local).
    4. Click General, and type nfs_auto_mount for Name. In Security options, click Change User or Group > Advanced > Find Now, and select SYSTEM. Select Run with highest privileges, and click OK.
    5. Click Triggers > New, select At startup for Begin the task. Click OK.
    6. Click Actions > New > Browse, select c:\IBMConversionNFS\nfsmount.bat and click OK.
    7. Click OK.
    • If the node and server are configured to start automatically along with the Windows Operating System, they will be system services running with a user name of SYSTEM. Looking at the services with the Task Manager, the user name for java.exe will show SYSTEM. In this case, the mount must also be done with a user of SYSTEM (as previously shown) or the NFS shares will not be able to be accessed from the node or server.
    • If the mount action is done using a user name of SYSTEM, the NFS shares will be able to be accessed regardless of what user name the node or server is running as.


更多NFS troubleshooting 參考:ui
