1.1 任務和返回棧 - 實際數據模型 html
其建立與刪除經過stack控制: ActivityStack#createTaskRecord(),ActivityStack#removeTask()
當前activity棧能夠經過adb shell dumpsys activity activities 命令打印出來,這個命令最終會調用到方法:
AMS#dumpActivitiesLocked() -> ActivityStackSupervisor#dumpActivitiesLocked()android
用於在AMS中保存最近使用的task記錄,能夠經過adb shell dumpsys activity recents命令打印其列表。ecentTasks
1 ActivityStack#resumeTopActivityInnerLocked() { 2 ...... 3 if (DEBUG_STATES) Slog.v(TAG_STATES, "Moving to RESUMED: " + next + " (in existing)"); 4 next.state = ActivityState.RESUMED; 5 mResumedActivity = next; 6 next.task.touchActiveTime(); 7 mRecentTasks.addLocked(next.task); 8 mService.updateLruProcessLocked(next.app, true, null); 9 updateLRUListLocked(next); 10 mService.updateOomAdjLocked(); 11 ...... 12 }
1 private void cleanUpRemovedTaskLocked(TaskRecord tr, boolean killProcess, 2 boolean removeFromRecents) { 3 if (removeFromRecents) { 4 mRecentTasks.remove(tr); 5 tr.removedFromRecents(); 6 // zeusis : clear the paired TaskRecord and resize fullscreenStack to normal 7 ...... 8 } 9 ..... 10 }
at com.android.systemui.recents.model.RecentsTaskLoadPlan.preloadRawTasks(RecentsTaskLoadPlan.java:125)
at com.android.systemui.recents.model.RecentsTaskLoadPlan.preloadPlan(RecentsTaskLoadPlan.java:153)
at com.android.systemui.recents.model.RecentsTaskLoader.preloadTasks(RecentsTaskLoader.java:384)
at com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsImpl.startRecentsActivity(RecentsImpl.java:924)
at com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsImpl.showRecents(RecentsImpl.java:316)
at com.android.systemui.recents.Recents.showRecents(Recents.java:308)
經過如下兩層方法從AMS得到rawTasks列表SystemServiceProxy#getRecentTasks() -> AMS#getRecentTasks()。
1 @Override 2 public ParceledListSlice<ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo> getRecentTasks(int maxNum, int flags, 3 int userId) { 4 final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid(); 5 userId = mUserController.handleIncomingUser(Binder.getCallingPid(), callingUid, userId, 6 false, ALLOW_FULL_ONLY, "getRecentTasks", null); 7 8 final boolean includeProfiles = (flags & ActivityManager.RECENT_INCLUDE_PROFILES) != 0; 9 final boolean withExcluded = (flags&ActivityManager.RECENT_WITH_EXCLUDED) != 0; 10 synchronized (this) { 11 final boolean allowed = isGetTasksAllowed("getRecentTasks", Binder.getCallingPid(), 12 callingUid); 13 final boolean detailed = checkCallingPermission( 14 android.Manifest.permission.GET_DETAILED_TASKS) 15 == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; 16 17 if (!isUserRunning(userId, ActivityManager.FLAG_AND_UNLOCKED)) { 18 Slog.i(TAG, "user " + userId + " is still locked. Cannot load recents"); 19 return ParceledListSlice.emptyList(); 20 } 21 mRecentTasks.loadUserRecentsLocked(userId); 22 23 final int recentsCount = mRecentTasks.size(); 24 ArrayList<ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo> res = 25 new ArrayList<>(maxNum < recentsCount ? maxNum : recentsCount); 26 27 final Set<Integer> includedUsers; 28 if (includeProfiles) { 29 includedUsers = mUserController.getProfileIds(userId); 30 } else { 31 includedUsers = new HashSet<>(); 32 } 33 includedUsers.add(Integer.valueOf(userId)); 34 35 for (int i = 0; i < recentsCount && maxNum > 0; i++) { 36 TaskRecord tr = mRecentTasks.get(i); 37 // Only add calling user or related users recent tasks 38 if (!includedUsers.contains(Integer.valueOf(tr.userId))) { 39 if (DEBUG_RECENTS) Slog.d(TAG_RECENTS, "Skipping, not user: " + tr); 40 continue;//不屬於該用戶組的跳過 41 } 42 43 if (tr.realActivitySuspended) { 44 if (DEBUG_RECENTS) Slog.d(TAG_RECENTS, "Skipping, activity suspended: " + tr); 45 continue; 46 } 47 48 // Return the entry if desired by the caller. We always return 49 // the first entry, because callers always expect this to be the 50 // foreground app. We may filter others if the caller has 51 // not supplied RECENT_WITH_EXCLUDED and there is some reason 52 // we should exclude the entry. 53 54 if (i == 0 55 || withExcluded 56 || (tr.intent == null) 57 || ((tr.intent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS) 58 == 0)) { 59 if (!allowed) { 60 // If the caller doesn't have the GET_TASKS permission, then only 61 // allow them to see a small subset of tasks -- their own and home. 62 if (!tr.isHomeTask() && tr.effectiveUid != callingUid) { 63 if (DEBUG_RECENTS) Slog.d(TAG_RECENTS, "Skipping, not allowed: " + tr); 64 continue;//沒有GET_TASKS權限的不能獲取其它應用的列表 65 } 66 } 67 68 if ((flags & ActivityManager.RECENT_IGNORE_HOME_STACK_TASKS) != 0) { 69 if (tr.stack != null && tr.stack.isHomeStack()) { 70 if (DEBUG_RECENTS) Slog.d(TAG_RECENTS, 71 "Skipping, home stack task: " + tr); 72 continue; 73 } 74 } 75 if ((flags & ActivityManager.RECENT_INGORE_DOCKED_STACK_TOP_TASK) != 0) { 76 final ActivityStack stack = tr.stack; 77 if (stack != null && stack.isDockedStack() && stack.topTask() == tr) { 78 if (DEBUG_RECENTS) Slog.d(TAG_RECENTS, 79 "Skipping, top task in docked stack: " + tr); 80 continue;//原生邏輯,在A/r狀態下,下屏miniRecents中不會有上屏應用的快照 81 } 82 } 83 if ((flags & ActivityManager.RECENT_INGORE_PINNED_STACK_TASKS) != 0) { 84 if (tr.stack != null && tr.stack.isPinnedStack()) { 85 if (DEBUG_RECENTS) Slog.d(TAG_RECENTS, 86 "Skipping, pinned stack task: " + tr); 87 continue; 88 } 89 } 90 if (tr.autoRemoveRecents && tr.getTopActivity() == null) { 91 // Don't include auto remove tasks that are finished or finishing. 92 if (DEBUG_RECENTS) Slog.d(TAG_RECENTS, 93 "Skipping, auto-remove without activity: " + tr); 94 continue;//autoRemoveRecents的應用在銷燬後會從mRecentsTasks列表中刪除,這種狀況只是還沒來得及刪除,但也要過濾掉 95 } 96 if ((flags&ActivityManager.RECENT_IGNORE_UNAVAILABLE) != 0 97 && !tr.isAvailable) { 98 if (DEBUG_RECENTS) Slog.d(TAG_RECENTS, 99 "Skipping, unavail real act: " + tr); 100 continue; 101 } 102 103 if (!tr.mUserSetupComplete) { 104 // Don't include task launched while user is not done setting-up. 105 if (DEBUG_RECENTS) Slog.d(TAG_RECENTS, 106 "Skipping, user setup not complete: " + tr); 107 String record = tr.toString(); 108 if(record.contains(QQ_NAME) || record.contains(WEIBO_NAME) || record.contains(WECHAT_NAME)){ 109 if (DEBUG_RECENTS) Slog.d(TAG_RECENTS,"not skip for dualapp" + tr); 110 }else{ 111 continue; 112 } 113 } 114 115 ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo rti = createRecentTaskInfoFromTaskRecord(tr); 116 if (!detailed) { 117 rti.baseIntent.replaceExtras((Bundle)null); 118 } 119 120 res.add(rti); 121 maxNum--; 122 } 123 } 124 return new ParceledListSlice<>(res); 125 } 126 }
1 public List<ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo> getRecentTasks(int numLatestTasks, int userId, 2 boolean includeFrontMostExcludedTask, ArraySet<Integer> quietProfileIds) { 3 ...... 4 5 // Remove home/recents/excluded tasks 6 int minNumTasksToQuery = 10; 7 int numTasksToQuery = Math.max(minNumTasksToQuery, numLatestTasks); 8 int flags = ActivityManager.RECENT_IGNORE_HOME_STACK_TASKS | 9 //ActivityManager.RECENT_INGORE_DOCKED_STACK_TOP_TASK | 10 ActivityManager.RECENT_INGORE_PINNED_STACK_TASKS | 11 ActivityManager.RECENT_IGNORE_UNAVAILABLE | 12 ActivityManager.RECENT_INCLUDE_PROFILES; 13 if(mIsInMultiWindowMode == true) { 14 flags |= ActivityManager.RECENT_INGORE_DOCKED_STACK_TOP_TASK; 15 } 16 if (includeFrontMostExcludedTask) { 17 flags |= ActivityManager.RECENT_WITH_EXCLUDED; 18 } 19 List<ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo> tasks = null; 20 try { 21 tasks = mAm.getRecentTasksForUser(numTasksToQuery, flags, userId); 22 } catch (Exception e) { 23 Log.e(TAG, "Failed to get recent tasks", e); 24 } 25 26 // Break early if we can't get a valid set of tasks 27 if (tasks == null) { 28 return new ArrayList<>(); 29 } 30 31 boolean isFirstValidTask = true; 32 Iterator<ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo> iter = tasks.iterator(); 33 while (iter.hasNext()) { 34 ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo t = iter.next(); 35 36 // NOTE: The order of these checks happens in the expected order of the traversal of the 37 // tasks 38 39 // Remove the task if it or it's package are blacklsited 40 if (sRecentsBlacklist.contains(t.realActivity.getClassName()) || 41 sRecentsBlacklist.contains(t.realActivity.getPackageName())) { 42 iter.remove(); 43 continue; 44 } 45 ...... 46 } 47 48 return tasks.subList(0, Math.min(tasks.size(), numLatestTasks)); 49 }
1 boolean isStackTask = isFreeformTask || !isHistoricalTask(t) || 2 (t.lastActiveTime >= lastStackActiveTime && i >= (taskCount - MIN_NUM_TASKS)); 3 4 /** 5 * Returns whether this task is too old to be shown. 6 */ 7 private boolean isHistoricalTask(ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo t) { 8 return t.lastActiveTime < (System.currentTimeMillis() - SESSION_BEGIN_TIME /* 6h */); 9 }
at com.android.systemui.recents.model.TaskStack$2.acceptTask(TaskStack.java:608)
at com.android.systemui.recents.model.FilteredTaskList.updateFilteredTasks(TaskStack.java:204)
at com.android.systemui.recents.model.FilteredTaskList.set(TaskStack.java:159)
at com.android.systemui.recents.model.TaskStack.setTasks(TaskStack.java:851)
at com.android.systemui.recents.model.RecentsTaskLoadPlan.preloadPlan(RecentsTaskLoadPlan.java:228)
at com.android.systemui.recents.model.RecentsTaskLoader.preloadTasks(RecentsTaskLoader.java:384)
1 public TaskStack() { 2 // Ensure that we only show non-docked tasks 3 mStackTaskList.setFilter(new TaskFilter() { 4 @Override 5 public boolean acceptTask(SparseArray<Task> taskIdMap, Task t, int index) { 6 if (RecentsDebugFlags.Static.EnableAffiliatedTaskGroups) { 7 if (t.isAffiliatedTask()) { 8 // If this task is affiliated with another parent in the stack, then the 9 // historical state of this task depends on the state of the parent task 10 Task parentTask = taskIdMap.get(t.affiliationTaskId); 11 if (parentTask != null) { 12 t = parentTask; 13 } 14 } 15 } 16 return t.isStackTask; 17 } 18 }); 19 }
<activity android:name="XYZ" android:excludeFromRecents="true">
1 final static List<String> sRecentsBlacklist; 2 static { 3 sRecentsBlacklist = new ArrayList<>(); 4 sRecentsBlacklist.add("com.android.systemui.tv.pip.PipOnboardingActivity"); 5 sRecentsBlacklist.add("com.android.systemui.tv.pip.PipMenuActivity"); 6 }
1 @Override 2 public List<RunningTaskInfo> getTasks(int maxNum, int flags) { 3 final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid(); 4 ArrayList<RunningTaskInfo> list = new ArrayList<RunningTaskInfo>(); 5 synchronized(this) { 6 final boolean allowed = isGetTasksAllowed("getTasks", Binder.getCallingPid(), 7 callingUid); 8 9 // TODO: Improve with MRU list from all ActivityStacks. 10 mStackSupervisor.getTasksLocked(maxNum, list, callingUid, allowed); 11 } 12 return list; 13 }
1 final int startActivityFromRecentsInner(int taskId, Bundle bOptions) { 2 ...... 3 task = anyTaskForIdLocked(taskId, RESTORE_FROM_RECENTS, launchStackId); 4 if (task == null) { 5 continueUpdateBounds(HOME_STACK_ID); 6 mWindowManager.executeAppTransition(); 7 throw new IllegalArgumentException( 8 "startActivityFromRecentsInner: Task " + taskId + " not found."); 9 } 10 ...... 11 }
1 TaskRecord anyTaskForIdLocked(int id, boolean restoreFromRecents, int stackId) { 2 int numDisplays = mActivityDisplays.size(); 3 for (int displayNdx = 0; displayNdx < numDisplays; ++displayNdx) { 4 ArrayList<ActivityStack> stacks = mActivityDisplays.valueAt(displayNdx).mStacks; 5 for (int stackNdx = stacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { 6 ActivityStack stack = stacks.get(stackNdx); 7 TaskRecord task = stack.taskForIdLocked(id); 8 if (task != null) { 9 return task; 10 } 11 } 12 } 13 14 // Don't give up! Look in recents.//若是任務棧中沒有,嘗試在RecentTasks中搜索 15 if (DEBUG_RECENTS) Slog.v(TAG_RECENTS, "Looking for task id=" + id + " in recents"); 16 TaskRecord task = mRecentTasks.taskForIdLocked(id); 17 if (task == null) { 18 if (DEBUG_RECENTS) Slog.d(TAG_RECENTS, "\tDidn't find task id=" + id + " in recents"); 19 return null; 20 } 21 22 if (!restoreFromRecents) { 23 return task; 24 } 25 26 if (!restoreRecentTaskLocked(task, stackId)) { 27 if (DEBUG_RECENTS) Slog.w(TAG_RECENTS, 28 "Couldn't restore task id=" + id + " found in recents"); 29 return null; 30 } 31 if (DEBUG_RECENTS) Slog.w(TAG_RECENTS, "Restored task id=" + id + " from in recents"); 32 return task; 33 }