SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'UpdateTranslationsForTable')) drop proc [UpdateTranslationsForTable] go CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateTranslationsForTable] ( @tableName NVARCHAR(128) ) AS BEGIN -- --- SET NOCOUNT ON -- --- -- --- DECLARE @translationTableName NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(4000) -- --- SET @tableName = REPLACE(@tableName, '''', '''''') -- injection protection IF @tableName = '_dynamicText' BEGIN SET @translationTableName = @tableName END ELSE BEGIN SET @translationTableName = @tableName + 'Translation' END -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --- Build strings of columns that we will insert into / select from -- --- Certain columns are NOT to be translated and those are listed here. -- --- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @colTbl TABLE (rowId INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1), columnName NVARCHAR(128), maxLen INT NULL, appendQ TINYINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (rowId)) -- --- INSERT INTO @colTbl (columnName, maxLen, appendQ) SELECT column_name, character_maximum_length, CASE WHEN data_type = 'nvarchar' AND (character_maximum_length >= 100 OR character_maximum_length = -1) AND column_name NOT IN ('OwnerUserId', 'UserName', 'UserId', 'OwnerUserId', 'AssessingUserName', 'CompletedById', 'TargetAttractionRationale', 'ResourceFileName', 'ResourceURL') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END -- this case value indicates to only append ?xx- to certain columns, not these ones listed FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = @translationTableName AND column_name NOT IN ('Language', 'Id', 'tVersion','IsSynchronized') ORDER BY ordinal_position -- --- DECLARE @update NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @colName NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @conditions NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @appendQ TINYINT DECLARE @colLen NVARCHAR(20) -- for nvarchar columns, this is the column size number converted to nvarchar DECLARE @minRow INT DECLARE @maxRow INT SELECT @minRow = MIN(rowId), @maxRow = MAX(rowId) FROM @colTbl WHILE (@minRow <= @maxRow) BEGIN SELECT @colName = columnName, @appendQ = appendQ, @colLen = CAST(CASE WHEN maxLen = -1 THEN 4000 ELSE maxLen END AS VARCHAR) FROM @colTbl WHERE rowId = @minRow SET @update = ISNULL(@update + ', ', '') + '[' + @colName + ']='+ CASE WHEN @appendQ = 1 THEN 'SUBSTRING([' + @colName + '], 5, ' + @colLen + ')' ELSE @colName END SET @conditions = ISNULL(@conditions + 'and ', '') + '[' + @colName + '] like ''?en-%'' ' SET @minRow = @minRow + 1 END -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --- update certain languages in the translation table ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SET @sql = N'UPDATE ' + @translationTableName + ' SET '+@update+' where language like ''en-%'' and '+@conditions EXEC sp_executesql @statement = @sql END
019_Cur_UpdateTranslations.sql :app
-- =================================================================================== -- === Script to update translations for specified languages to be the same as xx-XX in all translations tables -- =================================================================================== DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(4000),@tableName NVARCHAR(128) -- === PRINT '--============ Starting Update for All Translations ============--' -- =================================================================================== -- === create a cursor for each sql table that holds translated data -- =================================================================================== DECLARE tableCursor CURSOR FOR -- Select all tables that follow the 'standard' translations system SELECT T.name FROM sys.tables T WHERE EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM sys.tables TT WHERE TT.name = T.name + 'Translation') AND T.name NOT IN ('Permission') -- Add any tables that follow the 'standard' translations system UNION SELECT '_dynamicText' OPEN tableCursor FETCH tableCursor INTO @tableName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT '' PRINT '------ Updating Translations For ' + @tableName + ' ------' EXEC UpdateTranslationsForTable @tableName PRINT '------ Update Translations For ' + @tableName + ' Done ------' FETCH tableCursor INTO @tableName END CLOSE tableCursor DEALLOCATE tableCursor PRINT '--============ Finished Updating All Translations ============--'
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'UpdateTranslationsForTable')) drop proc [UpdateTranslationsForTable] go CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateTranslationsForTable] ( @tableName NVARCHAR(128) ) AS BEGIN -- --- SET NOCOUNT ON -- --- -- --- DECLARE @translationTableName NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(4000) -- --- SET @tableName = REPLACE(@tableName, '''', '''''') -- injection protection IF @tableName = '_dynamicText' BEGIN SET @translationTableName = @tableName END ELSE BEGIN SET @translationTableName = @tableName + 'Translation' END -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --- Build strings of columns that we will insert into / select from -- --- Certain columns are NOT to be translated and those are listed here. -- --- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @colTbl TABLE (rowId INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1), columnName NVARCHAR(128), maxLen INT NULL, appendQ TINYINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (rowId)) -- --- INSERT INTO @colTbl (columnName, maxLen, appendQ) SELECT column_name, character_maximum_length, CASE WHEN data_type = 'nvarchar' AND (character_maximum_length >= 100 OR character_maximum_length = -1) AND column_name NOT IN ('OwnerUserId', 'UserName', 'UserId', 'OwnerUserId', 'AssessingUserName', 'CompletedById', 'TargetAttractionRationale', 'ResourceFileName', 'ResourceURL') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END -- this case value indicates to only append ?xx- to certain columns, not these ones listed FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = @translationTableName AND column_name NOT IN ('Language', 'Id', 'tVersion','IsSynchronized') ORDER BY ordinal_position -- --- DECLARE @update NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @colName NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @conditions NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @appendQ TINYINT DECLARE @colLen NVARCHAR(20) -- for nvarchar columns, this is the column size number converted to nvarchar DECLARE @minRow INT DECLARE @maxRow INT SELECT @minRow = MIN(rowId), @maxRow = MAX(rowId) FROM @colTbl WHILE (@minRow <= @maxRow) BEGIN SELECT @colName = columnName, @appendQ = appendQ, @colLen = CAST(CASE WHEN maxLen = -1 THEN 4000 ELSE maxLen END AS VARCHAR) FROM @colTbl WHERE rowId = @minRow SET @update = ISNULL(@update + ', ', '') + '[' + @colName + ']='+ CASE WHEN @appendQ = 1 THEN 'SUBSTRING([' + @colName + '], 5, ' + @colLen + ')' ELSE @colName END SET @conditions = ISNULL(@conditions + 'and ', '') + '[' + @colName + '] like ''?en-%'' ' SET @minRow = @minRow + 1 END -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --- update certain languages in the translation table ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SET @sql = N'UPDATE ' + @translationTableName + ' SET '+@update+' where language like ''en-%'' and '+@conditions EXEC sp_executesql @statement = @sql END