util.py 兩個工具性的函數,第一個只是在文件的末尾加了一個空行,爲了能讓block函數找到最後一個塊的結束標誌。瀏覽器
def lines(file): ''' Add one blank line at the end of file as a mark of the last block. ''' for line in file: yield line yield '\n' def blocks(file): ''' Divide a file into blocks. ''' block = [] for line in lines(file): if line.strip(): block.append(line) elif block: yield ''.join(block).strip() block = []
class Handler: ''' An object that handles method calls from the Parser. The Parser will call the start() and end() methods at the beginning of each block, with the proper block name as a parameter. The sub() method will be used in regular expression substitution. When called with a name such as 'emphasis', it will return a proper substitution function. ''' def callback(self, prefix, name, *args): method = getattr(self, prefix+name, None) if callable(method): return method(*args) def start(self, name): self.callback('start_', name) def end(self, name): self.callback('end_', name) def sub(self, name): def substitution(match): result = self.callback('sub_', name, match) if result is None: match.group(0) return result return substitution class HTMLRenderer(Handler): ''' A specific handler used for rendering HTML. The methods in HTMLRenderer are accessed from the superclass Handler's start(), end(), and sub() methods. They implement basic markup as used in HTML documents. ''' def start_document(self): print '<html><head><title>...</title></head><body>' def end_document(self): print '</body></html>' def start_paragraph(self): print '<p>' def end_paragragh(self): print '</p>' def start_heading(self): print '<h2>' def end_heading(self): print '</h2>' def start_list(self): print '<ul>' def end_list(self): print '</ul>' def start_listitem(self): print '<li>' def end_listitem(self): print '</li>' def start_tile(self): print '<h1>' def end_tile(self): print '</h1>' def sub_emphasis(self, match): return '<em>%s</em>' % match.group(1) def sub_url(self, match): return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (match.group(1), match.group(1)) def sub_mail(self, match): return '<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>' % (match.group(1), match.group(1)) def feed(self, data): print data
rules.py 用來識別文本塊中的標題,段落,列表等格式。函數
class Rule: ''' Base class for all rules. ''' def action(self, block, handler): handler.start(self.type) handler.feed(block) handler.end(self.type) return True class HeadingRule(Rule): ''' A heading is a single line that is at most 70 characters and that doesn't end with a colon. ''' type = 'heading' def condition(self, block): return not '\n' in block and len(block) <= 70 and not block[-1] == ':' class TitleRule(HeadingRule): ''' The title is the first block in the document, provided that it is a heading. ''' type = 'title' first = True def condition(self, block): if not self.first: return False self.first = False return HeadingRule.condition(self, block) class ListItemRule(Rule): ''' A list item is a paragraph that begins with a hyphen. As part of the formatting, the hyphen is removed. ''' type = 'listitem' def condition(self, block): return block[0] == '-' def action(self, block, handler): handler.start(self.type) handler.feed(block[1:].strip()) handler.end(self.type) return True class ListRule(ListItemRule): ''' A list begins between a block that is not a list item and a subsequent list item. It ends after the last consecutive list item. ''' type = 'list' inside = False def condition(self, block): return True def action(self, block, handler): if not self.inside and ListItemRule.condition(self, block): handler.start(self.type) self.inside = True elif self.inside and not ListItemRule.condition(self, block): handler.end(self.type) self.inside = False return False class ParagraphRule(Rule): ''' A paragraph is simply a block that isn't covered by any of the other rules. ''' type = 'paragraph' def condition(self, block): return True
import sys, re from handlers import * from util import * from rules import * class Parser: ''' A Parser reads a text file, applying rules and controlling a handler. ''' def __init__(self, handler): self.handler = handler self.rules = [] self.filters = [] def addRule(self, rule): self.rules.append(rule) def addFilter(self, pattern, name): def filter(block, handler): return re.sub(pattern, handler.sub(name), block) self.filters.append(filter) def parse(self, file): self.handler.start('document') for block in blocks(file): for filter in self.filters: block = filter(block, self.handler) for rule in self.rules: if rule.condition(block): last = rule.action(block, self.handler) if last: break self.handler.end('document') class BasicTextParser(Parser): ''' A specific Parser that adds rules and filters in its constructor. ''' def __init__(self, handler): Parser.__init__(self, handler) self.addRule(ListRule()) self.addRule(ListItemRule()) self.addRule(TitleRule()) self.addRule(HeadingRule()) self.addRule(ParagraphRule()) self.addFilter(r'\*(.+?)\*', 'emphasis') self.addFilter(r'(http://[\.a-zA-Z/]+)', 'url') self.addFilter(r'([\.a-zA-Z]+@[\.a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z]+)', 'mail') if __name__ == '__main__': handler = HTMLRenderer() parser = BasicTextParser(handler) parser.parse(sys.stdin)