


zap是Go中一個快速,結構化,分級日誌庫,Uber出品。可以激活強大的ad-hoc分析, 靈活的儀表板, 其功能超過其餘工具ELK, Splunk, 和 Sentry. 全部日誌消息都是JSON-serialized。也是目前筆者使用的日誌庫之一。golang






Project Name Stars Forks Description
logrus 5471 775 Structured, pluggable logging for Go.
zap 2761 175 Blazing fast, structured, leveled logging in Go.
oklog 1914 61 A distributed and coördination-free log management system
glog 1496 307 Leveled execution logs for Go
Seelog 960 173 Seelog is a native Go logging library that provides flexible asynchronous dispatching, filtering, and formatting.
log15 625 79 Structured, composable logging for Go
zerolog 444 18 Zero Allocation JSON Logger
apex/log 433 38 Structured logging package for Go.
log 215 14 Simple, configurable and scalable Structured Logging for Go.
blog4go 189 31 BLog4go is an efficient logging library written in the Go programming language, providing logging hook, log rotate, filtering and formatting log message.
logutils 176 18 Utilities for slightly better logging in Go (Golang).
log4go 161 109 Logging package similar to log4j for the Go programming language
fileLogger 80 27 fileLogger是一個基於Go開發的可自動分割文件進行備份的異步日誌庫
gogap/logrus 75 775 Obsolete, Please refer to gogap/logrus_mate
ozzo-log 74 17 A Go (golang) package providing high-performance asynchronous logging, message filtering by severity and category, and multiple message targets.
azer/logger 74 9 Minimalistic logging library for Go.
alexcesaro/log 42 4 Logging packages for Go
happierall/l 33 3 Golang Pretty Logger.Custom go logger for pretty print, log, debug, warn, error with colours and levels.
mkideal/log 33 2 pluginable, fast,structrued and leveled logging package
slf 33 1 Structured Logging Facade (SLF) for Go
logex 29 6 An golang log lib, supports tracking and level, wrap by standard log lib
gologger 26 5 Simple Logger for golang. Logs Into console, file or ElasticSearch. Simple, easy to use.
go-log 24 9 A logger, for Go
slog 22 1 The reference SLF (structured logging facade) implementation for Go
cxr29/log 18 14 log - Go level and rotate log
ulog 15 2 ulog - Structured and context based logging for golang
siddontang/go-log 14 5 a golang log lib supports level and multi handlers
ccpaging/log4go 13 109 Logging package similar to log4j for the Go programming language
mlog 11 9 A simple logging module for go, with a rotating file feature and console logging.
alog 6 2 Golang async log package
golog 5 1 golog is a multilayer & leveled & structured logger for golang.
szxp/log 5 0 A small structured logging library for Golang
go-async-log 4 2 Golang異步日誌庫,支持異步批量寫入,按天或者小時自動切割,錯誤等級,多文件等
log 1 1 一個基於Golang的日誌模塊

